Part 28: Session 19.5: The Immense Plot Dump
Session 19.5: The Immense Plot Dump
Today, we have ourselves a very cinematic-heavy update. Eight, in fact, and only half of those are combats.

Entering the side room, you discover that it is, in fact, a guard room! Fancy that, the room by the front gate is full of guards.

Nothing particularly exciting to add here, except that Kara ran completely out of arrows.

He did, but then you fell behind because your character didn’t get any experience from the top three floors of the wizard’s tower.

This room features the exact same combat as the last one. It is, after all, the one on the other side of the main hallway, so if you want to see it, just go up and hit play again. Also, I learned that, in spite of being listed as a Polearm, the spear has to be thrown. And it doesn’t stack like arrows. Balls.

Well, this is just a guess here, but I’d have to wager it opens the giant portcullis not twenty feet away.

You realize that every guard in the entire castle, including the ones asleep, would likely hear you and come running to the front gate?

…Not that I’d have to ask, apparently.

Healing potions, strong healing potions, loneberry, whirlweed, and a very special recipe. Well, I’ll just let you read it.

Good roll, Paul. You notice a group of small holes across from the door. You can see the glint of metal down the holes.

I have no goddamn clue. You hit “yes” in the dialogue screen and suddenly the holes are covered in Technicolor goo.

Opening the door to this room requires the usual lock picking check, but forgetting to plug the holes has bolts fire rather predictably into your back when you open it.

Well, from where you’re standing, all you see is that the desk is full of papers, ink, blotters, etc. Did you want to examine it closer?


Hmm. You don’t see anything special at first, and you’re about to give up, when you suddenly find a small secret compartment at the underside of the desk. It contains a small key, which you pocket.

It’s full of various books and documents about judicial cases and procedures. Did you want a closer look?

You see that there have been a large number of cases where the accused could not be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, in the last few months especially. Despite that, Bosper sentenced them all to die.

Sadly, Bosper has been very careful to exercise his powers in cases vague enough to still be up to him. You’ll recall getting off when the merchant made a giant ass of himself? Point is, there’s nothing here that the people of Riva don’t already know.

In here, there’s something else entirely.
I probably should have just stoned him in the first round, but it’s not like it ended up mattering.

Yeah, why?

Oh, god damn it, William, I did not want to think about the ogre like that. He’s like twice your height, too!

He’s guarding the judge’s…stuff! Now lay off on that so I can think straight again.

Two more health potions and a…“mengbilar.”

No, it’s pointed. It’s also crap, actually; -3/-4 for only 2-7 damage.

You might find something better in here, though, if you survive the guards.
Here you can see me use another Transformation spell, “Salother.” The spell description is simply “Turns the spell target into a toadstool for a bit.” According to the manual, the spell cost changes based on the target’s Magic Resistance, so I think it might bypass the usual check, but it’s generally more expensive than Paralyze and less effective; as you saw, the guard turned back in time to take his next combat turn, damn it all.

Not really. You all have equipment as good or better than anything here.

Good thing I rolled low enough that you lived.

The iron maiden is sadly secret passage-free. However, as you’re climbing up the staircase, William hears something.

I probably could have made this one video, but I was too trigger happy with the record button. Too late now, I suppose. Anyway, Rohezal here is the first person in this whole game who knows what the hell is really going on, so listening to him is probably a good idea.

Like with the orc war, perhaps?

All right, time warp time. This update is long enough already, and nothing particularly important happens on the west side of the fortress. This here is the door we need open, which as you can see has a very oddly shaped lock. There are three other jail doors like this, with a couple guards in one of them.

This here is a key ring holder. The guard captain’s room, the one on the north side that couldn’t be opened, has its key hanging here. There’s also a smithy, but aside from killing the dwarf, I gained nothing from searching there.

Poor asshole just wanted to take a nap in his room. In full armor. With his halberd. And his amulet-shaped key.

Do you really think you can remember enough of the plot to explain anything coherently?

Another random combat occurred in the hallway, but I got sick of even recording combats by this point. Thankfully, there weren’t any more, as the cook was the last important bit to do and the castle was fully explored by this point.

Speaking of which, here’s the map itself. The wide passage on the center east is the way out of the castle, while the larger map is centered over Bosper’s quarters. The torture chamber is just northwest of the white square, with the prisoners’ chambers along the west wall. The two large lumps inside the main corridor are the smithy and blacksmith quarters.

Mmm…not yet. There’s something else in his quarters you might want to find before confronting him.

You remember the room on the north wall where you found all the food recipes in the chest?

Well, it’s there. And if you were to look under the bed…

Bosper. Bosper Jarnug.

He is, in fact.

No, that was someone else, the one who died in order to frame you the first time.

No, he died to frame you the second time. The cook isn’t related to the court cases at all.

Yes, along with the guy who died earlier.

This is the chest they were talking about. As you can see, there is a rather suggestive nook just behind it.

You move the chest the way the cook said, and sure enough, the wall slides away to reveal a secret passage, with a second chest hidden at its end.

They were all prescient and knew someone down the line would have to hide three macguffin pots in it. Now can we move on?

NOTHING, BECAUSE YOU DON’T OPEN THE POTS. Seriously, I’m not letting you guys get this campaign any more sidetracked than it already is. Now, there’s nothing left to do in the castle, so might I recommend making for the secret exit?

You know what? No. No, I think I’ll save that for next time instead. You’d all probably forget the whole thing if I told you now.

I’ll take that chance. Oh, and Paul, your character has enough XP to level now.