The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

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Original Thread: Goon VS Goon: the 1st Railroad Ink SA Tournament!



Railroad Ink is a 2018 roll and write (think Yahtzee, but good) game published by Horrible Guild. Each player is a city planner charged with the design of the best possible infrastructure route (roads and railroads) for their own city - and if you are thinking "wow this sounds boring", then get ready to be amazed at how a concept so drab can be made charming with a few simple rules and some nice art. If you want a quick description and rules explanation, here's British funnymen Shut Up & Sit Down's review of the game:

Scoring Points
  1. The main way to score points is Connecting Exits (orange arrows). You check how many Exits are connected by the same network of Routes (including Railways and Roads connected by a Station) and you gain points based on this table (if you have multiple networks, they all score points individually):

  2. The Longest Road (longest unbroken streak of adjacent spaces with Road Routes, not counting branches - marked in blue in the example below) is worth 1 point/space. Spaces with a Station do not interrupt the streak.
  3. The Longest Railroad (longest unbroken streak of adjacent spaces with Railroad Routes, not counting branches - marked in blue in the example below) is worth 1 point/space. Spaces with a Station do not interrupt the streak.
  4. Each space occupied in the Central Square (orange square in the example below) is worth 1 point.
  5. Each end of a Route that does not connect with any other Route or the outer edge of the board counts as an Error (marked with an "x" inside a circle in the example below). Each Error is worht 1 negative point.

- Are we using any expansion dice? No. We are using the base game "white" dice only.
- What if I'm late to the party? If you are late for the signup you can still take part in the game if you manage to do so before the first Round results are published, since nothing has been revealed yet. After that, you'll be unable to participate.
- What if I'm late with a Round update? Same as above: you can still send me your updated sheet up to the point when the latest Round results are published.

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