Part 4: How Eggciting
I am not sorry. Not even in the slightest.

I hope you like this portrait. I really hope you like this portrait...

In case it's not already obvious enough, Mothergreen is the second town and it contains a fair bit more than Orange Village here. It's also used quite a lot, especially in the early segments.
But, hey, who cares, right? It's a new chapter so that means new mail.

Let's guard Marl's Kingdom together!
-Monarchial Troop PR Div.
Remember the dog that went missing last chapter? It was just chilling out in front of the church. There's also this:

Seems a wee bit excessive over a dog.
Before moving on, there's one thing about Kururu worth noting for anyone curious about just what she is.

She's one of the 16 puppets. One of the better ones too, for that matter.

The "K" (I've marked) on the map is one of the two things worth noting at this point. The other is just a specific name. More specifically, it's one that appears to crop up in every single NIS game.

Oddly enough, there's two stores in this town and Rosenqueen is the cheaper of the two when it comes to their unique items. The other store is called the Commoner's Store and the only item of note there costs 20,000 Inotium.
Nothing really worth buying right now, since the accessories are all fairly pricy and there's never any need to buy healing items, so let's check out that "K."

Woman: I don't need it, so would you like to have it?

Woman: Go ahead and take it. I don't want it anyway.

This seems pretty useless, because it is. The instant you leave the house, however, it stops being useless. I'm sure you can guess why...

As for the plot reason for coming here, there's actually only one person worth talking to.

Girl: He loves the Bobos that can be found in the Natalie River in the Wonder Woods.
That's some pretty specific, and useful, information. Maybe we'll be able to put it to good use sometime.
Next time: Lady Rosenqueen.