Part 6: The Teleporter
When last we visited our lovable lead, Rex Nebular, he had vanquished a really fatty foe, banishing it to the bottom of a pit. What lies ahead of this area for our fearless hero?
How typical, a beautiful seaside and mankind (or womankind?) has spoiled it with machinery.

Geez, look how big that doorway is. Somebody wide must live here.
Just because your doorway is literally impossible to walk through doesn't mean you get to rag on others, Rex.

This creature had a fire pit? Why? It just ate Rex whole before.
It's cold. There hasn't been a fire here in some time.

To the north a small peninsula juts out into the ocean. You see a couple strange metal devices up there. There is someone walking around between them and making notes on some sort of a clipboard.
I wonder if they'll be as welcoming as that native girl?

That is, the one that slept with us for setting the table poorly, not the one who booted us in the family jewels for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Zatox (0:24) - What kind of a lameass name is Zatox? I love the way even the music implies that this clip is a dumb joke.

Channeling his inner goon, Rex decides it would be easier to simply spy on the girl from a distance and climbs up the ladder. "Great view" my eye. We know what you're looking at Rex

Rex isn't being quite creepy enough yet, so he decides to whip out his monkey hair-infested binoculars and have a bit of a peek at proceedings.
Teleporter (0:52) - Those are damn good binoculars. Not only do they allow you clearly read a little screen a mile away, they also allow you to see right through Zatox's body to where her hands are!

Time to follow in Zatox's footsteps!

I'm not sure what the little tin box there is for. I don't believe it serves any function in this game.

Using his incredible recollection, Rex enters the code he saw Zatox punch in. Hope you paid attention the first time, or else you're pretty much screwed.

Oh fuck.
Captured (1:15) - And so after carefully avoiding the militant women on this planet successfully for almost an hour, Rex finally slips up and allows himself to be captured.
What will happen to Rex? Will he be killed, or tortured, or worse, be asked to set the table haphazardly? Find out tomorrow!