Part 9: Jailbreak
Poised on the edge of a crumb-filled seat, Rex inspected the monitors before him. Could there exist an exit to this situation? Could Rex avoid disaster one more time?Jailbreak (2:19) - Rex unlocks the cells, unleashing Bud upon the poor, unsuspecting guards. This clip is actually pretty awesome.

So this place is basically fucked now.

Bud did a real number on this joint.

Damn. I'm glad he's on our side!

Rex decides to check if the big fat blob monster was light or dark meat.
There are stains everywhere. It appears Bud tore this beast into numerous little chunks, and sprayed him all over the place.
Apparently he did this in the 5 seconds it took him to arrive on the scene to kick the shit out of that guard before. That would have been worth seeing!

I guess this belongs to the guard the beast was crunching upon.
This limb looks humanoid, but you can't be sure. What's the difference anyway? Parts is parts.
Poetic, Rex.

Amid the mess, Rex finds the security guard belonging to the dead guard.

For once we get a quick description of the action instead of jumping straight to the item screen.

That is one unfriendly looking woman.

So unfriendly, in fact, that Rex decides to dispose of this picture right away!
Don't do that! You might need the security card to get past some door or through some important checkpoint!
Mark it down in history - 1992: the first time an adventure game gave you the "option" to throw away or destroy a clearly vital inventory item and then didn't punish you for being stupid enough to take it.

Apparently right after leaving his cell, Bud ripped a massive chunk out of the floor, in a manner akin to Hulk Hogan tearing his red and yellow shirt clean off his body.
Even the floor wasn't safe from that beast's rampage.

Rex arrives in the medical room. Nice to see that nothing is damaged in here. Well, except that professor.
This woman is definitely 'well done'. This must be the professor the intern went to check on after that explosion. She has a tape recorder in her hand.

You can't get the tape recorder loose from her fingers. She has a death-grip on it that you just can't break. You do manage to open it and take out a small cassette.

Moving along...
Scanner (0:11) - Rex comes across a room with a scanner in it. That scanner is, unfortunately, trained to detect genetalia of the male persuasion. Ouch.

Rex decides to head back past the security station instead and comes to these crossroads.

This guard has not had a fun day. Her rifle has been broken in half, her legs look broken, and worst of all, her hair is messed up.
I dunno, from what I've seen of the girls on this planet, all of them have messed up hair anyway.

This must be a busy intersection. The signal is not currently operation, so you assume this is an off-peak hour.
A traffic light in a hallway? Women

Are those cats on the catwalk? This room is fucking whacked out.
These catwalks look like they may be used for maintenance purposes. They are well out of your reach.

Three ways to go, Rex decides to follow the trail of destruction.