Part 27: Session 19: Have Fun Storming the Castle!
Session 19: Have Fun Storming the Castle!
…And that’s why the moon lantern made her explode.
“I still don’t get it.”
“Oh, come on, even I understood that.”
If it helps, the next area has someone who actually knows what’s going on.
“Someone with exposition? Be still, my beating heart!”
“Can we just get started now? This is getting kind of ridiculous.”

How is it you guys can remember about obscure passages but forget the entire plot every time we get back together?

It’s a hidden passage that goes outside the city gates. Not that there’s anything left to do out here, but there you go.

One of the guild members left a conveniently placed raft here. You can pole down the passage on it.

The second boss battle of the game. It’s generally recommended that you get everyone a missile weapon for this fight, but as you saw, it wasn’t completely necessary. The dragon spits water at you dealing damage in an area, but even vVhorpax, whom the dragon was aiming at (again), wasn’t reduced past 2/3 health before it died. He did run almost completely out of AP, though.

Why yes, I suppose so. It’s almost as if, had you been captured, your daring escape would have led you into these sewers, where you would have encountered a final confrontation with a dragon.

Yes, but there are five mages in the castle who would have come with you.

Oh, fine.

One long wait later…

You are currently in a hidden room at one side of the castle. A part of the wall looks like it can open up, and then you’ll be in the hallway.

Most of the castle looks like this. As such, I’ll be skipping over a lot of exploration.

Hey, William?

You get a bad feeling when you approach this room, as though there is a strong sense of danger coming from behind it.

Fine, if he wants in, he goes in. And he finds:

At the four corners of the castle, there is a set of stairs which leads to a watchtower. Every time you open a watchtower door, you have to fight a good five guardsmen. When you finish the fight, the door closes again with you outside, and if you open the door again, you fight another set of guards. It’s a decent place to grind experience, but as levels don’t honestly matter, by this point, I’m just going to move along.

The place is stacked full of crates and barrels. You suspect the room must be used as storage.

Really? Well,

I think it’s been well established by now that fantasy spiders are a lot more aggressive than ours.

Ooh, too bad. You try to dodge, but it’s no use. The spider lands on your neck and bites you. You let out a scream, and the spider jumps to the floor, where it’s squashed underfoot.

There isn’t much else in the room. There’s a barrel full of tar—

—there are several boxes full of trophy heads, but they’ve gotten quite moldy, and there are a few more barrels to one side.

I didn’t ask for your character to go tasting random substances. Oh, and there’s also a box full of lighting material, just in case you didn’t have any with you.

I’m trying to be realistic here. After all, how would anyone know a lock couldn’t be picked except by giving it a shot first?

Oh, no doubt.

I don’t see why, but okay. You quickly step up to the beds and overpower the servants. Tied up and gagged with some pieces of clothing, they cease to be any sort of threat. Not that they were one to begin with, mind you.

Just some spare clothing. And no, Hal, none of it is “fancy.”

You’ve found the kitchen. There is a soup on the stove, and it’s still warm, so you know the cook must not have been gone long.

Not very good; it’s just the stuff they feed to the night watch. On the other side of the room, you see a door which leads…

…To the inner courtyard. It’s quite dark outside, and you can only barely see around yourselves.

Not really, no. There’s the cook’s herb garden, a well, and couple passages out.

Right, the southeastern passage leads to the stables. There’s a cart here, along with several empty stalls. No horses around at the moment.

Too late. Kurzmann searches, and finds…a ring that someone must have lost in the hay.

This is a map for the north half of the castle. The large room furthest northwest is the secret room we entered from, with the watchtowers branching off to the north. As you can see, this place is basically a square castle, with watchtowers to the north and south. On the larger map, the party is in the middle of the courtyard, with the kitchen to the northeast, the stables to the southeast, and a tunnel that links up with the main hallway heading straight east. But we’ll be traveling that way later. See you next time!