Part 22: Session 16: Not Pirates But an Incredible Simulation
Session 16: Not Pirates But an Incredible Simulation
“Now what?”
“Now we game, that’s what.”
“But you said—”
Lewis is here now, so it doesn’t matter.
“I was wondering when we would finally start the campaign. I can only play Monopoly for so long.”
“Good. So where were we again?”
“We were asking everybody in the goddamn town about the judge in the hopes that something interesting would happen.”

Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. So you talk to several other folks in town and hear all about Judge Jarnug. Apparently, aside from using his power to occasionally force people of either gender to have sex with him, he was known as tough but fair, but all that changed around two to three years ago, when he got sick. After he got better, he stopped forcing himself on people, but now he seems to rule randomly on cases, either due to whim or some hidden agenda no one can figure out. But then, as you’re walking down the street,

Finally. Lazy bastard took 10 days in-game to get to me.

Another plot speech, featuring an oddly-accented Tarik and two PC’s, speaking up for the first time. In case you’re wondering about whether the voices change if you have an entirely female or male group, no, I’m pretty sure they don’t.

Very well.
That’s right folks, a full-on FMV in all its late-90’s glory! I suppose we should be thankful the audio synchs up properly. Also, the party is now four people instead of six.

When you wake up, your heads are throbbing and you have a foul taste in your mouths. It’s pitch dark, and all your limbs are sore. You have lost all sense of time and can only guess it’s early morning. Someone has gagged you and tied your hands behind your backs. All you can really do is sit and wait for whatever the gods have in store for you now.

They’re not pirates, just a civilian vessel with unscrupulous hiring practices. And they were in before, but your performance the other day has inspired me to make a few…modifications to the plotline.

Can you guess what’s missing from this image again?

Fine. No one around to stop you at the moment.

Yes, but unfortunately the disc my German friend sent me is scratched where the song would be, so I can’t play it for you [I mean this quite literally, by the way]. It was a pretty good theme, too.

Oh, not this again.

I told you guys, they’re not pirates.

You are currently in a room at one end of the ship. Besides yourselves, the paper, and the lantern, there are piles of ropes everywhere. Your weapons and equipment are missing, and even your clothes seem to have been replaced with standard issue sailor gear.

No, of course not. And they wouldn’t have cared anyway. So, what are you going to do?

It is. However, you also see a weakened part of the ship wall just to the right.


Fine. The ship hull is weakened just to the right of the door.

It’s rotted enough that no one needs to make a check. So you break a man-sized hole in the wall, and passing through, you see…

Just past the sail room, you see a room with two chests in it.

In the first chest, you find nearly all of your equipment.

Well of course I wasn’t going to get rid of all your equipment, given how hard it is to find decent magic items in this game. And you didn’t really mean you’d hit me for taking it away, right? …Right?

One thorough reorganization later…
Why are some of you keeping the sailor pants?

The second chest is full of shirts and pants.

Thirty pants.

You also find…

It’s not? Oh yeah, all that money from the tower, I forgot. Sorry, just keep the numbers you had from earlier.
I don’t know exactly what happened here. It said we only got 650 ducats back, but the full 2k was in my inventory when I checked later. Must be some hard maximum on given wealth or something.


He, er, decided not to drink the free ale, and so he wasn’t out of it when the boatswain came for you.

Well, I mean, it’s actually more likely that he got bored while the rest of you were waiting for the one guy to come, so he left early. One way or another, he’s not here on the ship with you.

The kid’s name is Yann, and unlike our last first level companion, this one has the sense to stay far, far away from combat when it comes up. As such, he’s much better at living as well.

This is the map of the lowest deck in the ship, “Bride of the Winds,” and I'm fairly sure grabbing Yann is the reason it's completely revealed like this. As you can see, the layout is rather confusing, but let me explain something: every single blue and red object is a chest. And yes, I looted every single chest on this deck. Most are just full of regular crap like food, clothing, and tableware, but a couple have some very interesting items that really must be discovered. Such as this:

(There were also some nets on the wall that I thought would come in handy but didn’t. Just ignore them.)

Lewis, you will most likely not face another magic user on this ship.

In another random chest toward the back, there’s a second item worth grabbing.

You hide underneath the ladder to prevent the unsuspecting sailor from noticing you, and once he’s come down, you ambush him.

Not the most difficult of battles, but it does show that the sailor apparently has the most realistic death animation yet seen. A bit disturbingly so, in fact.

…And all he was carrying was a wooden cudgel and his leather pants. Not particularly valuable, sorry.

You do realize there is now a completely naked sailor on the floor?

This is in the room with all the brown rectangles and no chests.

And now, ten sailors at once with no chokepoints. And yet my characters merrily maul them all. I guess running around without shirts doesn’t do much for your defense ability.

Let’s see…pants, shirts, waterskins, tableware, more pants, boots, bedroll, shoes, an oilskin coat (it’s pretty heavy, don’t bother), a sleeping bag, a whip, a seal slayer, pen and ink, and a miscellaneous document.

Yeah, that’s what they call it.

Let’s see. Looks like the stats are exactly like the saber you’ve got, except the seal slayer weighs an extra 10 ounces.

…And you also note that the bed is unusually tidy.

Someone with a magical talent, no less. You find two bottles of Wisdom elixir, three bottles of Hylailian Fire, an alchemy set, and recipes for Hylailian Fire and Expurgicum.

I’d have to look it up. Let’s just say you collect the bottles for now and test them out later.

Another chest contains various weapons and armor. Hal, your character thinks that the light equipment might be meant for whatever marines are on board.

It’s a rough neighborhood, remember?

Anyway, you see a saber, two cutlasses, cloth armor, boots, and a toadskin jacket.

No! It’s…well, it’s studded leather, basically. It’s got the same stats as leather armor, but it weighs 30 ounces less. The merchant in town has it for sale, you know.

Yes, you’ve explored everything there is to see on the lowest deck.