Part 8: Episode VII: The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Episode VII: The Devil Went Down to Georgia
When last we left our hero, he was dicking around way too long in a save room inventory screen. With that said, let's continue...

Chris uses the Old Key on the door back upstairs and heads outside.

Chris returns downstairs.

Chris finds himself in...another hallway. Alright, so starting from the spinning blades of doom room's hallway, going into the place with the arrow, going into the area with the stairs, and now here that is four hallways connected back-to-back. This is getting a bit ridiculous. Hey, what do we have on the table?

This is Chris' secondary defense weapon. I know it says flash grenade, but the key point is 'grenade' here. We'll get back to that in a bit.

Chance of ominous shadow outside cast from the window resulting in a zombie crashing through the window upon return to hallway is at roughly 91% at this time.

Who puts fountains in storerooms? Malls, office complex foyers, maybe a school or two I can see. Creepy mansion back rooms... Not so much?

Tentacle rape is growing from the ground! Chris knows where this is going and is steering way clear of it. However, the Resident Evil hero obsessive compulsive nature compels him to bypass this latest crime against nature.

Conveniently enough, there is a water system to the fountain the tentacle plants (originally a bonsai tree, perhaps?) Too bad Jill is still holding onto that herbicide.

I guess beggars can't be choosers. Chris decides not to cut open the bag and pour its contents into the machine.

He decides just heaving the whole bag into the pool ought to be enough.

Well, that's one way to do things. Personally, I would have taken a plant, lit it on fire, and lobbed it into the middle of the tentacle monstrosity. But, herbicide bags dumped into a fountain and sprayed over the obstacle in question is alright, I guess. The hell were we getting past this thing for, anyway?

Honestly, why is a special forces team searching for Death Masks in some sad hope of escaping this mansion in the woods? Shouldn't they realize that escaping out the back side of this mansion...still leads to the monster filled woods? Nothing about this operation is particularly well thought out. But, this is S.T.A.R.S. we're dealing with.
Chris heads back into the hallway.

Ya know, it isn't really a good scare if it doesn't trigger until you're half way down the hallway and it's zombies that take so long to get to their feet that you'll already be well down the hallway.

Speaking of hallways, Chris follows this one to its end. A door just off screen to the left, a door to the right, and an unlockable door forward present themselves. Let's try the left one first.

Oh, a room with a statue of a tiger. What else would you find in a mansion in the middle of the Mid-Western United States.

That blue jewel Jill has can be slotted into this thing for...a few shotgun shells. The other eye needs a jewel for part of the items needed for the best ending. We'll get back to that in a very long time from now.
Chris tries the door on the right.

Well, someone has sure been popping the pills. And they left a file behind. How nice of them.
Keeper's Diary

To be fair, when you're playing with someone that looks this shiteating, you're asking to be hustled.

Well, at least someone was doing something about the furry epidemic in Umbrella.

Animal cruelty based on paranoia due to animal facial expressions is fun.

So the early symptoms of the T-Virus range from speaking in stilted sentences, instant zombification with no warning, or a wicked case of athlete's foot. Interesting.

I think this is more their way of not fucking starving to death as opposed to getting back at you. But, whatever floats your boat.

Did Capcom actually just write something vaguely creepy? Biggest fluke of the series.

And that is why Chris is better than Jill.
Tune in next time for more door unlocking than you can handle and a meeting with old friends.
Bonus Content:
Chris Grenade Demo: