The Let's Play Archive

Railroad Ink

by That Italian Guy

Part 11: 7th Round

Dear City Planner / Mayor,

we were going over the expenses we have so far sustained during the new RRI development and...well, something has surfaced. Please find minutes from the last City Hall meeting attached:

You can find the rest of the minutes on Twitter - we are all for transparency here! The good news is that we have spent very little on anything that is not "dice". No wait, that's the bad news. In fact, we'll have to slash the dice budget massively if we want our City to continue exist after the next month. We have had some dissent, of course:

Image courtesy of Sighence.

Anyhoo, this is the proverbial end of the line. The stopping point. The die is cast, if you will. So have fun with the remaining funding and may all the gods have mercy on our soul.

As a result of the budget cuts, no straight Roads/Railroads have been produced. But if you like 90° turns, oh boy, you're in for a treat!

NOTE: since this is the last time anyone on this project is getting paid, take your time. You have until January 6th to submit your creations. Of course if everyone is a stakhanovist and we get all the submission before that term, we'll just pull the trigger and publish the final results then. As if.

Time for me to update my resumee.

City Cindy Hall

Round 6 results posted:

Nowhere - Sighence


New Mathsville - Blastinus

Always Show Your Work!

Dimension of Doors - Phelddagrif

That Train Was Just A Car

Linesham-upon-Plastic - Pea


Steelicity - Eeepies

Steelicity - the city of steel cars and trains!

Otisburg - CzarChasm


Sporkia - SporkChan

Sporkia, where we provide the right tool for ALL MANY Most some jobs!

Las Llamas - megane

Life is better with llamas™!

Pompadia - The General


Beltreno - Omobono

Meglio un autobus oggi che un treno domani