Part 37: 25.B: Among Friends - Part 1
: Among Friends Gameplay

: Volfred was very, very close to another level-up, and with this many Titan Stars and with so much Inspiration, well, it wont be too long before he gets another one. Hell, maybe even the next Rite.

: Volfreds available perks are the first-level perk Guardian Sapling (if Volfred is ever banished, Santalum will spawn on top of his Pyre) and the two second-level perks Guardian Shield (when Volfred uses Aura Shield, he protects everyone on his team, not just himself, including Santalum) and Steadfast Hope (Volfred gets a straight +5 buff to Hope).

: Were approaching the endgame to Pyre, and before now, I might have chosen Guardian Shield or Guardian Sapling. Denying my opponents their offense sounds like powerful perks to have, but now that were getting so deep into the game, and my opponents are moving so fast and have so many things going for them, both the Guardian perks quickly lose their lustre.

: Namely, in order to take advantage of Guardian Shield, I need to be in control of Volfred. If an opponent is about to fire their Aura at a teammate, honestly, itd be more prudent of me to take control of that teammate and jump them out of the way and maybe counterattack. And Guardian Sapling is basically useless at this point, given that my opponents have such long throwing arcs and such mad ups that they can just jump or throw straight over Santalums head.

: And besides all that, more Hope is always nice.

: It is already time, Reader. Come see for yourself. The coldness of the season now presents to us another chance.

: He heads out straightaway, and you follow, in turn. Indeed, among the remaining stars, you see one with which you are familiar now burns ever-brightly.

: According to this, neither Tamitha nor Udmildhe gained or lost any points in the previous round. I guess its possible that neither of them actually participated.

: Already are the Nightwings summoned back to Mount Alodiel.

: Picture the Rites as a wheel broken free from a blackwagon. It is turning uncontrollably, and soon shall reach a sudden stop.

We should have several chances left, for someone to go free. Either us, or else our adversaries. But, not both.

: What is at stake each time is further complicated now, I must admit
knowing we have so few opportunities remaining. Those whom we send back into the Commonwealth
should our
Plan somehow fail, they may look back upon their exile with fondness.

are you okay? Are you listening to yourself? Where did this thought come from?

: So, returning to the Commonwealth is not inherently a mercy, I dont think. Moreover
there are also those among us whom we count on to prevail in the Rites.

: Is this, like, some version of Stockholm Syndrome going on with Volfred? To try and assert that the Downside isnt so bad and that anyone would look back on it fondly? The connections you make
while youre down there is one thing, but I think every one of us would hesitate if we asked them if it was worth it.

: We cannot simply grow our numbers here, given the circumstances.

: And so
who stays, who goes
these choices affect us all.

No pressure, there, my boy.

: Did, like, the Celestial Orb bean you in the head a little too hard that last Rite?

: Now, I dont know about you, but I shall go and take my leave for now. Lets set forth again at daybreak.

: You, uh, might need the rest.

: We unlocked a few pages with that last Rite, and we have someone thats in the mood for a talk before we set off.

: Uh
I kinda hope its not Volfred, after all that.

: Oh, good.

: Sir Gilman is in a contemplative mood. He has been rather quiet, at least more than usual, ever since his confrontation with Sir Deluge. He notices you there and slides forth in a solemn manner.

: Gilmans been very self-reflective these past few updates. I think I believe him when he says that slapping his former superior around has enlightened him to, lets say, some new ways of thinking.

: We wyrm-knights
we all are born and raised to prove ourselves superior to all the other billions of our kind. To lead our lives, however short, with glory.

: From the moment we shove past our wyrmling brethren in their egg-sacs, to the very end, we are conditioned to excel. To prevail, at all costs!

: This relentless pursuit of glory, of fame, of self-worth
it leads most of this knights kind only to an early doom. Or, in the case of Sir Deluge, it leads to a life of falsehood. A life of low deceit
abusing ones fellow wyrm-knights, shirking ones responsibility, living in constant fear. This knight cannot abide his former commander, yet pities him.

: There must be more to honor than to lead a life engulfed in endless conflict.

: Then he looks at you intently.

: This knight shall ever seek that honor out, when all of this is ended, Master-Reader. Thus he vows to you, and he is ever-grateful that your guidance led him to this new awakening.

: For, what awaits him afterward is no mere quest. The honor that this knight has sought
it cannot fully be achieved through knighthood, can it? It requires something more.

: I trust you understand.

: He slithers off, his head held high, though not merely in pride. Something has changed in him.

: Presence for wyrms determines the length of their Auras tail, in case this buff confuses you.

: And
thats a surprisingly clear-minded, solemn conclusion that Sir Gilmans come to. Its one thing to pursue honour and all that, but hes realized that its a highly self-destructive attitude that his kind is forcing upon themselves. Hes also come to understand Sir Deluge a little better, and he recognizes that Deluge is a product of this intense atmosphere. That doesnt mean he forgives him, of course.

: Lets read a book. But, before we do!

: I was informed by someone in the thread that you can actually harvest the fruit off the Downside Clinger whenever its matured and sell it on the Slugmarket for a little bit of extra cash. I wasnt aware of this! And after purchasing that fire slug thing, were in
desperate need for some extra cash.

: Four

: Well, honestly, its a fruit I plucked off a bush. I doubt I could sell a single apple for four dollars in real life. Im pretty sure Id be stiffing Ron with this deal.

: On top of that, I actually forgot that we still have Rukeys Talisman, Jomuers Fang, that we can sell to Ron. Its worth a hefty 80 Sol, and we can use that to pick us back up until we can get our feet moving again when it comes to our finances.

Now lets read a book.

: Its time to move onto Mount Alodiel, for the
one, two
fourth time. Well be going up against Tamitha a woman that vowed to burn our home and kill all our loved ones when we first met and the Essence. Pamithas sister-by-blood.

: We know what Pamithas opinions are when it comes to her sister, and that makes things
complicated for us as the Nightwings. I doubt shes going to try and sabotage me or something, but
well see.

: As ever, I swing around every biome in the Downside as we fly towards Mount Alodiel, looking for other points of interest. Since were at the end of a cycle, there are no other triumvirates to run into at the moment.

: And, it just so happens, that there is indeed something worth talking about, on the Fall of Soliam, the very peak of the mountain.

: Once more we sail above the Fall of Soliam
the temple to the Eight Scribes awaits us at the summit. None have seen the temple, save for those worthy to conduct the Rites there
and myself, and my counterpart, Celeste. You may, then, wonder whence it came

: Let me guess: its made from the bones of Archbeast Sung-Gries? The Scribes deigned that nobody but the worthy may access it when the time is right, but in truth, they were just uppity elites in a land of degenerates that wanted a cool kids club to themselves or something?

: The cycle of the Rites has turned since the beginning of this age. Over its course, whilst waiting for the cycles turns, some exiles thus paid tribute to the Eight Scribes. I think the Scribes may not have wanted such extravagance, or the carved effigies to them, along the way. Yet, it is for triumvirates to decide how best to honor the Rites.

: On the one hand, that sounds counter to how Ive seen the Rites be conducted over the course of the story, but on the other, it may actually be the loophole that Oralech needs to wedge himself into the Rites and not immediately disqualify himself.

: They chose to honor them as you see there. How you remember this, of course
whether you even wish to do so
that is yours to decide. The Scribes would not want otherwise.

: Alright, well, moving on to our landing options

: Tizo is easy, he was with us when we played against Oralech. Which feels like a whole other lifetime ago. Pamitha, though, Im going to have to reach back for. She played with us against

: She was with us against the Fate in our most recent Liberation Rite; she helped us liberate Rukey. That was a bit harder for me to remember than you might think. Tizo was easy to remember because he had a unique interaction with Oralech, whereas Pamitha, uh, was present for the Rite.

: Pamitha wins this time. Given that nothing bad has ever happened to us while were on Mount Alodiel, its safe to say that her perfect record will remain unbroken here.

: Reader
as you know, I now wear the raiments once again
. This means that I, myself, may soon be worthy to regain my freedom in the eyes of the Eight Scribes.

Know, however, that it is not my wish to go just yet. It is true I could be of some benefit to our Plan back in the Commonwealth. But, I feel my place is here, for the time being.

: Perhaps once the Nightwings are on surer footing in their path, my time shall come.

: Those are my feelings on the matter, and I wanted you to know. I shall, of course, defer to you. Our path is not to contradict the Readers will.

: So, even if Volfred were ready to leave the Downside, he wants to stay here, at least for now. Well, considering that only the three most-enlightened teammates can be eligible (and Inspiration doesnt count), its pretty safe to say that hes staying right here.

: Also, Volfred is finally ready to get his own unique Talisman from Sandra. Its been quite a while since we last saw her! She probably still isnt in much of a talkative mood, but if she wants a tussle with Volfred, I can oblige.

: Why, hello, my lovely Reader. What might I do for you?

: Oh.

: Uh
how are you? Its been a while. Not that that means anything to you, Im sure.

Please, Reader, leave me be
. I asked that you leave me be. Go, watch the stars die out, and get your idiots their freedom.

: And you be sure to tell that herald with whom you consort that Sandra the Unseeing did her job. You tell him that.

Perhaps that way he shall put in a good word. And the Scribes shall finally provide for me a bit of reprieve.

: She falls silent for a time.

I do not know what else to do, Reader.

That was kind of you.

: Hey, anytime. Being a telepath, I have a pretty good sense of when somebody needs a hug.

: However
let us conduct our business. I care not for your pity. Do not come visit me again, like this, without my asking. I insist.

: Hey, I got that message the last time we talked. It was you that wanted a discussion; I was okay with just coming in to start a party with Volfred.

: And it looks like thats exactly what were going to get. Sandra, Volfred will be our final challenge. You think you and your group of ghosts can take down a tree?

: I shall gladly oblige, my Reader. Who is to be the lucky one this time?

: You ask Sandra to administer one of her special trials for Volfred.

: That fancy-talking sap, you mean. I shall be interested to see if he has learned something since last we sparred like this. Then, let us bring him forth.

: It makes sense that Sandra and Volfred know each other and all, but was Sandra beholden to Volfred, since he was the previous Reader for the Nightwings?

: Wait
was he the previous Reader? He can read, but the Nightwings needed a Reader before him. I wonder who that was.

: Soon, Volfred appears, in heed of the summons.

: So it is my turn, then, is it? Then, let us see what we can do, my boy.

: The apparition Sandra appears, and unfastens her mask.

: Listen well, Sap. You answer to me here.

: As you will, O, Sandra the Unseeing.

: Proper as ever, then. Though, I wonder if you have the wherewithal that you project.

: Show me, then, what you can do without the benefit of those whom you would lead. And, let us see if you and your lovely Reader have reached a thorough understanding as of yet.
: Proper Gameplay

: I had not seen that Sandra in some time. She has not changed a bit. But it would seem she left something for us, did she?

: Hmm
this is certainly a pretty powerful Talisman for Volfred. With this, he moves 150% further with every Blink, making him much more mobile; hell be able to dive from his Pyre to the center of the field in just a single jump.

: This is somewhat similar to Jodariels ability that halves her stamina cost with every lunge that she made: his Blink wouldnt cost nearly as much stamina and sends him farther, but it still has a momentarily cooldown where Volfred cant do anything as he re-emerges, and his Aura disappears when he Blinks and doesnt come back until the cooldown is over.

: Still, with Lus Bough, Volfred will have much more mobility for the field, which is impressive for a tree,
and it can be upgraded with Stardust. Well see how it goes.

: Of all the Scribes, Triesta is probably the one you want to appeal to when looking for strength.

: Having completed the post-flight inspection, you and Pamitha visit the monument of Triesta Tithis here in Emperors Ascent.

: <Now here you are, praying to the dead to bring the stars back, is that it? Maybe youll get out of here, this time. Things might be even worse back home.>

: Soon, she is finished paying her respects. You return to the wagon in silence, feeling as though Triesta Tithis has shown you favor. You soon shall ascend the mountain though there is time now to pursue your Vocations.

: Well, thats nice.

: I have a feeling that talking with our triumvirate is going to be a habit this update.

: Pamitha is staring out the window as you approach.

I miss flying, Reader darling. Take it from me
it feels as good as youd expect.

: Its not enough for those Commonwealth brutes to cast us down here, if they can get their fingers on us
they make sure we never fly again as once we did.

: All while calling it an act of mercy.

: Let me ask you something, hm? Youve learned a thing or two. What have your studies taught you of my kind?

: This is a pretty interesting question.

: We know that the Highwing Remnants and the Commonwealth have been at odds for centuries, and its been enough to nurture some pretty intense feelings for each other. Tamitha wanted us dead the moment she saw us she had no idea who we were, or what we had done to be in the Downside. She immediately identified us as Commonwealth and she wanted us killed.

: At the same time, if you havent noticed, Harps dont have arms. Their arms are their wings. So, Id imagine clipping their wings would be akin to, I dont know, cutting off a humans hands,
on top of casting them to the Downside. The Commonwealth arent exactly protagonists here either, which weve known since the beginning.

: So, the first two options are both out because theyre playing favourites. Im not going to say that Harps are assholes, especially to Pamithas face, but Im also not going to say theyre saints.

: If I recall, though, one of the pages in the Book talked about the Highwing Remnants a little bit. Something about having a common ancestor. And apparently thats an option, so, lets find some middle-ground, here.

: You understand that, long ago, there was only one tribe. They flew together, and conquered the known world. But, some of their descendants were born different. The wingless ones had little choice but tend the land, with their hands of flesh. Over time, the wingless were disavowed. Abandoned. It was said that they were born under dark stars.

: In time, they formed the Empire. And, they fought back.

: Not all the winged and the wingless were at odds, and famous Harps such as Saint Triesta Tithis proved kinship could be possible. Nonetheless, old hatreds are not easily assuaged

this is fairly accurate to our account of things.

: My kind certainly arent known for their good sense of humor, I can tell you that. My little tongue got me into no small amount of difficulty till I learned to keep it well under control.

: The mountains I come from
the views there certainly are something, but theres a bleakness to it, too
being surrounded only by those consumed by the desire to avenge.

: Were very proud like that. Everybody vying to be the strongest. To kill the most of you. That way, we might just get a shot with the
Prince! Continue the line! If he even exists.

: So, only female Harps exist, according to that tooltip. It must put the Harps in a terrible position.

: Hedwyn had a lover named Fikani, who in all likelihood was a Harp herself. So clearly, humans and Harps can get along enough to have romantic relationships. They must also be able to crossbreed, because the alternative is that Harps can reproduce asexually, but that makes no sense for at
least half a dozen reasons, not the least of which being there is a male Harp at all, and that everyone wants to do him.

: But, of course, it must be awfully difficult trying to find a man in the Commonwealth willing to breed with a Harp, given the
relationship that the two cultures have with each other (Fikani was an exception, and very lucky), which would force the Harps into a sort of Gerudo Desert situation where the women need to kidnap the men every now and again so they can continue their race.

: On top of
all that, the Harps have a collective mission of murdering as many Commonwealth denizens as possible (including their men), and when one of them crosses some magical threshold, a fabled prince of a fabled lineage will descend from somewhere and have the first pureblood Harps in X amount of years.

: Im
I dont think Ive ever made this criticism towards
Pyre, but this seems particularly poorly thought-out and poorly-written. It would have been fine if they said that there were still Harp men, even if they were fewer in number to the women, but this tooltip asserting that there arent
any throws a major wrench into the subplot that is the Harps and their struggles.

: I could be wrong, and Im overthinking it, of course. But, to me, it feels like they just threw this line in, in order to make the Harps more sympathetic, without really thinking about how it can rattle the plot, or a persons suspension of disbelief. Thats just me, of course.

: She shakes her head.

: Anyway, I was just thinking I rather enjoy the traveling weve done. The change of scenery does me some good. Perhaps Ill stick to wandering after all this.

: In fact, Ive a fancy for some wandering right now, if youll excuse me.

: She heads out of the wagon into the splendors of Mount Alodiel.

: Okay, so, the question here is: which of my three Vocations do I want to do this time?

: As badly as we need the money right now, Im actually not going to scavenge. Like I said, we still have Jomuers Fang, which will give us a nice, hefty boost for a rainy day. And as much as I could tutor someone, I dont really like doing that on Mount Alodiel because it fudges with who is eligible for liberation.

: That said, studying the Book will give us a nice boost, just in time for the most important game in a cycle.

: This afternoon, you feel especially drawn to the Book of Rites, and find a place to look upon its words. Through greater understanding comes the Readers Influence.

: Just one more time flipping through this thing, and well finally get to buffing our Glory.

: The Eight Scribes, who composed the Book
their influence and their experience spreads through the pages, into the willing Readers deepest consciousness. Inspiration comes to you in a flash; whether from the Book or from within, you cannot tell.

: We have one more stop before were even at the summit. Lets take a look and see where were headed next.

: We had just come from a Rite involving both of these characters, but Sir Gilman was voted in before Bertrude, putting this decision in his favour. Finally, after so many round trips, were finally taking the highroad this time!

: En route to the mountaintop, you pass by a monument to Lu Sclorian, and Sir gilman happens to take notice.

: <It seems that this knights test of honor is just beginning to begin! He is to understand the stars themselves are vanishing?! Impossible, he says! For how can there be such a thing as honor in this world, if the stars themselves are wont to leave this world behind

: Soon, he is finished paying his respects. As you prepare to continue your ascent, you sense that Lu Sclorian has shown him favor.

: Goddamn, Sir Gilman has a ton of Presence going into this next Rite.

: Theres no break at this stop were not wasting any time and were heading straight to the gate.

: You and your fellow exiles gather at the foot of Scribesgate, before an archway carved of stone, where stands The Gate Guardian.

: I see the exiles of the Nightwings have returned. Even as the cycle of the Rites begins drawing to a close.

: The Nightwings accept this as the will of the Scribes.

: The Gate Guardian laughs at this, softly, for some reason.

: And you, Tariq? Do you accept their will, as well?

: But The Lone Minstrel does not answer her.

: It is no matter. Now, Nightwings! Each of you, come forth and state what is it that you seek whilst crossing Scribesgate.

: One by one, the Nightwings declare themselves. You all pass through as before.

: You. I see you wear the raiments once again
. Explain.

The cycle of the Rites is ending. While I do not know exactly why, I
have my fears. One of my contemporaries
he, who fell from the summit long ago
he lives, and seeks his liberty again.

: He stands against us now, and believes his triumvirate to be the True Nightwings.

: I remember well the contemporary whom you mean. Then, the Nightwings stand divided.

: Yes
. And so, I wear the raiments once again, in case that it may help to right this wrong.

: She considers Volfreds words for a moment.

: I see
then, move along.

: The guardian of Scribesgate regards you all, and then, she beckons you onward.

: The Eight Scribes bid the Nightwings welcome. Go forth with glory.


: What is it, Tariq?

: The will of the Scribes
long have we both followed it, I think you would agree. In equal measure has it drawn us close as separated us.

: Ooooh, is Tariq gonna go for it?

: But
if their aim now is to keep us apart, for another age or longer, then
. No. I do not accept their will.

Bold strategy. Lets see how it plays out.

: But, The Lone Minstrel simply puts his hat back on.

Then, may the Scribes, themselves, admonish me
. Until tomorrow night, Celeste.

: Having reached the peak of Mount Alodiel again, you see the vastness of the Downside all around you. It leaves you deep in thought regarding which of your companions ought go free this night, as Rukey did the last time.

: Oh boy, still quite a lot to do. This updates not over yet!