Part 29: Session 20: The Deadly Drink
Session 20: The Deadly Drink
“Did you hear about the Monopoly movie?”
“Why do we always talk about Monopoly before sessions?”
“Apparently, there’s this kid who’s really good at Monopoly, and he gets teased for it. Then something happens, and he wakes up in Monopoly City, with Uncle Pennybags and the evil Parker Brothers and wheelbarrows in the background or something.”
That sounds like it’s going to suck horribly.
“I know. I can’t wait to see it!”
Why do you love bad movies? Never mind, we should get started. So, last time you guys got to the secret exit out of the castle, right? There you see Rohezal, and he tells you, “Let us return to guild headquarters. There, you shall hear all we have managed to find out.”

This, by the way, is how the “Arrest those fools!” screen a few updates ago worked: there’s the high quality image, the narrator who’s already doing too many voices for this game, plus I have to click to advance the dialogue. Not to mention the completely different audio and text versions of the dialogue. Oh, and some really powerful white wizards who let themselves be kidnapped. That’s important too, probably.

You’re lucky enough I practiced saying their names right ahead of time.

“Borbarad’s power is arisen again, and it has done so here in Riva!”

I have no idea.

No. Rohezal tells you, “Praise the Twelve, it isn’t the Damned One himself we are up against; just his foul legacy. But it is too dangerous for me to dare face it by myself. Let me tell you what we have found.”
Sure are a lot of these all of a sudden.

No. As he just said, even normal humans are usually good enough to avoid being taken over. Jarnug happens to be rather weak for a human (all that carnal indulgence was a hint towards that, by the way), so he got himself mindraped. Orcs are generally, well, dumber than other races, so they get taken over much more easily.

Right. “The actions of the queen’s tribes have encouraged almost all the other orcs to rise as well. The queen’s death will not end the war, as there are probably other motives for the uprising as well. But one thing is sure: if the queen is destroyed, the orc war will be nothing but a memory in just a few years’ time.”

Yeah, I know. If you’re curious, Suzie, I always seem to wind up running campaigns with really strong NPC’s who could possibly do everything themselves, so Alex wants to know why they can’t. In this case, it’s simply that all the powerful characters are magicians, who tend to be rather squishy, and the place they want to send you is full of very angry things with tridents. Besides, there is something else they need to do, and all five of them are needed to handle it.

Not quite everything. Rohezal says, “We shall try to discover the queen’s hiding place as soon as we have regained our strength, but something else must be done in the meantime. Borbarad’s wand is still aboard the Even Star. The power of that wand alone makes it possible to weaken the queen’s might enough for her defeat to become imaginable. Someone must salvage that wand! Give us one day to rest, and then we can start.”

They generally don’t care too much, plus most of them know the judge is corrupt.

I should honestly be casting this more often, but I always forget. Visibili turns the party invisible, which basically eliminates all random encounters while it lasts. It doesn’t really remove required encounters, though, which is probably why I forget about it so often. As always, the Plot can see through your petty defenses.

All right, that’s the ring, the sword, the equipment sold, the time spent resting…is everyone ready now? Good.

While Landor Gerrano tries in vain to calm down his colleague, you look at Lothur who is observing the mages arguing with a certain amount of glee. “Now what?” he asks Haldana, who enters the room with a long bundle. She explains that she is carrying kajubo buds, and with their help, you will be able to last half an hour without air.

They’re to be used for emergencies. The mages will cast a spell on you to enable you to breathe underwater, but you’ll each be taking two just in case it doesn’t last long enough.

Now Lea hobbles in, her leg still wounded from falling off the castle. She’s got a set of lead shoes, which will let you walk around along the harbor basin floor.

If everyone could just mark down the two kajubo buds and have your characters put on the lead shoes?


I should make you roll retroactive disease checks for that, but I try to be a good DM. So later,

All of you then receive the same treatment. You all start to gasp, and despite drawing in great lungfulls of air, you feel like you’re suffocating. High time you get into the water!

Since you don’t have any other choice, vVhorpax starts to breathe, and the water fills your lungs just the same as the air did before. The metal boots are so heavy they sink deep into the mud. Thanks to the sight spell, you can recognize your immediate vicinity, but everything beyond that is shrouded in darkness.

Oh no, nixies, whatever shall we do?! Aside from slaughter them mercilessly, that is. After a castle full of guards, nixies are practically harmless by comparison. In an interesting touch, however, it looks as though arrows travel noticeably slower through the water, and deal a good deal less damage.

I’ll have to cut you off there.

That’s not the problem. Instead, the issue is that none of you can talk right now because your lungs are full of water.

Yes, but the spell only lets you breathe using water. It doesn’t make your larynx able to make words using liquid.

What do you mean, “what if?” You all would use metaknowledge to your advantage in or out of character, so I’m nipping this one in the bud.

Suddenly, five nixies appear from behind a ruin.

Too bad for you, the leader happens to be surrounded by close to a hundred armed nixies. The portal swings open and reveals a gigantic hall. You enter and suddenly find yourselves on dry ground. Behind you, the water seems to be held back by an invisible wall [how the ensorcelled party can breathe the air in here isn’t really explained]. Inside the room, there is absolutely no sign of the building being on the bottom of the sea. There is no sign of algae, seaweed, or shells. There isn’t even any sand on the floor.

I believe this is the longest voiced speech in the game, partly because the one guy gets sidetracked halfway through.

Um, no. Especially not when you’re playing a girl.

Zorka is another under-leveled NPC, and manages to pull off a -4 MR in spite of 0 Superstition. Thankfully, she can take at least a couple blows, plus she’s sensible like Yann and lets the party handle all the combat. We just need to do our part and keep her away from the front line.

At this point, I get to explore the sea bed. There’s not much of note out here, beyond the evil nixie hideout and the downed ship we can’t really examine yet. For instance, this clam is a source of pointless pain and misery, much like the geyser back in the Swamp of

Then there’s this anemone thing.

I believe it’s implied that a good portion of Riva got washed into the bay somehow. You don’t see anything past all the plant tentacles, Suzie.

Everywhere you are being grasped by the tentacles, you feel a strong burning sensation.

A painful burning sensation. Apparently, the plant is secreting some form of poison. Together, Belle Fleur and Lord Boxter finally manage to hack off all of the plant tentacles, allowing Belle to escape her doom. You do take a lot of hit point damage, though.

You don’t see anything.

Maybe, maybe not. All I said is that you didn’t find anything.

Still nothing.

Not really. And you are burning through those six hours you have.

Here’s the ship we’re looking for, but sadly we can’t do anything with it just yet; we’ll need the nix king’s rod for that.

Like I said, there may or may not have been something there.

This map shows the harbor basin, as well as about how wide the exploration distance is. The red dot that signifies the party is near the building where you get the above encounter, while the room just north of it is the anemone location. The large map, on the other hand, is showing the nixie palace location.

Now that you know where and what to look for, your circumstance bonus has gone up enough that you find the trap door easily.

The cellar is a straightforward area from one end to the other, so there won’t be a map.

And so the murdering occurred. I’ve also noticed that the nixies don’t like pain too much, because they run for it far more often than any other enemy.

A few rooms later…

William tries to follow Kara’s example, but flops on his belly instead. In the end, you all manage to enter the next room, but the nixies have noticed you. Oh, and William?

What the nixies lack in power, they make up for in number. Except they still don’t manage to do all that much. Really, the big thing I had to worry about was making sure none of the nixies could move past the melee fighters to get at the backline. Seeing Zorka die in this fight is not too uncommon. Also, this combat is another one that went on for over eleven minutes, although by then there were only two enemies left. Oh, and I should mention how something like half the nixies wound up fleeing instead of dying. I only hope I got the experience from them anyway, because I’d otherwise be a bit miffed.

Your boots make short work of the alcohol, and the fluids slowly diffuse out into the surrounding water. In a few days, maybe, it’ll pose no threat to the nixies.