Part 48: 33.B: An Age Is Ending
: An Age Is Ending Gameplay

: We learn and strive together, we prevail or we fail together, on this path we share
. It has been, and shall continue to be, my greatest honor.

: Its time for our final level up in the game. Our available perks are Guardian Sapling (when Volfred is banished, Santalum will sprout automatically on top of our own Pyre) and Guardian Shield (whenever Volfred uses his Aura Shield, his shield covers his companions as well).

: Technically, I think Guardian Shield has more utility at this point (although I might be wrong, considering that Lendel and the Accusers never once threw the Orb themselves), but the problem with it is that I need to be in control of Volfred in order to use it. Volfred is a defensive character, meaning I wont be using him unless my own Pyre is under attack; it wouldnt be very practical of me to dive in deep with Mae or Bertrude, then swap to Volfred just for his shield.

: Besides, if Volfred is banished, Santalum will at least give me
some defense, which is better than none.

: Pardon the interruption, Reader, though I need to ask a moment of your time, while the night is clear enough for you to see.

: Its raining cats and dogs out there! Meteorology, not how it works, etc.

: Please, come have a look outside. Perhaps the news of your next destination may further stir the hearts of your companions.

: I was kind of worried that Sir Deluge would snipe the victory from Barker at the last second, and we wouldnt get to hear Never To Thrash Pack. Though it was unlikely, it was still quite possible and it wouldnt have been a huge loss, because Sir Deluges theme song is actually pretty great too. Just, not as great as Thrash Pack.

: The cycle turns even more quickly now. Until such time as it shall shudder to a halt.

: He makes a sound, then, almost like a laugh.

I forget myself, Reader. I should not say such things. The Scribes, they would say that one ought focus on the path in front of him. When we set forth to walk a long and labored path, it can be all too much, if we stand back and look upon it as a whole. We may well decide to turn around.

: But, if we begin to walk, whilst casting down our gaze, and whilst resisting well the urge to look too far ahead, we may make steady, careful progress.

Soon enough, we may arrive where we endeavored.

: The Lone Minstrel bids you a good evening. You had best reture for the night, for when first daylight comes, it shall be time again to take to the skies.

: Our next stop is back to Mount Alodiel. We had just come from there! But, before we head out, Id like to clear my head with a bit of the good words from the good Book.

: The Downberries are ready for harvesting again, and someone in the thread told me that the mushrooms on the log can actually be plucked and sold as well. Which makes sense, considering weve sold Ron nearly half a dozen of them already.

: There arent exactly a lot of opportunities left to liberate one of our own. Our journeys to Mount Alodiel are numbered.

: No sense dwelling on it, of course. One among us gets to go home after just one more game of Sportsball. Either them, or Barker. And, to be honest with you I cant really say I feel too intimidated by Barker, especially after the last time I played him. An all-cur team just doesnt have the staying power to be especially threatening.

: But, thats enough of my jinxing myself.

: Alls quiet.

: You know, uh, I just realized, but we never paid a second visit to the Sea of Solis either. So, thats a page we kind of missed out on. Oh well!

: Moving on, though, its all the same, every time we travel north for another Liberation Rite. Despite its name, the Deathless Tempest is quiet; Black Basin is empty; Sclorian Shore is unoccupied; and Mount Alodiel is

Whos in here?!

: Your wagon reels from the impact of some sort of massive object slamming into it, mid-flight.

: Oralech calls down to all of you from atop his wagon.

: Again, you seek to climb that cursed mountain beneath us. Again, you seek to take my rightful place.

: I should send you crashing down to it, that you might fall, as I have.

: He stares down at all of you.

But, I shall not. Rather, we shall meet upon the summit. Ere the last cycle of the Rites is ended.

: Until then.

: And then he just buzzes off. What kind of asshole just careens into other peoples wagons mid-flight like that? Someone could really get hurt!

: Well! If hes so excited to hurry up and get his ass beaten in another Liberation Rite, well just have to keep things expedient, wont we?

: Bertrude and Volfred both received the same amount of votes in the Rite against the Accusers, but Bertrude got there first, meaning were more biased in her favour. It was very close!

Oralech spoke the truth. He has a right to gain the summit. When the time comes
Celeste shall deem him worthy, and shall let him pass. While he has transgressed against the Rites, he has also already been anointed, and prevailed. Nothing is written in the Book on this, and liberty ought already be his.

: For the time, it seems that he has not yet traveled to the summit. Perhaps he is still making preparations with his fellow exiles.

: When, exactly, Oralech intends to make good on his promise, he did not make clear. For now, you are to confront Barker and the Dissidents upon the summit. But first, you may prepare.

: According to Bertrude, crones and wyrms are distant relatives of each other, so it makes some sense that she might want to seek favour with Underking Ores. Theres nothing for us in the wagon, so lets head to it.

: Later that afternoon, you accompany Bertrude through the sheer cliffs of Temple Cistern to the monument of Underking Ores.

: <We do not fear ye, ancient gods. We, who cannot even keep the stars illuminated in the dark. We do not fear what is to come. We do not fear for our companions. We do not fear our adversaries. We do not fear the Commonwealth, or fear for it. And, we do not fear for us

: Underking Ores would appreciate that sort of fronting, I think. Going right up to the gods and telling them that you dont give half a care is something hed appreciate, knowing him and how he writes his entries into the Book.

: You return to the wagon after she is finished paying her respects. The summit awaits, but first, there is time to continue practicing your Vocations.

: Well, this makes my decision a whole lot easier.

: Whats shakin

: Bertrude?

: You notice Bertrude studying the Beyonder Crystal. She sets it down as you approach.

The mouthy wraith rebuketh our attempt to summon her. She insisteth that we are too young to understand, nrrrgggghh!

: She must be referring to Sandra. It seems that Bertrude may be able to invoke her.

: Wow, be glad that you made it that far! Nowadays I cant get more than a hello.

: Stubborn, that one. Possessing of an ancient understanding. Olden ways, and olden times. Many centuries of history
knowledge of the Eight Scribes, themselves
held captive there, within that green-tinged stone. Within that wraiths own memories. Would that we could extract them, in some way

: Haha, look at her, trying to cozy up to us so we can get Sandra to squawk. This is an unusually
valley-girl approach Bertrude is taking to get what she wants.

: Although, nnnrrrgggghhhhh

: She stops and thinks, very carefully. The Beyonder Crystal is not to be tampered with. Your fellow exiles know that its use is at your sole discretion. She backs away from you, still thinking to herself.

: I like to think that she realized how she must have looked, and was immediately disgusted with herself.

Ignorest thee our inquires about this, Reading-One. Our reasoning has taken us elsewhere
. Her refusal to cooperate is like to be an ancient warning of some sort.

: Nrrrrgggghhh, tis possible that others of the Southern Bogs know something of her. But, we shall not be tampering further with such sorceries, ourselves.

: That the wraith refuseth to cooperate suggesteth her predicament is suitably deserved.

: she heads out in a huff. But, just as the air grows still and quiet, you sense something from the Beyonder Crystal.

: Sandra the Unseeing laughs to herself; your proximity to the Beyonder Crystal must have been sufficient to invoke her, in this case.

: That crone of yours is far too curious, I think. But it appears that even she has learned her lesson in this case. Thank the stars, I am beholden to no more than one among you Nightwings at a time. And, thank the stars, that happens to be you, rather than her.

: And if that Crone attempts to lay her fingers on my Beyonder Crystal again, I shall just have to torment her dreams till shes my age. Do feel free to mention that, if it comes up.

Now, farewell! You know where to find me, lovely Reader.

: She vanishes. It seems that Sandra proved resistant to Bertrudes tampering. If so much history is trapped within the Beyonder Crystal, there it shall remain for the foreseeable future.

: Thats the most interaction Ive gotten with Sandra in months. That was nice. And she even said she liked being with us (rather than with Bertrude).

: Anyway

: Were not much for Vocations anymore, so, this isnt really a thought anymore. Which is good! Less thinking, which is hard. Who has time to think anymore?

: Gleaming Frost would give me a Wisdom Trace, while Crystal Basin gives me money. If I couldnt tutor any of my guys, then a Wisdom Trace would be worth actually, theyre worth 80 Sol, so it doesnt matter which one I take.

: That said, I didnt think of that at the time of recording, and I think I would have just taken the money anyway, so.

: Some marital vows, or something? Whatevers written on this thing is worth quite a bit of money. Which isnt too wild, really; autographs and contracts can be worth quite a lot, so.

: Alright, we all know the drill. Lets head on up to Scribesgate and ask Celeste if were worthy, and then move on and say hello to Barker.

: Right, I forgot. I think it was because I was expecting it later, and because we havent been back to Mount Alodiel in such a short time.
: Music: Talon Sheath

: In fact, she was asked to join the military council given her unique background. Yet, she refused to cooperate, and instead demanded to be reunited with her sister, Tamitha.

: Oh, for chrissake.

: But when they threatened her with a re-sentencing to exile and insisted that she take the opportunity, Pamitha said at last that she would think it over and return with a decision soon.

: Next she was seen, however, was among Volfreds sons and daughters of the revolution, where it is said she has attached her loyalty, at least for the time.

: You thank the imp for bringing you this news, which soon gets your companions talking.

: (Tizo wishes for Pamitha to find her way and her sister in the Commonwealth.)

: I hold to hope that both the Theyn sisters one day soon shall join together as part of our good cause. The two of them can help lead us toward a brighter future.

: I wonder where her sister is right now? Im sure she cares for Pamitha, Im sure of it!!

: We suspect the ancient enmity between the winged and the flightless shall not be soon resolved, if ever at all.

: In spite of some mixed feelings, the news of Pamithas liberation fills you and your fellow exiles with resolve.

: Anything that makes me just a little bit stronger to deal with the Dissidents. Im confident that I can beat them, but
you know, every little bit helps regardless.

: The exiles of the Nightwings. And you, Tariq. This is to be one of our final meetings.

: Greetings, Celeste. The Nightwings are prepared. And afterwards, I would have words with you, in private, if you please.

: Tariq, buddy

: You know what? The world is ending. You go for it one more time.

: It seems to me rather late for words now, Tariq. But I shall hear them, once your charges cross the Gate. Now, all of you, come forth. Please state your names and what is it that you seek whilst crossing Scribesgate.

: Once more, your companions cross the Gate, one after another, and once more, you follow them, in turn. Celeste regard you all, then waves you through, toward the summit.

: The Eight Scribes bid the Nightwings welcome. Go forth with glory.

: And, Tariq?

Aye, Celeste?

: Certainly, Celeste.

: everyone
I shall see you shortly.

: Knock her dead, buddy

: Celeste and Tariq started singing a duet once we left Scribesgate, but Im afraid I couldnt find the name of the song anywhere, or where it might be on Youtube.

: Switching it up once more, Im going to visit Ron before checking out the Book. There are very, very few pages remaining, and I noticed that we tend to unlock a new page every time we spend a handful of cash at the slugmarket.

: Ron, there arent going to be a lot of opportunities left for me to say how ya doin. Hows business?

OK, I m-m-may have b-b-been exaggerating, j-j-just a l-l-little, s-s-since I have been w-w-w-waiting here, a l-l-little while, I g-g-g-guess, but are you b-b-b-buying anything?

: No new Talismans or even Stardust this time; he just restocked in serums. One new serum of each flavour.

: Well, first of all, I got a few things that apparently hes interested in.

: I have so much money and I have no idea what to spend it on. A common issue in todays economy, Im sure a lot of my readers would agree and sympathize.

: That said, I also used that one serum that I bought a lifetime ago on Bertrude last Rite, and I could use a resupply. So, you know what? Lets resupply the hell out of ourselves.

: Ill see you next time, whenever that is, Ron.

: And, before we begin the Liberation Rite, lets hit the Books.

: Its time to
kick no, uh
this Liberation Rite is about to go to the dogs!! Nailed it.

: Wait, that means that

: The time has come again to deliver one of your fellow exiles to a homecoming in the Commonwealth, lest your adversaries, the Dissidents, achieve the same instead.

: The Lone Minstrel has returned, and approaches as you await the signal from the stars.

: If youre here, then your time with Celeste must not have been a good one, huh?

: You have observed the stars. If you would not mind my asking you in such a direct manner
how many Liberation Rites are you supposing yet remain?

: I dont really have an in-universe answer to this question, but there are two ways to know that the answer is that there are two Liberation Rites remaining, including this one. The first is that this Liberation Rite isnt against Oralech (and we know that because Oralech himself told us); and the second is because, if we succeed in this Liberation Rite, well be down to just three companions. There
couldnt be one after the next because wed be down to two people, making us ineligible to play.

: Unless, of course,
I get put in. You never know!

: You tell him the only logical deduction which you have been able to make based on all of your readings of the stars of late; that there shall be one final Liberation Rite, after tonight.

I concur with your evaluation, Reader sir. I wished to make certain that you were aware, so that you and the Nightwings may yet make the most of your remaining time together, thus.

: As to what shall happen once the final Liberation Rite is ended
we soon shall both find out. But, lo, it seems that we are called upon once more. Look forth.

: Like I said earlier, Im not terribly scared of Barker and his all-cur team. And, on top of that, like with Udmildhe, it feels like a bit of a disservice to turn off any of the Titan Stars at this point for Liberation Rites. Barkers trying to get out, too, and all.

: The Pyres burn, and each of the triumvirates is present and prepared.

: I concur. The Pyres burn, and each of the triumvirates is present and prepared.

: Then, anointed one of the Dissidents! Come forth, now, and declare yourself, and pay any respects you have unto your adversaries, the Nightwings.
Music: Thrash Pack

: A real pleasure to be here, mates, truly! Barker Ashpaws, call me Barker, though, all right? By the by, it was a real pisser getting here, ya know.

Begging your pardon, Barker Ashpaws? You thusly speak, upon the summit of the sacred mountain?

: Oh, my, so terribly sorry to offend you, there, lassie! I forgot we got the stars above up there to make me watch me language!

: Though, lets get one thing straight, lassie.

: Me and my pack, were here just for the laughs, you got that?! The other side aint any better than this one. We aint interested in your freedom! But, just the same, were gonna get it! Take it from those wee little babes there so antsy for it!

: Hear that, you Nightwings?! You better put up a good fight, here, or I aint gonna be happy, understand?!

: I admire your confidence, Barker, after the absolute butt-blasting that was our last match. Maybe this time Ill let you score once or twice, to make things interesting.

: Then he shoves his mask back on.

Nightwings. Your choice. In whose name shall you conduct this Liberation Rite?

: I wish you the wisdom of the Scribes in making your choice, Reader.

And I wish you to come prepare our song with me, Tariq.

: Who is eligible for liberation is usually our top-three-most Enlightened companions, but all four of them are tied at maximum. Thus, all four of them are eligible. This is the first, and only, time that our choice is a little more flexible than usual.
Who do we choose?
Mae has a spiritual connection with the Scribes and the world around her that nobody, least of all herself, can properly describe. She meets all challenges and peoples with a warm smile, a hearty dance, and some laughter, and shes attuned to her companions so deeply that she shares in their misery as much as their happiness. Shes even taken to calling the blackwagon itself her little brother. Her crime is vagrancy she was simply seen as too different to be accepted in the social graces of the Commonwealth, and when she wouldnt adhere to their demands that she change herself, she was cast to the Downside, where they would no longer have to suffer her uniqueness.
Do we anoint
Tizo is a simple imp that was born and raised in the Downside. He has been with the Nightwings since Volfreds time, and is therefore more attuned to their practices and properties than anyone else in the triumvirate. Imps of Tizos intelligence and wit are very rare, and its been implied that Tizo is directly descended from Haub the Swallow, the first Scribe and author of the Book of Rites, himself. He has committed no crime: as a native born in the Downside, he has no home in the Commonwealth and his only aspiration for freedom is to one day see the world beyond the Downside.
Do we anoint
Volfred has been with the Nightwings since Tizos time, and acted as their own Reader back then, to guide them through the Rites and towards their glory on Mount Alodiel. Since then, with his familiarity with the Rites, he has proclaimed himself as leader, and has done his best to lead his triumvirate with the wisdom and experience thats come with his years as a competitor. Volfreds crime is publishing it wasnt merely that Volfred was capable of literacy himself, which is a damnable crime in the Commonwealth, but he also owned, and liberally operated, a Stamping-Press, which spread the infection that is literacy across the country. By day, he operated as an unassuming professor, but his alter-ego brought to light the crimes and injustices committed by the Commonwealths aristocracy by way of mass-produced articles and journals. When he was caught, his sentencing was quick.
Do we anoint
Bertrude is a well-known practitioner of black magics and dark arts, even before her banishment from the Commonwealth. She operated within its borders with little regard for her practices legitimacy in the eyes of its law, working with all manner of customers in need of all manner of potions, hexes, and curses. Her crime is conspiracy: one of her customers was Volfred Sandalwood, who had approached her for a set of inks that could not be destroyed for use in his published works. Though a modest request in light of her other work, it nonetheless enabled Volfreds push to spread literacy across the country, and when she was found, she was swiftly banished alongside him.
Do we anoint
One of these four candidates
must be the frontman for our triumvirate, although any of the rest of the Nightwings may also participate to help see their anointed companion gain their freedom.
Should we succeed against Barker and the Dissidents, our anointed frontman will be
permanently removed from the game.
Twenty-four hours. Choose wisely.