Part 26: Session 18.5: Why’d She Keep the Damn Thing?
Session 18.5: Why’d She Keep the Damn Thing?

You pass by a floor-to-ceiling mirror on the wall. There seems to be something off with your reflection in it.

Too late.

Belle cannot move. A blind panic grows inside you, and the urge to move grows overpowering. By and by, your mind is clouding. It takes a long time for the panic and confusion to give way to merciful darkness.

No, you’re just unconscious and unreachable at the moment. If the rest of you can finish the quest, Belle will pop back out of the mirror.

When a lock picking attempt fails the first time, this option pops up. Usually clicking ok a couple times makes it work, but some locks just can’t be picked no matter how many times you try.

Seeing this, on the other hand, is much more rare.

You cautiously climb up the ladder. In the north wall, you discover several small holes and take a look through them. With some amazement, you find yourself looking out into the former guild headquarters. On further investigation, you notice some seams in the wall which suggest a secret door. However, the way to open it will have to remain a mystery, as it appears to require the feylamia’s mystic powers.

Not exactly. You’re actually looking into the current guild headquarters, inside the abandoned watchtower.

It is. They moved back.

No! I mean, yes, but…ok, look, they started out in the abandoned watchtower, then they moved into the new sewers where you found them, and then they moved back after you made them realize the location wasn’t secure. The reason Mandara had you guys find the new headquarters was to make the guild move back to where she could use her secret entrance again. And that’s why the trademaster complained that she seemed everywhere these days.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

Aside from all the bookshelves, there is also a chair and a brazier giving off heat in the corner.

What, really? Fine, roll for it.

I kind of think I do.

The shelves are filled to bursting with parchment scrolls. When vVhorpax pulls one out, a whole bunch of them come tumbling down on his head.

With a shriek, you jump up when you feel the chair moving beneath you and two invisible arms enfolding you.

A soft giggle comes from nowhere, and a door seemingly opens and closes itself.

Yes, but your character was so startled by the invisible vampire that he fell into the shelves, almost knocking them down. The floor is now covered with scrolls.

Alright. While you’re helping collect the scrolls, a bound tome tumbles down from one of the shelves right on top of your left big toe. Looking at it, you see “DIARY” is set in large letters on the front of the book.

You also see some miasthmaticum and a recipe for a sleeping potion.

It doesn’t really matter. So, I printed off a separate copy of the diary section. Does anyone want to take a look?

It’s got hints for how to kill the vampire.

The next room you visit looks like a workplace of some sort. There’s another mirror here, too.

There’s a small key, some old candy, an empty book, and three pieces of antihypnoticum.

This room has a chest, a wardrobe, a third mirror, and a velvet-lined coffin.

A silver armband and a silver ring.

The wardrobe is filled with various bulging dresses of diverse colors. The feylamia is a woman of exquisite taste, it seems, or at least of exquisite dress sense.

This is a map of the southern section of the lair. The blue circle is where Belle has been trapped by the mirror, with the office to the left and the coffin room to the north. The ladder is at the end of the passage that goes farthest left on the minimap.

This is a bathroom. You can see a large wooden tub, several buckets of fresh water and a round hole in the floor covered with two wooden planks. Small jars of oils and salves rest on a small shelf.

Only local scents, sadly. Nothing exotic enough to take.

It seems to just be a storage room. There is a chest and a wooden locker, but nothing else.

Among other things, you spot what can only be the moon lantern. Sadly, the crystal that powered it seems to be missing.

There are some other things, too, but first—Hal, roll for Danger Sense.

You took her Charisma armband. Fair’s fair, after all.

You know what? While you were arguing, some shit went down. When you look at the wall, you notice two more shadows than the ones cast by the party. One of the shadows, probably Lea, bends down, and a dagger with a silver blade levitates from the ground and abruptly flies across the room. The second shadow backs away and disappears down the hallway. The first shadow remains still for a while. The dagger disappears. A bottle containing what you have already identified as “Doctor Tronde Trombson’s Potion of Miraculous Recuperation” disappears as well. After that, this shadow, too, fades away in the diffused light of the corridor.

Yes, they’re gone.

They have the same stats as normal, but they have special magic auras that let any class use them.

A feeling of nausea attacks Kurzmann, and for a moment, he feels as if the floor has dropped out from under his feet. But right away, the sensation passes, and he is back on secure ground.

Let me just save some time by saying that it was the sliver armband Kurzmann was wearing that let him go through unharmed. None of the rest of you can follow him.

Yes, actually, and the key you have will fit, too.

It’s another Charisma armband.

You’re not there!

Stop it! You know what? You don’t even get the chance to go back.

And as soon as you put it in,

I’ve tried feeding everyone antihypnoticum, but it never takes. Basically, you only need one dose for the person who goes through the mirror and the rest are there for the hell of it.
A dark shadow appears for a second in the mirror on the northern wall. You think you can recognize Mandara. A pair of bright, glowing eyes appear in front of your face, and they try in vain to draw you into their spell. When the feylamia sees she can’t mesmerize you, she attacks.

Good point. Come on, Hal, let’s do this in the kitchen.

Right then. Roll for dodge, since you didn’t get your weapon out in time.

Actually, it fits in quite well. So, Kurzmann sees the attack coming and tries to dodge, but a hard blow hits your shoulder and makes you stumble back against the southern mirror…which immediately swallows you…

Cold sweat appears on your brow when, all of a sudden, you see Mandara in the mirrors!

Fine, whatever. Mandara herself is still likely invisible, by the way.

Your hands don’t touch anything, so the invisible elf doesn’t seem to be in the immediate vicinity.

Every now and then, you catch a glimpse of Mandara’s mirror image, but there’s no sign of her in person. Suddenly, an arm encircles your neck from behind, and you feel yourself being strangled. In one of the mirrors, you can see yourself with Mandara’s hands upon you.

Sorry, supernatural strength and all that. Bright points of light are dancing in front of your eyes, and you have trouble registering events, but then a muffled scream reaches your ears, the pressure on your throat is gone, and someone pulls you aside. You stare at Lea.

That new icon means “use object.”

You can also see the effect antihypnoticum has on your stats. Aside from Strength, all those changes are from eating the green ball.

Apparently, Kurzmann the dwarf is now a female warrior. Go figure. Oh, and if you’re wondering, I went through this part without rescuing Xebbert or letting Eleana be present when we find the lantern (which keeps her from running off, though you still don’t get that cloak), and you can actually win without them. It does make things more boring, though, since nothing happens except you using the light. On the other hand, wearing the silver bracelet, eating the green ball, and having the moon lantern are all requirements to getting through alive.

Sure, everyone’s awake now. Add a few points to your health. Oh, I should add that the room you just left was the one you couldn't get into earlier. Had to block it off so it could be used for the final showdown.

Did you ever activate it?

Well, yes and no. Without the feylamia, the mirrors don’t work as teleporters, but you can move them aside now. You find Belle between one pair of them, and she’s awake now.

Look, it’s just too powerful!

I’m not even supposed to let you see the cloak unless Eleana is there to grab it, and she definitely wouldn’t give it up for anything. Now, it’s getting late, and we should probably get going.