Part 10: The Gender Bender
In the previous update, Rex had unleashed upon the poor, unsuspecting prison guards, the wrath of Bud, whose wrath Hell hath no fury like! Rex is now able to explore the jail at will, excepting the female-only areas. I didn't bother to screencap it but when you head south like I indicated we would last update, you come across another ball-busting scanner.
So, Rex decides to head north instead. Good thing that traffic light is there or we could be arrested for jaywalking!

I didn't bother to show this room from when we first got marched to jail but it looked a lot less busted up before. I love the way Bud literally ripped rocks off the wall.

Nice to see Bud left the enormous statue intact.

Rex notices yet another limb. Apparently hands are nigh-indestructible on this planet.
Yech! An amputated arm lies oin the floor. The hand is empty, and the elbow is bent slightly.

Of course, Rex wants the limb.

Rex means it too, he won't leave the room with it. Of course, the guard used her hand in the scanner to store Rex's belongings so it's clear what we'll be doing with it.

...No Rex. Not that.
You introduce yourself and give the arm a firm shake. You quickly look around to make sure that no one witnessed this momentary indiscretion.
Seriously Rex, what the hell man.

That's more like it.
Your stuff (0:43) - Rex retrieves his stuff. He doesn't take the other crap because obviously his own rubbish is far more important than any other garbage.

Except this garbage.

Christ, look at that thing. Where's the MP3 player?!

Time to play the tape from the professor's hand.
You hear a feminine voice dictating:
"Entry 21 . . . 28 Bicuspider 90919 . . . Project KABLOOEY . . . Professor Ihma Pyro reporting. This batch will be called 'LOT 7'. It is essentially LOT 6 with a higher petrox concentration. I'll start by adding a drop of alcohol . . . O.K., then a dollop of petrox and a gentle stir. That looks pretty good. Now the lecithin; just a splash. Another gentle stir. All right. Finally, a dash of formaldehyde. O.K., this batch looks good. I am transporting the mixture to the processing bench where I will--OOPS!" BLAM!
The rest of the tape is silent.
And to think, all you wanted to do was to massage the tape, Rex. Also, "Ihma Pyro"? Sigh.

Rex puts the arm away.

I guess Bud made it to the teleporter. Rex could teleport back but why would he? There's nothing waiting him there. He decides instead to see if there's anything here he could use.

This guard has probably looked better. You gather the credit chip in her hand was used in an attempt to buy her safety from your large friend. Apparently, the offer was refused.
A credit chip, hey? That would probably be useful if there were any people still alive around here.

Rex takes it anyway.

What's that name? Tiffany Targa? I was expecting some kind of lame pun again. I'm actually disappointed.

In fact, Rex is so disappointed he's going to mangle the card!!
Better not. You may need this later. Besides, it's probably the only credit you'll see for the rest of your life.
Doesn't 75,000 galactars count?

Rex heads back to the main junction but this time heads west and finds himself in a new room.

Standing upon this platform, however, a booth pops up from underneath Rex Nebular. Something very bad is about to happen.

Uh oh is right, Rex.
The Gender Bender (1:18) - Do I even need to say anything here? I guess I should mention that "Rox" (apparently the official name for female Rex, even though it's never mentioned in-game) is designed to look like Roberta Williams, of King's Quest fame.

So Rox is now a girl. Or is that Rex is now a girl? I don't know. In any event, Rox decides to head back to that village. Perhaps the groin-kicker will be a little more friendly this time.

Rox is basically the same as Rex but fatter and with longer hair. Way to insult women Microprose.

Rox decides to chat to the native woman that kicked him/her in the groin before.

The woman thinks Rox is a Keeper, that's good. Rox, of course, does her darndest to destroy that image.
Rox: Hi! I'm Rex!

Woman: Nice clothes, Keeper.

You are such a moron, Rox.
Rox: What's a Keeper, anyway?
We get admonished by the same warning as before when we try this.
Rox: Seen a vase anywhere?
Woman: No.
Rox: Mind if I borrow that roast chicken?
Woman: Sure, Keeper, take what you want. You always do.

Rox has the green light and so takes the chicken!

That does look pretty good.

Oh, Rox, it'll go straight to your hips.
You aren't hungry enough to jam the entire chicken down your throat, so you nibble on the wing a bit and save the rest for a casserole.
Pirahnas (0:13) - Rox attempts to cross the stream. Of course, bodies of water are automatically adventure game death, and so Rox is immediately eaten by pirahnas, and mocked for not anticipating such an outcome. It's nice to know some things never change

Rox decides to head through that scanner. Notice that the scanner doesn't have any problem with our genatalia this time.

A ladies bar? This is just Rox's scene!
Will Rox come to enjoy her new body? Will we ever see the return of the manly Rex Nebular? Find out next update!!