Part 8: Doc Slache
Last time we witnessed the exploits of young Rexy, he had been taken to a gurney by some fairly psychotic women and set up for "examination" by the fabled Doc Slache. And heeeeeere she is!!
Holy shit. No, you have to see this scene as a video, screenshots cannot do this justice.
Doc Slache (1:09) - Doc Slache asks Rex a series of questions. Unfortunately, Rex does not provide her with the "correct" answers. Also, what the fuck is up with that music? I think this clip pinpoints the exact moment that Microprose lost all their marbles.
Let's continue on with the conversation done the correct way. Doc Slache asks us if the heart is giving us any problem:
Rex: Nope. The ole ticker's in great shape.
Doc Slache: Ahhhh. Do you have any kidney or liver disorders?
Rex: No, none that I know of.
Doc Slache: Are you an inny or an outy?
Rex: An outy, and darn proud of it, too!
Doc Slache: Ahhh. Thank you for your cooperation.
For those wondering, yes, if you answer that you are an inny Doc Slache will indeed bloodily shred you with a chainsaw.

By this stage, the intern has brought in this woman, who presumably was in the blast impact of whatever caused the off-screen explosion in the last update.

Doc Slache decides Rex has seen enough.

Back in the cell... but this time, Rex has a scalpel! The possibilities abound!

Rex decides to have a chat with Bud.

"Bud", Rex. His name is Bud.

Rex: What's the deal with that psycho doctor?
Bud: You mean dear Doc Slache. She's quite a lady. She gave me a working over I won't soon forget. Lucky for me I'm not even close to human, or I'd probably end up like you - breeding stock. Boy would I like to get out of here.
Nice to see we passed the extremely selective process to become breeding stock.
Rex: Well, it's been nice talking to you.
Bud: Just get me out of here.

Rex pops an ingenious idea!!

Rex makes a habit of announcing his plans out loud, apparently. Better hope no guards are nearby!

God damn it Rex, keep your voice down!
Rex: This scalpel is history, though.

Time to blow this joint!

We are treated to this blueprint of this area. The little rooms with the green shimmering lines are all cells, and the one without is the security room we walked past at the start of the Marched clip last update.

Not having done enough to potentially compromise himself yet, Rex decides to stop and have a bit of a chat with his new best friend, Bud.

Bud: Great! You made it into the air duct! Now see if you can find the force field controls and get me out of here!
Rex: Will do.

But Rex has his own plans.
You give the grate a couple good kicks, but the latch on the other side is just too strong. You decide that you aren't terribly interested in climbing into this cell anyway.

Rex continues the scenic route of the air duct system, stopping by the next cell.

God damn it Rex. The monster doesn't respond, save by crunching on his bones a bit more.

Briefly considering the fate of the guard in that cell you decide that you like having something metallic between you and that creature.

Rex then decides to bust into the empty cell.
You give the grate a couple kicks but it does not give way. In frustration you kick it a few more times, which serves only to hurt your ankle.
Some rescue mission Rex.

Rex finally finds a room worth breaking into. Those two computer monitors look important!
You give the grate a couple kicks and nothing happens. You work up a bit of adrenaline and try again. This time you hear a loud snap as the latch gives way.

Better hope no guards heard that...

Rex sits at the desk - the donut is a nice touch - and prepares to crack the security system.
Next update - JAILBREAK!