Part 8: Session 6: The Great Outdoors
Session 6: The Great Outdoors
Hey, everyone.
“You think we’ll be able to do something today?”
That’s the intent. So after you guys wandered around town, you rested until Lewis’ character could regenerate all his AP. After that, you decide to finally leave the city.

I have my reasons.
I suspect that this has something to do with only letting us keep one NPC around at once. You’ll see why having Thorgrim leave makes sense in a little bit.

Maybe, or maybe you could explore outside and find out why I wanted you to go out alone for now. You can get him back anytime afterwards.

Where did you want to go first?

I suppose.

Not that you can tell.

Looking through a small window, you can see the interior. It’s just a shed, and partly flooded. Apart from the small, severely damaged rowing boats, it is empty.

Does Hal still have his crowbar?

Then yes, you pry the door’s lock off and enter. Inside, there’s nothing really worth taking, but it is a nice place to shelter if you get stuck outside somehow.

Really broken. As in, nothing at all worth doing there, and if you keep trying, I just might make one of you fall into the water.

Through the other road that runs through the woods.

Ooh. I need you and Alex to roll Agility.

With a scream, Suzie’s…Belle Fleur keels over. The ground is even steeper here, too steep to keep in view, actually, and she stumbled. Fortunately, she didn’t seriously hurt herself, only taking…six damage. However, Boxter isn’t so lucky, and seems to have become sick with something.

You were there to pull her out of the water, right? You got exposed to a lot of river water, and now you’re sick with something.

That’s nice. Just write it down.

You’re wandering along the edge of the mountain across from Riva, right? William, make a few Intuition rolls.

Kara looks for the easiest way up, then starts climbing, until finally reaching her goal about twelve paces above. She rips off a the leaves and comes back down. Later on, you find *roll* huh. Another Gulmond bush.

Hmm. You get up the rock face, about eight paces up, and gather some leaves, but halfway down, a stone gives way under your foot and you fall, taking *roll* four damage.

Alright, now this last one, everyone can see. There’s a large stone slab in front of the rock wall, bearing an inscription beneath a Wheel of Boron. A pair of boots sticks out halfway from the rock. The inscription reads, “If he had had the boots, he surely could have escaped. In remembrance of my best friend, Lomar.”

…Yes. Who, exactly, do you guys have pull the boots out?

So will anyone be grabbing the boots, or…

You grab the boots with both hands and start pulling as hard as you can. Abruptly, you find yourself, without the boots, inside a small cave. The ground is covered with skeletons and human bones. No exit is visible. You also find that you are not alone.

“I was a guardsman in Riva Castle then, with a fine career ahead of me! Always, when I went to visit my adored one…”

“…So, are you ready for a fight to the death? Or will you take your last chance for retreat and renounce the boots?”

You know, I could have put the guy’s speech like that, but I guess I mistook this for a roleplaying game.

Welcome to one of the most boring (and hard) combats in the game. Select attack, get parried. Get attacked, parry. Rinse and repeat until someone gets enough hits in to win. You know what? Screw recording this. Let’s just use Computer Combat and auto-calculate results.

When you select auto-resolve, a short video plays of a hero and a monster dodging each other’s attacks until the computer finishes calculations. At that point, one of the two stops dodging and kills the other. As I said, though, this is a fairly hard combat for level six starter characters.

Using stat boosting spells can help. Even with zero skill, the spell can work fairly often, and it always raises the stat affected by two points. As far as I can tell, the skill itself only affects how long the spell lasts, and even then a -1 boost spell will last for several hours.
Even with all these boosts and all the armor, the fight is a tossup in the semi-undead guy’s favor. However, the computer completely randomizes results each time you try a combat. Save scumming? What’s that?

Oh look, we won. Seriously, folks, the game is hard enough to win without going “hardcore mode” with saves. You all saw it; the game wounded one person and sickened another for simply walking along the shore by a flooded road. And I wasn’t making things up about harming someone by wandering onto the broken dock, either.

Fatally wounded, the warrior sinks to the ground with a relieved smile. Within moments, his body decays, until nothing but his skeleton remains. Then, it too disintegrates. Belle Fleur looks around, but there’s nothing in here but the skeletons of various predecessors. So, you grab the boots again, and are transported back to the outside, where a soft rumbling makes the rocks vibrate.

Oh, no you don’t. I’m staying out of this one.

It gives you +5 to movement speed in combat.

Note: there was also some inventory juggling that took place to get Kurzmann into that suit of scale mail, but it was too annoying to put into dialogue. It’s times like these I wish old RPG’s had a storage system.

Just in case you try, they’ve thought of it.
You’re near the forest now, right? William, roll some more Intuition checks.

You spy a group of wild Shurin bulbs.

You crash through the undergrowth, which isn’t quite as heavy around here, and put your hand straight into a rabbit trap, which fires a bolt into your arm for…ouch, eight damage. You still manage to get some bulbs, though.

Well, there is the rather large building in the middle of the meadow.

Because then you guys would have ignored everything else around here and run straight for it.

In case you were wondering, these stats are bad. I mean really bad, even for a level one character. Nothing good is above 11 (out of 13), and nothing bad is less than 3 (out of 2). This kid just plain sucks.

Yes there are, but it looks like something happens before you can get there…
The video is pretty long and repetitive; I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t choose to watch it. However, there are two important things that happen, and they’re fairly early on, so you should at least watch to that point. Don’t worry, you’ll know them when you see them. Also, I should warn you that I did all this stuff before I actually switched who’s wearing the magic boots. Just pretend Belle isn’t wearing them, alright?

What, so you wanted them to go for the heavily armored warriors, or the dangerous-looking fellow in the back with the robes and the mystical wand?

Yep. Stipen blows his horn, and another riddle appears on the document. It says,
“There is a thing which rises high,
A picture is on its side,
Made from stone and not a house,
Protects the town from nigh.”

It was translated from German. Give the guy a break.

It is what you’re looking for, though. Stipen blows his horn again, and another rhyme appears.
“A man was struck to death ‘ere,
Was broken skull and bone,
There was a great lament to hear,
‘Cause of the violent stone.”

It’s the right answer, and another rhyme appears.
“Here I stand, wait year by year,
With legs wet by the bank,
It’s pitiful indeed, hear, hear,
And rarely one will thank.”

It is. Stipen blows his horn, then says,

Stipen’s got another document that’s been giving hints one at a time after each riddle gets solved. Thanks to your effort, it now says,

There’s an outbuilding with a giant stack of firewood out front.

Indeed, seven of the logs are suggestively stacked alongside each other.

You pull out a short branch five fingers thick and look into the opening you created.

Nearly half an hour has passed, when a crow alights on the woodshack roof. At that precise moment, a blue shaft of light shoots out from one of the upper windows of the main building. You hear a painful caw from the roof of the shack. Do you really want to keep waiting?

…You dicks.

You get one super healing potion, two elixirs of Wisdom, two strong magic potions, and a “miracle shield.”

It’s defense is 4 instead of the iron shield’s 2, plus it weighs 60 ounces less.

Maybe the translator thought it’d be simpler if he translated everything to ounces and forgot that we prefer to use pounds. As it is, I think the shield weighs only…a little under nine pounds. That sounds about right.

Is there anything else you guys wanted to do out here? You could talk to the college dean about the campus, or find out that they will identify stuff for only one gold per item.

Yeah. Goodnight, everyone.