Part 52: ...Cannot Separate Our Spirits

: You are summoned to the Fall of Soliam for your seventh, and final, Liberation Rite. Thus shall the cycle of the Rites be ended for an age. You sense that, if the Rites ever shall commence again, it shall not be during your lifetime, or that of any of your companions, even the longest-lived ones.

: Sorry, Sandra

: The stars revealed to you one thing more: The adversary whom you face shall be Oralech. Already he has crossed Scribesgate, and awaits your arrival. If the Eight Scribes created the Nightwings in their own likeness, perhaps it is only fitting that the Nightwings should, in the end, be forced to face themselves.

: Oralech
curse this damnable cycle, that it must pit us against him in this, our final chance.

Let us reture for the night. We shall not have many chances more for rest before our journeys ended.

: The group disperses as exhaustion sets in. At dawn, you fly to Mount Alodiel to make a final effort to achieve your Plan, and get somebody home
but, who

: Oralech has been hounding us, intimidating us, insulting us, and bullying us, for nearly half the game, now. Hes sabotaged other triumvirates; hes forced himself into Mount Alodiel; and hes knocked the rest of the triumvirates out of the running for liberation. I get that hes mad, but the only people that deserve his fury are the aristocracy in the Commonwealth, and Erisa, for stealing his chance at liberation.

: The only person still in the Downside that Oralech was willing to listen to was Tizo, and that didnt work. Oralech isnt here to trade words, and as much as Id like to reason with him with my fists, thats not what this game is about to say nothing of the fact that hes a pretty big dude and a fistfight with him might not end well.

: So.
Lets play some goddamn Sportsball.
Foolish Reader.
Your so-called friends
you are accomplice to their hateful plot. They are exploiting you.
You shall never have your freedom.

: As you lift into the skies, The Lone Minstrel raises his voice, cutting through the somber mood.

: Reader
a certain olden ballad comes to mind just now. I think it may befit the circumstance. Perhaps it may help to pass the time along our flight. Would you mind it very much if I were to play this song for the Nightwings

: They say that theres a song for everything. Im not sure what emotion I should be feeling right now: should I be sad that three of us (including myself) will stay down here, provided we even succeed? Should I be hype to play against Oralech? Should I be happy that its nearly over?

: I trust you to know whats best, Tariq. Do it up.

: You urge The Lone Minstrel to play his ballad so that all among you might hear it. He begins without another word.
: Music: In The Flame
: The Journey Shall Be Made

: Thanks, Tariq.

: Going by the results that weve been coasting on for the past two Rites now, Volfred is still the preferred player over Bertrude. Our first pass through Mount Alodiel an era ago had us stop at the Cistern, to give Sir Gilman a drink and a splash for his dry scales. Surely Volfred, who is a tree, would appreciate the stop as well.

: There, one last exile shall regain his or her freedom. All others shall remain, to carry out their sentences here in the Downside, for the remainder of their lives. And, in the Commonwealth
the Plan of which you are a part shall either come to fruition, or shall be suppressed.

: Ill save the Book reading for last, after we visit Ron one last time (assuming hes up there, which he has no reason not to be).

: Its kind of awkward that Volfred will be looking to Milithe for favour, but, at the same time, I dont think Bertrude gives a damn.

: After having landed, you join Volfred on an expedition to the monument of Molten Milithe, for what is likely to be the final time.

: Youre going to hear that phrase a couple more times. The game really wants you to know that this is it.

: <Our Plan now stands on a precipice. If we prevail this night, then we may yet achieve its goals. We would reform the Commonwealth under the auspices which you yourselves described within your Book! As we shall stand together, so I ask that you please stand with us. By your divine grace, we may yet prevail. And
please, have mercy on Oralech, as well

: Soon, he is finished. You return to the wagon in silence, feeling as though Molten Milithe has shown you favor. At dawn, you shall begin your last ascent. For now, your Vocations may occupy what little time you have to spare.

: Hmm
more for the argument that Volfred might be useful on offense, now that his Lus Bough has been supercharged. This would put him up to 30, I think. Something to keep in mind, for sure.

: Once more, not exactly a hard-hitting question

: Like last time, my available options give me another Wisdom Trace, or just some cash. So, do I want money that looks like
this, or do I want money that looks like

: Lets see what else I fish up out of Mount Alodiel this time

: This is
definitely a plum, and not a berry. And dont even think about suggesting that they both look like apples!

: All the same, this will put me up to a solid 380 Sol, before the Blackshroom and the Downberry. Im gonna buy so much booze from Ron, you dont even know.

: Celeste probably wont be too happy to see us, given that shes about to be out of the job and all.
Music: Moon Touched

: You learn that she was taken in by a well-to-do foster family, and was to be given private schooling of the highest order in the
Astralist tradition. They promised her that, in time, she might one day have the honor of teaching the children of the Commonwealth, herself.

: Aw, good for her. If she can get her mouth to catch up with her mind, I think she would make a great teacher

: However, she soon went her own way, insisting that the Eight Scribes themselves were calling her. She started wandering again all on her own.

: That is until she located Volfreds agents. Thus her wandering ceased, and the ranks of the revolution grow stronger. Mae also left a simple message: Believe in the Scribes.

: You thank the messenger-imp for the report, as your companions gather to discuss.

: She has the manner of a saint, that one. She knows in her heart the traditions of the Scribes.

: That one, very powerful indeed, a sorceress of sorts. A certain air about her, most intriguing.

: (Tizo misses having Mae around though is pleased to hear that she is well.)

: The news of Maes liberation fills you and your fellow exiles with newfound resolve.

: The exiles of the Nightwings. We shall not meet again after the coming Rite.

: Tariq and I
it shall be time we take our rest, I think.

: Greetings, Celeste. I would tell you that the Nightwings are prepared, though this time, I am uncertain anyone amongst us feels thus.

: We have a duty to uphold, Tariq.

And then what, Celeste?


: Man, thats a whole lot of time together, spent doing
absolutely nothing. Together. What could they
possibly do to pass the time?

: Now, Nightwings, step forward. Please state your names and what is it that you seek whilst crossing Scribesgate.

: One by one, your fellow exiles approach her, now with sureness in their step.

: Finally, you step forth once more
you, a war-orphan who vowed to help his friends be free again, and who managed to come this far, with this group. The Gate Guardian observes you for a moment, then motions past the archway, toward the summit.

: The Eight Scribes bid the Nightwings welcome. Go forth with glory.

: Except for you, Tariq. You stay right there.

: I thought you said

: He looks to her, then over to the rest of you.

Pardon me, everyone
I shall be there when the stars align.

: The Gate Guardian and The Lone Minstrel remain together as the rest of you depart.

: You have gained the Summit of Mount Alodiel for the seventh time
the final time in which any one of you shall have a chance to leave the Downside.

scuse me, fellas.

: So, let me be blunt. Please, listen for a moment, then.

: Sandra, I could not be more all-ears than I am right now.

: I know this whole affair is coming to an end. All of it. I sense the binds that formed the Rites becoming weak.

: I would love to tell you that this means I shall be free from my eternal prison. For some of my Beyonders, it shall be a release. My accomplices are bound by weaker words than those which have bound me. They shall fade away, I think, and finally rest.

: I, however, shall remain.

: She hesitates for a moment.

: Thus, I have a proposition for you. I do not know where you shall go from here, but

: By that I mean
take this stone prison of mine, and keep it. Do not just leave it, as all your predecessors have, each time their stay among the Nightwings reached an end. Soon, the Beyonder Crystal shall serve no use at all, except to keep me trapped.

: I am content to remain thus, for I have little choice. But, I would prefer to do so in your company. For, I do enjoy your company, Reader. This may not be much of a compliment, but I assure you that I much prefer your company to an eternity of solitude.

: I have no wish to see you gain in years, and to eventually decay, whilst I remain unchanging. But
I should rather have more years whilst having contact. Even if those years are to be brief, they shall afford me many more in which I might think back upon our times. Nor do I expect you to accommodate my needs, for I am well aware I have my limits in accommodating yours.

: And
in considering that life after this night
if you think that there may be a place in it for me, however small, then
once again, I simply ask that you take me along. That way, should you ever wish to visit me again sometime
you could. And I would like to have that as an option more than not.

: My request here is a selfish one, for there is little I can offer in exchange, other than what little my companionship is worth. Perhaps I could lull you to sleep once in a while. Who knows. You could always try to sell the Beyonder Crystal for a reasonable sum somewhere, or something to that end. There must be someone out there with an interest in this thing.

: So, then
you have heard my sad little proposition
. What do you say?

: For the longest time, I considered leaving this decision up to the thread, but honestly, I think I know what were all going to say.

: You can tell, in the way Sandra worded herself, that it not only took a lot of effort and courage to say what she just did, but that shes
desperate. Shes willing to sing us to sleep and shes trying to bargain with us using the Beyonder Crystal as an IOU. She went through denial, when she tried to convince herself that we dont give a shit about her and are just using her for practice Rites and for fancy Talismans; she got angry when we kept coming back to her otherwise; and shes going through depression and bargaining right now. Shes gone through the whole gamut over the course of the game.

: Shes been locked in that crystal with a bunch of people shes grown to hate for the past eight-hundred-thirty-seven years. Leaving her trapped in there,
completely alone, for another eternity,
hoping that the Rites would one day restart and that the next person to pick up the crystal would be as agreeable as I am, would be

: Shes served her time, to hell with what Soliam thinks.

: You grasp the Beyonder Crystal and set it into the folds of your clothing. Sandra senses this, and makes a sound, as though surprised.

Thank you, Reader.

: She is at a loss for a moment, then

: Let us go, then, from this place.

: Go, and face your last remaining adversaries. May you crush them under heel, and achieve the outcome which you seek. I believe you shall prevail.

: She disappears into the stone, for now.

: Sandras just as likely to get out of the Downside as I am, but, if nothing else, at least well have each other to keep for company, no matter what happens.

Ron! Whats new on the market today?

I guess you probably heard the big news, huh. Yeah
well, Im going out of business, here, I guess.

not entirely unexpected, given how he likely peddles to all the triumvirates, not just the Nightwings, and they all simultaneously dipped from the runnings forever.

: Just hasnt been the same, you know, what with the stars all fading out, and stuff. Anyways, just wanted to say, you guys are great, and I sure am gonna miss having you guys as customers, and all of that.

: But I got some good news, though, too! All my stuff, its all on sale now, and I will throw a little extra there, just for you, OK? So, uh, enjoy! And, maybe Ill be seeing you guys around, OK?

: Youre a good guy, Ron.

: The only thing new that Ron is stocking is another Pile of Stardust. This one, though, appears to be
everything left of Rons stock, all rolled into one enormous blunt, because it immediately boosts any Talisman its applied to max level.

: A little too late for that, though. Im not interested in Stardust anymore, now that Im as supercharged as I can possibly be.

: However, I do believe that, when Ron suggested he hold a sale, I said Id buy every last serum he had in stock. And Im a man of my word.

: This is what our inventories look like before I sell my three sellable wares. And this

is what were looking like after.

: I still have a bit of money left, though. What in his stock is worth 59 Sol?


: Perfect.

: Good luck out there, Ron.

: Weve unlocked the final two pages were going to get in this Lets Play of
Pyre. We might have missed one or two along the way
but that just gives you something to aim for, with your own playthrough. You can decide to fight Manley earlier than we did, and to visit the Sea of Solis and the Hulk of Ores, and you can decide to wait and see what Jodariels crime was.

: You know, if you want.

: Thats it. Weve done everything.

: Almost everything.

: You have gained the summit of Mount Alodiel for the seventh time. Very few stars remain above to light your way as you await the commencement of the final Liberation Rite.

: The Lone Minstrel finds you clutching the Book of Rites, seeking there, perhaps, some bit of wisdom that has eluded you thus far.

: Reader
we may not have a chance to speak again, after this
. I may have to go.

: I cant say Im surprised. When we first met, you were having a nap that apparently lasted several years, between when Oralech was pushed from the mountain and when Volfred finally decided to get the gang back together. If the Nightwings are decommissioning again, it makes sense that you disappear, too.

I wished to say that I am grateful for having made your acquaintance, and I shall remember you with fondness. I wish you well, this night and always. Go forth with glory.

: You see Volfred has joined you. All of your companions are there with him, in fact.

: It is strange for me to say, given the circumstances of our meeting, Reader
but, it has truly been a pleasure. Onward, now
. Let us achieve our Plan.

: (Tizo wants you to know he has the utmost faith in you.)

: Reading-One
thou art both wiser and less irritating than most others of thy kind. We have learned something from thee, and we are grateful, nrrrggghhhh.

: Hey, you and Sandra have more in common than you might realize.

: You look upon your fellow exiles
your companions, with whom you have withstood the Downside, and with whom you shall now conduct this final Rite.

Begging your pardon, but, my time has come. We shall see each other soon.

: He departs. After this night, the outcome of Volfreds Plan
the Plan of which you all have been a part
shall be decided. One way, or another. For now, all you can do is strive to prevail against your final adversaries, so that one last companion may go free. You rise to join your fellow exiles as the last remaining stars ignite.
: Music: Will Of The Scribes

: I havent forgotten that Oralech called me an idiot. I want all twelve Titan Stars active I want to beat him when hes at his strongest. This is less about giving him a chance (as much as he might rightly deserve his freedom) as it is me letting him know that I refuse to be pushed around like that.

: The Pyres burn, and each of the triumvirates is present and prepared.

: But, before The Lone Minstrel can concur as per the custom

: The demon Oralech slowly raises his clawed fingers to his mask.

The false Nightwings have arrived, at last.

: Long have I awaited this. My freedom once was stolen from me. Then, I was cheated of it, here, upon this mountaintop.

: You may now attempt to take it from me, once more.

: You may attempt to defend it.

: He stands there, for a moment, silent. Then

Oralech dons his mask, and stands prepared.

May these damned Rites cease, forever, for the misery which they caused.

: Of course he has an Imp. And, not pictured, he has Ashen Coal, which, combined with Archbeast Sung-Gries, puts his Pyre up to 170 Pyrepoints.

: Nightwings! We shall not meet again after tonight, for the cycle of the Rites is all but ended. Thus, I would have your decision: On whose behalf shall you conduct this final Liberation Rite? The one whom you anoint, or else the exile Oralech, shall be returned.

: Godspeed, Reader. You know what is at stake better than I. I have utmost faith in you, to make the best decision, and conduct this Rite with glory.

: Nightwings! The stars remaining light grows dim. Your decision, please.

: It is time now to choose who, if anyone among you, shall go free this one last time. The rest of you shall remain in the Downside to the end of your days. One by one, you meet the gazes of each of your fellow exiles

: Your fellow exiles
your companions. Your friends. Together, you have come this far, but now, the Downside and the Rites conspire to tear your group apart, and disrupt your Plan.

: I mean, where else am I going to go, what else am I going to do? The stars are about to burn out, and all.

: With but a glance, you reassure your fellow exiles that you know what to do.

: This is it. The end of the line. Four of us Tizo, Volfred, Bertrude, and Oralech are eligible to return. The good of the Commonwealth depends on our decision, and on our victory.
Who do we choose?
Tizo is a simple imp that was born and raised in the Downside. He has been with the Nightwings since Volfreds time, and is therefore more attuned to their practices and properties than anyone else in the triumvirate. Imps of Tizos intelligence and wit are very rare, and its been implied that Tizo is directly descended from Haub the Swallow, the first Scribe and author of the Book of Rites, himself. He has committed no crime: as a native born in the Downside, he has no home in the Commonwealth and his only aspiration for freedom is to one day see the world beyond the Downside.
Do we anoint
Tizo and leave Volfred and Bertrude in the Downside forever?
Volfred has been with the Nightwings since Tizos time, and acted as their own Reader back then, to guide them through the Rites and towards their glory on Mount Alodiel. Since then, with his familiarity with the Rites, he has proclaimed himself as leader, and has done his best to lead his triumvirate with the wisdom and experience thats come with his years as a competitor. Volfreds crime is publishing it wasnt merely that Volfred was capable of literacy himself, which is a damnable crime in the Commonwealth, but he also owned, and liberally operated, a Stamping-Press, which spread the infection that is literacy across the country. By day, he operated as an unassuming professor, but his alter-ego brought to light the crimes and injustices committed by the Commonwealths aristocracy by way of mass-produced articles and journals. When he was caught, his sentencing was quick.
Do we anoint
Volfred and leave Bertrude and Tizo in the Downside forever?
Bertrude is a well-known practitioner of black magics and dark arts, even before her banishment from the Commonwealth. She operated within its borders with little regard for her practices legitimacy in the eyes of its law, working with all manner of customers in need of all manner of potions, hexes, and curses. Her crime is conspiracy: one of her customers was Volfred Sandalwood, who had approached her for a set on inks that could not be destroyed for use in his published works. Though a modest request in light of her other work, it nonetheless enabled Volfreds push to spread literacy across the country, and when she was found, she was swiftly banished alongside him.
Do we anoint
Bertrude and leave Volfred and Tizo in the Downside forever?
Choose wisely.