Part 20: Session 14.75: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #4
Session 14.75: The Mage Tower Endurance Run: Floor #4
“Ugh. I’m fine, really. Just had to get it all back out, I think.”
“I didn’t know drinking Red Bull made you throw up like that.”
“Probably not, but maybe drinking Red Bull, five beers, half a pizza, then jumping around while staying up all night—”
“Yeah, I get it.”
Do you always go this crazy on your days off?
“For special events like this, yeah. I gotta say, though, throwing up isn’t nearly as much fun as it used to be.”
I have to ask why you ever thought it was fun.
“Ever see Dane Cook?”
I repeat my earlier question.
“Hey, he’s funny to some of us.”
“Could we please get back to the game before sunrise?”
Fine by me.

So where were we?

Don’t make him toss chunks again. Anyway, you find yourselves in a narrow corridor—

–with a right turn ahead. Beyond the turn, you see a door with a peculiar lock.

You see a large, circular room with a limited walking space. At all four cardinal points, you can see a door. You have currently come in from the south door. Also,

You haven’t killed him yet.

Two things to note here: first, the enemy magician always targeted vVhorpax when he had the chance, justifying my pumping his MR to ridiculous levels. The second is that Paralyze absolutely refused to work on the guy an implausible amount of the time.
Why did you keep trying to Paralyze the mage? I thought you knew what you were up against.

Well, he’s gone for now. Will you guys be trying any of the other doors now?

…So, heading east, you see that the door is locked using a similar octagonal lock shape.


Since the game forces you to stand still as the door makes the usual shutting noise behind you, what they really mean is that the door polygon is painted with the brick texture on the backside.

You might want to see what’s down the hall before you start shouting.

For instance, there’s a mysterious green glowing sigil in an alcove.

…Or you could see what’s in that door down the hall.

Five letters.

That did it. You find yourselves in a small room with a single chest in the corner its only furnishings.

Right, so here’s the bad news: fire elementals are immune to non-magic weapons, will almost always do damage, and don’t go down easy. Here’s the good news: three members of my party have magic weapons and I still have about twenty whirlweeds (200 hit points’ worth of restoratives) to blow through. Even Kurzmann and Lord Boxter with their mundane weapons can at least attack and draw fire away from everyone else.
Wait, did Kurzmann just deal damage to that elemental? Nah, must’ve been my imagination.

A flail and an amulet that looks oddly identical to the one Paul’s character has. You know, the one that reduces fire damage, the one you didn’t take with you?

You find yourselves in the circular room once again.

Ew. Moving on, the next hallway is exactly like the first—

The next hallway is exactly like the first. It won’t matter, trust me.

Oh, but it is. And what do you know, there’s a chest behind this next one, too. Except that this time, three elementals pop out.

You wish.
By the end of this battle, I start wondering to myself, “Wait, that is Kurzmann dealing damage! What the heck?”

That’s right. You remember when you switched out your orc hook in that one chest? You know, the one hidden behind the magician’s sleeping chamber?

One of those dire flail things I can’t pronounce and three bundles of dried whirlweed.

So, how about that second portal? You guys entering it?

Great, you’re back in the center room again. You unlock the fourth door, discover the corridor, blah blah blah,

You know what? Fine. Get ambushed by a pack of ghouls, you whiners.
And now for something completely different.
There, you happy?

Well suck it up, because there’s one more passage to go.

Yep. Oh, and there’s a chest. And four fire elementals.
I’m not sure if fighting the elementals is actually necessary to pass to the second region, but I do like me some loots, so…

In other news, this is the map for the first part of the fourth floor. While the first and third floor made sense in terms of a lived-in tower, and even the second could be understood in an “experimental necromancy” sort of way, I really have to wonder at why a wizard would hide random equipment behind an equally random series of fire elementals and teleport pads.


You’re in luck!

After a quick right turn, the path branches to the left and right.

Actually, this works out kind of well for me. You see a wide, sky blue canopy above a gigantic bed. There is no one around.

Wide, expensive tapestries line the walls. Mystic and slightly disturbing patterns cover their surface.

What? Um…oh, it actually does say here. The carpet is from Fasar. It says the…Tulamides are known for their excellent carpet knottings.

Branching out from the bedroom are two hallways. At the end of one is another teleport pad, although you’ll probably want to stay away from that one for now. The other leads to what appears to be an all-purpose private room; there’s a table with two stools by it, as well as two cabinets.

The first is full of various drinks, some licorice, and three buff potions. The second has some assorted clothing, including a set of leather and quilted armor.

Yes, but it’s nothing special. You could have bought some at the armorer’s.

Well, that’s it for the one direction. When you go right from the earlier split, you enter a comfortably furnished room. The walls are hung with tapestries, as in the other room, and the ceiling rests on two pillars. Oh, and a troll appears from behind one of them.
You’ll probably want to watch this one, as it’s got some plot wedged into the middle.
Again, the corpse turns into a bat. It flaps towards the same alcove as before.

The bat has disappeared inside a shrine standing in the alcove. Its doors have closed behind it. On the wall, there is a blasphemous mosaic picture of Boron and Tsa. Oh, and William notices that the pieces can be moved.

So here’s the deal: in order to finally beat this creature, I need to move the randomly rearranged pieces back into this image. Doing so will somehow kill it.

However, this is about as far as I can get before he poofs back out and attacks again. So I kill him again and get to return to the image and complete a little more before he pops back in as what are gradually more and more pathetic incarnations. I’ve decided to spare you from this particular “boss rush,” as each combat is basically a variation on “melee characters rush the monster and administer beatdown.” The only thing of significance that happens is that, in the very last combat, Belle Fleur finally breaks her sword.

Finally, I thought that’d never end.

Oh, and here’s the full map for the fourth floor.

Yes. You’ve cleared out the mage’s tower completely now.

You guys remember the first side door, the one with the bolts that you couldn’t get past? You appear on the other side of the hedges, next to the door.

…Alright, so maybe you're thinking you only have to pass the mud patch once, maybe three times to clear out the tower. But I still have to go back for Kara! Bet you didn't think of that!

It happens! It totally happens!

I’m just…really, really lucky this time. It used to happen all the time, trust me!

Ha! Aha! Vindication! You all saw how far Boxter’s health went down! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! I was right, I tell you, I was right!
Er, anyway…

One of Tsa’s lesser miracles causes everyone’s hit points to max out. I wasn’t crazy. Why would you say such a thing?

Battlefield Fever.

Which really puts those three books into perspective.
…And with Alex’s roll, that brings it to…979 gold and one copper.

And on that note, I think it’s time we finally called this a night.

Wow. Well, see you guys later. Hey Suzie, did you want to watch the sunrise with me?