Part 17: Session 14.00: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #1
Session 14.00: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #1
You got the stuff?
“Three cases of Red Bull, check!”
How about you?
“I made sure to get plenty for the pizza man. Just tell me when to call.”
Not yet, it’s still early. Hal, you finding everything back there?
“Where are the Cheetoes?!”
Oh God…
“They’re right next to you!”
“Where’s the Mountain Dew?!”
“In the fridge! Duh!”
You know, that skit is pretty much the only reason I don’t buy Mountain Dew and Cheetoes anymore.
“I know! That’s why I brought my own!”
“Junk food is bad for you anyway.”
“Just be glad DSA doesn’t have Magic Missile.”
“I cast Fulminictus at the darkness!”
Not you too.
“Sorry. It’s just funny watching you squirm.”
Anyway. If everyone’s ready, we should get started.
“Hang on. Are we starting without Paul?”
He said that the office “absolutely needed him for something today,” and that he’d probably be too wiped out to game with us even after he gets off. He did give me his sheet earlier, though, so we can still use his character.
“Eh, we don’t need him. He’s always been kind of an asshat.”
Yeah, but he fills out the group, plus he’s good at keeping you dumbasses on track. So where were we? Oh yeah, you had just gotten to the mainland and were headed back to Riva. Let me just roll for random encounters…oh hey, you guys should recognize this one.

Insert Thorwalian encounter here. It went exactly like the last one, except that Boxter’s saber broke halfway in.

Try not to go overboard, though; we’ll be here for a while. So you went to the seeress for the herbs, right?

She is. But since you’re going to the Holberkian ghetto anyway, I figured I could mention this event:

Alright, so you buy all your stuff and make all your potions. Hang on, let me roll for city random encounters again. *Roll* Let’s see, and it happens to *roll* oh. Oh my.

As Belle is wiping her mouth, the young woman “floats” away. Then, suddenly, she stops as if she’d hit a wall. She looks around with a confused expression, shrugs, and walks on with perfectly normal movements. An old man, who has been watching the scene unfold with wry amusement, just shakes his head. “Too much brimstone, far too much brimstone!”

Sure, that was just the last thing.

On a side note, I find myself somewhat depressed to find that magic weapons can in fact break, apparently.

…So yeah, every once in a while, no one gets hurt crossing the mud. But it’s just a matter of time! You’ll all see!

Thorgrim has his own set, if you recall.

I just remembered, there’s a track for this area too. I probably should have started it when you entered the garden area, but we were almost done, so…anyway, here it is.

Well, before you can do anything,

His name is Toranor.

Okay. “Well-chosen words indeed. Yes, I am he, Toranor. But despite your admiration, I require absolute quiescence for my studies. Have you seen my steward?”

It’s always nice when the game knows exactly what you’re thinking.
Did you see how the mage aimed at Vvhorpax whenever possible? That’s why I gave him the +4 to magic resistance amulet.

That’s right.

You’ll find out.

This here is the map of the first floor. The entrance is on the center right, or the small room with the asterisk-looking thing on the big map. Most of this floor is just quarters and storage rooms, while the large room to the northwest is the kitchen. The passage just across from the front room is the door upstairs, but it’s not open just yet.

Is this from the internet again?

You are in a room full of garden tools. Most of the shelves are full of shovels, rakes, (non-combat) scythes, and other such equipment. One of the shelves is empty now, though.

What, even the empty one?

Fine, you’re thorough. You find three rakes, four shovels, two pickaxes, some rope, a hammer, five torches, and a table covered in leaves. Nothing of real value.

Passing along the corridor, you encounter a section of the wall where the large gray bricks have broken apart. Filling the hole is a set of smaller red bricks.

This is a storeroom. There are a few supplies here, including two bottles of brandy, eight drinking horns, three bottles of wine, five glasses’ worth of beer, twenty sets of cups, and twenty two sets of cutlery.

Sure, if you like being weighed down. There’s more valuable stuff farther down the line, Alex, don’t worry.

What, did you want to see how well your magician can roll stealth checks again?

Plus there’s the part where only three of them were sleeping.
Remember all those bandits I fought that slaughtered vVhorpax? Turns out I’ve learned a thing or two since then.

You are in a small room off by itself. You imagine that the bandit leader you mercilessly slaughtered earlier must have come from in here. Aside from a small chest and the bed, you see a wooden dog figurine on a table.

A key, a saber, and some ink.


You are in a dining room. It’s empty now, since you killed everyone who’d be eating at it. There’s also a small room branching off in the corner, but it’s locked.

It does, actually. And inside this door, you find…

Quite a bit, actually.

50 jugs of wine, 30 jugs of brandy, 40 licorice sticks, 90 sacks of rationable food, 20 small fish, and 3 sharks.

Freshwater sharks, so it’s not quite as impressive.



Fine, it’s your encumbrance. The next area you find is the kitchen. There’s just more food supplies in the shelves, and not as many as you found earlier.

When you examine the fire, you notice that there doesn’t seem to be any fuel. Nevertheless, it’s quite hot.


I don’t know, you guys have the tendency to grab the randomest stuff.

There’s an old, dirty shirt in the washbin. Feel like taking the shirt?

No. Actually, it’s covered in fleas.

Ah, you finally found it.

Well, the wall it’s mounted on doesn’t look like the surrounding stone, and the path would otherwise be a dead end.

The head of the dog fits the lock exactly. After putting it in, you can move the head just like a key, and it causes the door to slide open.

The winch causes the cage to move up and down, although it only goes up to the second floor. The cage holds just one person at a time, and someone’s going to have to stay behind to work the wheel. Who did you—

Fine, but you know whoever gets left behind won’t get any experience? I mean, I can’t hand it out for “standing next to a winch,” and Thorgrim would—

Seriously, though, for whatever reason, someone does need to stay behind while the rest of the party goes and gets experience from the other three floors. And you can’t use an NPC for the same reason that he can’t go off on his own normally: you aren’t allowed to control his actions. It’s a real bitch, but hey, players disappear all the time in real sessions, so I figured now was as good a time as any for someone to go missing.

Fine. So, once you get up, you see—

Actually, I am pretty hungry. Yeah, let’s take a quick break and come back when we’re done.