Part 3: Session 2: Robbing the Dead, Attempt #1
Session 2: Robbing the Dead, Attempt #1
Glad you could all make it back.

Anyway, where we left off, you guys were about to enter the graveyard.

Oh yeah, about that. I took another look at the module, and it turns out it really was all one quest.

It turns out that his temple is just next door.

Priestess, actually.

I won’t try to do the voice, William, don’t worry.

She explains that there have been undead rising in the graveyard recently. For several weeks, Boron’s servant has been attacked by undead. And of course these things only happen when there’s no guards around!

The gravedigger is…Eb—boreus…Eboreus Arts—Arsteener. What the hell. Eb—the gravedigger isn’t used to his customers returning to complain about the service…and far less used to his customers attacking him. Still, he is adamant about staying in his hut in the graveyard, instead of moving to an inn for a while—even though the city would have footed the bill.

As she was saying, she would like you to look into the disturbance, and you should tell…Eboreus she sent you when you see him. She also suggests you drop in on Thorgrim the Strong in town. He’s a dwarf who lives somewhat south of the market square. He was going to deal with the problem on his own, but the priestess managed to stop him.

Are you guys done yet?

Alright. So you enter the graveyard and see…

Do you know what they’re saying?

There’s an old crypt, plus the hut where the gravedigger lives.

Unfortunately, it’s locked. Oh, and as soon as you touch the door, a man comes running out of the hut next door. You think he’s probably the Servant of Boron, like the priestess mentioned.



Roll Dip—no, that’s not right…*tap* *tap* Roll Convert.

Really? Crap. Well, er, after you all talk at him for a while you eventually get him to open the door for you. Eboreus pulls a key from his pocket and opens the door. For one heartbeat there, he doesn’t move a muscle, and then he whirls around screaming and runs away.

Well, there are a bunch of undead skeletons rising up to attack you.

I’d say it’s about time I described the combat system. Combat works on a point system; each action takes a different amount, and you only have so many points to spend. Agility can have an effect on how many you have, but it’s usually around 7, although encumbrance seems to have a chance to lower this. Also, I can’t remember if it shows up in this video or a later one, but if you try to use a ranged attack, either with bow or spell, the game will highlight with red the squares you can attack from.
Ignifaxus is the Magician’s mainstay, a pure damage spell from the Combat section. The manual doesn't describe the spell at all, but apparently the spell level is how many dice of damage you roll, and each ten points of damage reduces the target's armor by 1 permanently.
Paralyze is the specific reason why I insisted on Transformation being the specialty. It turns almost anything to stone. It’s got a failure chance, as you saw, but that’s what the high skill level is there to counter. It’s not permanent, but it lasts a good long time.
Fulminictus is supposed to be the Elf’s main damage spell, but it’s not hard for a Magician to get up to decent levels. It doesn’t have the weird level-thing Ignifaxus does, which is partly why I end up using it more often.

The skeletons don’t have any gold on them, but you can take their swords.

Fine. Directly across from the main gate, you find Boron’s shrine.

Yes, but keep in mind that this is a “the gods are real” setting.

You could make a donation.


You could find out.

Well, you take a look at the crowbar, followed by a much longer look at the bars, which are at least twice as thick. And when you hit one with the crowbar, it rings out like a bell.

It’s tempered steel. Your crowbar isn’t. There’s no roll that can make it happen.

You spend several minutes trying to open the gate with your spell (cross out those AP, by the way), but it refuses to open. You think it might be magically sealed.

Well, that’s because…William!

You were looking around the site while everyone else was busy with the gate. You find a moss-covered stone sign behind some plants, and when you pick the moss from the letters, you see the word “Feylamia.”

Just the graves. You know what? Screw it. William!

When you examine the grave sites, you start examining dirt clods and crumble them between your fingers.

So, you soon figure out that one of the graves is a lot newer than the two next to it.

I don’t think you guys brought tools, but the dirt should be loose enough to move without much effort.

Oh, I don’t know, maybe because none of you bought torches?

Never mind, it’s just a long corridor anyway. So on your left,

It’s locked.

Did you buy lockpicking tools?

You fail.

No reason not to.

Alright, the door opens. Inside is a bunch of chests.

Wait, I just realized I never looked at you guys’ inventory. Hand your sheets over for a sec.

Why’d you buy a hammer?

No, they’re Edged Weapons.

Looks good. You might want something heavier for armor, though.

What, no paper?

Were you wielding that dagger earlier?

Nice choice for armor, Suzie.

When did you buy a flute, William?

Alright, some minor goof-ups, but nothing…hang on.

Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?

Ugh. Not the mental image I wanted to see. Just buy a damn shirt when we get to the market, okay? Moving on, you force the chests open, and in the first you find…

Well, there’s a fear poison, an anti-disease elixir, two antidotes, a super healing potion, a sleeping potion, and a strong magic potion.

William’s the only other spellcaster.

He’s right, actually.

You’d need pliers to pull the nail out. Otherwise, you’d bend the amulet.