Part 32: Session 21: The Incredibly Annoying Journey
Session 21: The Incredibly Annoying Journey
“…I don’t care how many stop motion videos you show us, it’s still a stupid way to end the campaign.”
“I agree. But do be warned that I will probably shout ‘swallow your soul!’ at random intervals during the session.”
Look, I understand where you guys are coming from, I really do. The nixie king having the wand was pretty bullshit. But the last area has been balanced specifically with unequipped characters in mind. You’d steamroll through the whole area, and then the whole experience would be unsatisfying.
“But fun. Remember fun? I remember fun.”
Seriously, guys! I promise, you can take your characters on an orc killing adventure after we finish the module, but I need you all to accept losing your stuff for now.
“Fine, but there had better be plenty of orcs to kill.”
Oh, there will, don’t worry.

There’s a new option on the screen after the mages get ready for the final push.
So, just to hurry this along, I’m going to sum this part up. The five mages figure out how to use the wand to weaken the queen, but you’ll still have to enter the hive itself to get her. She’s enchanted the hive dirt so that nothing, not even magic, can destroy it. The guild broke into the city hall basement where the hive is the other night, and they’ll be running interference so that none of the queens thralls will interrupt you. You’ll have a magic amulet to signal the mages to end the spell, but if you use it too early you’ll get crushed by the invincible walls. Lea hugs you all goodbye, and then,

You start the section by sliding down a chute. Oh, and I hope you made sure you brought a magician with the light ritual, because there are no other sources of light in the entire hive. (I should mention that his wand is the only other thing that gets shrunk with the party.)

You all take two points of damage from the fall.

Um, looks like…left. [This is a damn lie. Not that northeast is left, but that this particular worm went that direction. He actually went right, the exact opposite direction.]

Think slug, basically.
This could have gone better. You may also notice that, for some reason, the two space creatures can turn in this dungeon. Not only that, but the person who overlaps with the creature can’t act at all. Son of a bitch.

Against poison, sure. He can also restore lost life points while he’s at it.

Now, as you continue clockwise—

Trust me, you won’t want to go in just yet. So the next thing you encounter is…
Pummeling a regular sized spider to death. We’re in an epic confrontation right here.

In one corner, you can see the spider’s half finished web.

The next chamber has a pile of sticks in one corner, along with some mushrooms growing in a ring along the wall.

They’ll restore your health if you eat them.

10. Fairly good, but make sure you make them stretch. As for the sticks,

What a coincidence!

The next chamber holds a single worm, which seems to be holding something in its front limbs.
Overall, there are three types of Borbarad worm in the hive. The weakest are probably the green ones, like the one above, followed by white, and the strongest type are blue. The blue ones also have an annoying number of hit points; the damn things just refuse to die. Then again, that’s what spells like Bambaladam and Paralyze are for.

Just hold onto it for now. It comes up later. So, proceeding down the only tunnel forward, you find yourselves back in the first chamber. Do you want to take the one passage left?

As it turns out, the room is full of various insects!
And so, what would be a piece of cake normally turns into a challenging combat. I really should have started casting spells earlier in the combat. There’s a source of AP restores later in the area, so running out of power wouldn’t have been an issue.

I think it’s because the worms use them as food. They drag them into this upper area of the hive and drop them in piles, but some of the insects aren’t quite dead when they arrive. This pile in front of you is dead, though, and there are several insect husks in the pile.

Exactly. Besides several stingers which can be used as Pointed weapons, there are three beetle carapaces which can act as light armor.

At this point, I finally notice the pile of stones from the first chamber. Considering the colors, I hope you’ll excuse my missing them the first time. If you didn't read the message in the worm combat above, these stones are the ammo for the slingshot. The spines are also ammunition, but we don't have the weapon that fires them just yet.

This map shows most of the first floor of the hive. The northwest chamber with the partial exit is where the party slid in, and each chamber was visited in clockwise order, ending with the room in the center. The northern branch leads to a very tough battle which really ought to be handled last, after everything has been gathered. It also contains the only way down to the main hive area.
Also, it’s about now that I accidentally hit “quit” instead of “save,” which forced me to redo the entire region. I handled most of the combats better the second time, but there was one big difference: aside from poisoning vVhorpax, the slug also infected him with something. And me with no goddamn herbs.

You guys ready? This one is going to be a toughie.

Here you can see the hit point-happy blue worms in action. At least being two squares long meant I only had to deal with two at a time.

At the other end of the room, you see a small hole that leads—
Hang on, guys. Yeah, hello? Yeah. Yes, but…yes…I suppose…fine, goodbye. Sorry, everyone, but they need me to come in early tomorrow. We’ll have to break off early tonight.

Right. With any luck, we can finish up the last floor next week.