Part 48: Bonus Episode: Wesker's Report II - "G-Virus"
Bonus Episode: Wesker's Report II - "G-Virus"

July 31st, 1995 (Monday)
It was once more summer, seventeen years since I had first come to this place. Every time I return here, I remember the smell of the wind on that first day. Nothing had changed since then. The building itself nor the forest which surrounded it looked any different since those long years past.
On the heliport, I could see Birkin. I hadn't seen him in a long time. It had been four years since I had left the Arklay Labs.

Four years ago, when Birkin's "G-Virus Project" was approved. Soon following it, I applied for a transfer to the Intelligence Bureau of the company. I was readily accepted. It must have looked like a natural to desire a career change after so many years in the same field.
In reality, the G-Virus project far exceeds my abilities. Even lacking my ulterior motive of investigating Spencer's true goals, I had peaked my faculties as a researcher.

In spite of the downdraft caused by the helicopter, Birkin's eyes never strayed from his research papers. Although he came to the Arklay facility quite often, Birkin was no longer a researcher there.
Some time ago, he was transferred to a huge underground laboratory set-up beneath nearby Raccoon City. This would become the base for G-Virus project. Quite honestly, four years ago, I never thought Spencer would authorized the G-Virus project. It was a drastic deviation from the original bio-organic weapon design and a great deal was unknown about its abilities, whereas the existing T-Virus had decades of data behind it.

The distinct difference between the T-Virus and the G-Virus is that any organism infected by the G-Virus would be able to continuously mutate without need for further stimulation. As the virus is an unprotected form of gene, its ability to mutate is unbound.
In most all cases, a viral host's DNA would rarely mutate drastically and even then, the alterations were minute. There are ways to increase the likelihood of mutation, such as exposure to radiation. However, an organism infected with the G-Virus has no need for this outside influences. It can actively rewrite a host's DNA with no hindrances up until death.

Similar characteristics did exist within the T-Virus.
When a Bio-Organic Weapon is placed under certain circumstances, such as the aforementioned radiation, a mutation would occur within the virus. But, in the case of the T-Virus, the only recorded time this would take place was with external influences. The results were always largely predictable and could be easily halted..
G-Virus infected organisms had no such limitations to their mutation. Their mutations were never consistent. Any attempts to stop further changes by the virus would just result in it developing a work-around and continuing its constant mutation.

Seven years ago, Birkin discovered signs of this effect in the female test subject. Externally, the woman had little to no physical changes. But, internally drastic mutations had occurred. Her remarkable resilience to testing was due to the merging and co-existence of all the experimental viral strains administered to her over the years.
The 21 years of concentrated internal mutation had made her resilience enough to even overtake the Nemesis parasite. The G-Virus project was an attempt to take this abnormal mutation to the limit.
The end result of this project could prove to be the evolution of the ultimate life form. Or a catastrophic disaster...
Could this really be called a weapon?

What was Spencer thinking when he approved this project?
Even though I had been with the Intelligence Bureau for four years, I was no closer to understanding Spencer's true motives. Spencer himself had stopped coming to the Arklay facility. It was as though he had foreseen something was about to happen there.
Spencer was fading away from me like a mirage in the desert. But, an opportunity must eventually present itself.
If I can survive until then.

The elevator carried Birkin and I to the highest security level of the labs, to the place we first met 'her'.
The new chief researcher John, Birkin's successor, was waiting for us at the bottom. He was transferred from the Chicago branch and was said to be an excellent researcher. But, he seemed to be too 'normal' to work in a place like this. He has doubts about the methods used in the viral research. He had frequently clashed with his superiors over ethical issues and demanded the situation be corrected.
This caused quite a stir in the Information Bureau. If any information regarding Umbrella's less savory projects were to be leaked, John was likely near the top of the list for being granted a permanent vacation.

We both ignored John and started to give the female test subject her final treatment.
To kill her.
She had regained a tiny bit of intelligence following being implanted with the Nemesis parasite. But, it resulted little more than making her behave erratically. This behavior escalated into violence. Recently, she had suddenly attacked and tore off the face of a female researcher during testing. She then began to wear the flesh herself, like a grim mask.
The records showed she had exhibited the same behavior when she was first administered with the Progenitor Virus. It was unclear what caused her to perform this ritual, but after three researchers had fallen victim to her, it was decided she was to be terminated.
Now that the study of the G-Virus was progressing smoothly, she was of no further use as a test subject.

The termination of her vital signs was checked and confirmed over the course of a three day period. Following that, the Laboratory Manager disposed of her remains.
Even now, I still don't know who she was or why she was brought here. But, the same could be said of any of our test specimens. However, were she not there, the G-Virus project may never have come into existence, leaving Birkin and I in very different positions.
As I left the Arklay Laboratory that last time, that thought lingered on.
Just how calculating was Ozwell E. Spencer...?