Part 1: Puppet Master?

I've never understood the need to call the first section of a game the prologue. Logically, the prologue would be everything that occurs before the game and so would be the opening cutscene or just the backstory in general. I know this isn't the only game to do it, but it just seems silly. Why not just call it the first part and be done with it?
...I'm probably rambling now, though.

Hey, remember how this is a musical? The game sure wants you to get to know that as if the title wasn't a big enough clue!
One of the things removed from this version is pretty apparent here: English voice acting. Some people find this preferable since now you get to put up with anime voice actors rather than professional singers! I have no idea how that works either. I mean, sure, the English voice acting is cheesy and over the top... but it's supposed to be cheesy and over the top. It wouldn't be the same otherwise.

The things added to the top screen for the DS port are pretty handy. Rather than you having to go into the menu to check fun things like how much money (Inotium) you have, your current party etc. it's all there for you. The map in the top right is a new addition for this port but it's not as helpful as it seems... most places are far larger than they appear here, and it only gives you a vague idea of where places lead. If a room leads to a new area it does not tell you this. If you've played the PSX version you might notice something else that doesn't quite belong.

I guess the implication here is that Inotium, the game's currency, is actually wood. Or that he needs a very specific type of Inotium to be able to buy fire or something. I prefer to think that Inotium is just flammable though.

Oh, yeah, and Grandpa wasn't kidding when he told you to equip accessories. Without equipping the Cat's Paw, Cornet's battle output will be awful. The Fighter's Charm is +5 to Defence. It'd be better to give that one to Sharte (who you have to manually add to your party, if you want to use her).
For each chapter, Cornet's mailbox gets a new letter in it. This is pretty important for recruiting a very easy to miss Puppet, though it can be skipped during the prologue.

I like to read and study ancient civilizations. I'm also a wonderful cook. Please come visit me sometime.
Don't know why you'd want to though; Polin is one of the more... interesting characters, to say the least.
There's also a few neat little touches for things that appear to be background scenery. That well is one such example.

Out of the two kids there, one of them wants to give Cornet something she completely and utterly dislikes. The other?

He's looking for his dog who's gone missing. This might not seem like that big a thing on its own, but if you talk to his parents...

On a slightly different note; this is a Nippon Ichi game. We still have a fourth wall!

Wait, no, the cracks are appearing already. It's been about 2-3 minutes since the start of the game and we've found a copy of the guide to this game just sitting in someone's house. They haven't even opened it, so they probably don't want it. I'm sure it could be put to better use in the hands of, say, Cornet.

Person: ...and told me to give her all the Inotium I had or else.
A kid that summoned a giant dragon? I'm sure nothing will come of that. Nothing at all.

There's also this. It doesn't sound like much, but it's far more important than this board lets on...
Oh and the musical note sign is just a mini-game that requires you to blow into the DS mic to do. Nothing fancy, but you can get some money out of it if you do well.
Next time: the Red Inotium