Part 38: Episode XV: Comfortably Numb
Episode XV: Comfortably Numb
When last we left our hero, he was combating lizard men in the start of another slew of series trademark backtracking. With that said, let's continue...

Chris opens up his map to check out where the Helmet Key can be utilized.

It seems the nearest location is upstairs where Jill got the world's most convoluted map printing.

As pictured.

Chris runs behind the mansion's second and, hopefully final crushing room trap. Here, he discovers a reset button.

Why a man crushing, a very stupid man crushing, trap would need a reset switch is beyond me.

Obligatory secret passageway.

Only Capcom could claim to have the very last book in existence and still make it multiple volumes.

This promptly gets shoved in the 'stupid shit you'll forget about until you need it three hours from now' stack.
Chris wanders further down the corridor.

Hey, it's the architect's grave. Bitter irony... Buried in the retarded hidden passageway of his own design. He left a love novella before burying himself or whatever.
This file doesn't have a title. What a slacker.

This is the type of guy that plays Half-Life and gets lost.

...go out the front door. Ask one of the scientists in the secret lab for help. Go out the back door. Hop a fence. Open a window. For fuck sake, zombie dogs aren't even invented yet. What's holding you back?!


Wandering around a mansion you yourself designed? No, I think you got off easy in comparison.

The caves have water in them. In fact, I think there's an entire underground stream.

I can't make any more jokes about how retarded this is. I mean, even for Resident Evil, we are at mind blowing lack of intelligence levels.

"I'm dying of thirst."
"It sure is wet in here."
There is a slight contradiction somewhere here...

...the man's grave is right in front of Chris. The caves are on the other side of the area. Did they just move his headstone for shits and giggles or was he actually just wandering in a five yard corridor for days?

Here lies George Trevor.
Stupid fuck that fell into a
trap he was commissioned to

Unfortunately, your death was so utterly unjustifiable that God felt the need to kill your wife and have your daughter be transformed into a horrible immortal monster in constant anguish, to this very day. But, this guy was really asking for it.

Slightly more wandering.

Twenty-six minutes later...

Tune in next time for caves and shit. I think Barry's in there somewhere too.