The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 7: Intermission: a weird interference

A Reminder from City Hall
Heavy snowfall is expected across most of the northern emisphere, so please note that depending on your timezone, today may be the last day to submit your drawings to City Hall!
PS: this is true even if your Town is located in the southern emisphere - minus the snow.

A weird interference
Comms from City Hall were...a bit weird last week. We are almost certain there is now a mole in City Hall, altering and leaking correspondence that is supposed to be highly confidential. At least, the Routes provided were kept intact, but this trend is quite worrisome.

Comms from City Hall, 12/01 posted:

Greetings from City Hall, Friend!

Carl is doing better, but he is not out of infirmary yet - something about some kind of wing-claw-and-beak bird virus. I'm sure it's nothing.

In the meantime, great news! Our boldacious city planning initiative has finally been recognized by local scriveners and articles themselves are only mildly slandering. These are the new Routes for week 4 of our Glorious Seven Weeks Plan:

Keep up good work,
Boris, Assistant City Cultural Attaché for Comradery