Part 17: Update 14
Cooking with gas now. Last time we witnessed our favourite all-male protagonist, he was gnawing on some old bones while wandering around man city. Of course, as much as Rex loves his bones, there is someone else that loves them even more. Not the fat monsters though. No, I'm referring to...
The dog! Rex comes up with a masterful plan!
Dog Part II (0:44) - Rex throws the bones over the fence and of course, the dog chases after them. Because we're playing on the hardest difficult setting, however, once we wander inside the garage, the dog comes flying back in. And eats us again.

This is great stuff. You can use polycement to fix almost anything. One of the maneuvering thrusters on the Pig was attached with this.
We could use that if we could get past that mutt.

Only the bottom drawer of the toolbox is open. You csee a wrench and a tube of cement in an open drawer. There is a jack sitting on top of the tool box.

Rex decides to push buttons, just for fun.
You momentarily confuse the lift as it tries to figure out how to lift the car higher than 'all-the-way-up'.
Rex suddenly has a devious plan!
Dog Part III (0:18) - Rex squishes the fuck out of that dog with the car. Beautiful.

I've always wanted cement-in-a-tube!

Nothing like 100-year old cement.

Rex is just full of ideas today!
(sniff) Well . . . (sniiiiif) What's the big deal about this stuff? (sniiiiiiif) It smells kinda funny . . . . (sniiiiiiiiif) I don't understand vot der bik deyal erbowt snurfin zis stooslokdigle nargit wiydkow mooz. Ignok ferdlik doo dokdigdle fritz kig.
No idea whether that actually translates to English or if it just trails into unintelligible garbage.

The storage box is probably for organizing small car parts, such as the rearview mirror sitting on it.

This looks like any other rearview mirror. It's about a hundred times small than the one on the Slippery Pig.
Chances are it's 100 times less obnoxious, too.

We can always use more mirrors, since we lost our last one in the laser lab. Replacing the foundation will be harder.

Let's put this bad boy to use.
You skillfully and CAREFULLY place the rearview mirror in the laser beam . . . .

Nice shot, Rex!

"Wow", indeed. That's one way to break a safe!

Hopefully Bruce has got some foundation locked away in here.

Instead, Bruce just has a key.

"Schludge" probably has some meaning to give you a hint as to where to use the key but fucked if I can be bothered figuring it out.

Instead, Rex just takes a peak inside the safe.
In the charred remains of the safe, you see nothing except a few crisped balance sheets for a company called "Buckluster Video."
Off to Buckluster it is then!

Note the hermit sticking his head out there.

Rex is a bright man.

The door does, of course, open, which prompts Rex to blurt out:
Rex: I wonder if there are any X-rated videos?!
Me too Rex!!!

This place looks like a poor man's set for The Price Is Right or some other game show.

It seems famous stars have come from far and wide to have their footprints immotalized in cement. Something in the back of your mind tells you that this is not an original idea. The only name you recognise here is Bruce's. Hmmn. It looks like he was wearing high-heels.
I wonder if there was actually a real-life Bruce they are referring to, or if it just became a running joke in-game?

"Civilization - The Movie". You wonder if the movie could possibly be as good as the game.
They loved talking about other games in this game.

The monitor on the counter is playing some new release which you find uninteresting in it's complete lack of sex and violence. The monitor hanging from the shelf is playing a horror movie called "The Return of Slache". You are not interested in watching this film.
I guess we can assume that is the same Doc Slache we encountered a while back. I guess she's over 100 years old too. People must just live a long time on this planet.

Rex keeps alive the adventure game's kleptomaniac spirit by nicking the telephone.

This thing is bound to have batteries in it!

Fake ID, here we come!

Note that these ones are charged.

You're awfully picky for a hermit who has survived on canned food for the last 100 years, man.

Here's another puzzle that would already be over if we weren't on the hardest difficulty. We place the batteries inside the phoneset.

And place the phone on the charger cradle.

We have to leave the room and then come back before picking the phone back up, otherwise it just doesn't charge.

Awesome. That hermit dude should be happy with us now!

Hermit (1:03) - The Hermit takes the batteries and then bops around the screen for like a minute flat. I made a clip out of this just because if I had to sit through it, so do you.
Incidentally, this is the last NPC we will interact with for the remainder of the game. Rex Nebular had some pretty good dialogue, but it was wasted when you consider there are only a total of six NPCs you can actually converse with in the entire game.

Rex, of course, decides to let his destructive streak get the better of him by folding the ID card.
Don't do that! You might need the fake id to get past some door or through some important checkpoint!
Attemptuing to mutilate the ID card earns us the same response.

You aren't actually quite sure how one goes about "spindling" something.
Hahaha, I love this.

Welp, let's check this bad boy out. The hermit said it was a bit rough, but it must be pretty good to get past all these high-tech security checks, right?

Hahahahahaha, hooooly shit. ID #1, that's gold, hahahaha.
Tune in again tomorrow when we attempt to use this pile of shit thing to actually access a secure area!