Part 8: Enrollment
Unlike the previous two chapters, this one just throws you straight into doing what you need to. No long winded spiel this time.

: It must be for you... Are you a groupie now or something?
So the new mail this chapter is from the fanclub? Alright, so let's go take a look then.
Will the winner be Miss Etoile again? Rumor has it that this year's winner will be THE candidate for the Prince's bride. The favourite to win is Miss Etoile of Mothergreen, the winner for the last 2 years. This year's contest is expected to be really competitive. Sign up to enter at the enrollment window. Let's show the power of the fan club members!
So, all Cornet has to do is win the contest and she's accomplished her goal? Should be easy enough.
Though what would it be if you hadn't signed up to the fanclub?
The same as from the previous chapter. Yeah, you have to join the club at Mothergreen to get the mail to change at this point. That's not all it does, but the main goal from it does tie into the mail.
Nothing much to do at this point, so let's just sign up and get this over with. I can't help but notice that this same girl is in the room no less than 5 times.
Fangirl: Okay, please fill out this form, and sign it on the dotted line... Here... and here... Okay, that's it. Everything you need to know is printed on this form. The contest will be held the day after tomorrow. Good luck.
I'm sure you've become used to somewhat lengthy scenes at this point, so have another.

: Yeah, it's all cool. And... here are the details of the contest...

: Well, don't keep me in suspense! What does it say?


: Really? That's a pretty lame way to judge how a person is... but why is it written so small? Is this some kind of contract or what!?

: Never mind! I'll read it later! Anyway, let's go find something you can wear!
?: Ho ho ho ho ho ho! You there... Is that you, Cornet?

: Gaaaaah! That must be Etoile.

: Those peasant clothes really stick out like a sore thumb! You should really stop following me around, Cornet. People might get the wrong idea about me...
It kinda looks more like Etoile is following Cornet around than the way she spins it, doesn't it?

: What are you talking about!?

: Hmm? You look a little tired Cornet. Poor thing, are you not getting enough to eat? It must be really hard to live in poverty, huh? Of course, I wouldn't know anything about that...

: Anyway, what were you doing at the reception desk a while ago?

: You're not thinking about entering the contest, are you?

: Yeah. So, what's it to you?

: Oh my! You can't possibly...

: Why not!?

: Hmph! Why she says. Isn't it obvious?

: Besides, have you looked in the mirror lately? You're just way out of your league, Cornet.

: What is that supposed to mean?

: Oh dear, naive Kururu... It takes more than just hard work and effort to get by in this world.

: Money, Money, Money! Always sunny... In a rich woman's world... It's M-O-N-E-Y!! Money will let me do whatever I want! In this world, money is fame, fortune and power! Add that to my already exquisite beauty... And I am unstoppable!

: Oh Cornet, we've known each other a long time, right? I even consider us friends. And as a friend, I'll give you this one piece of advice: Don't enter the contest. Can't you see that I'm trying to keep you from humiliating yourself?

: She will most definitely, absolutely, positively, not lose!!

: Right, Cornet?

: Then I'll take that as a challenge... I can't wait until they choose me. It'll be exciting.

: Oh, and by the way...

: Did I tell you that I've bought all the dresses in this town?

: Good luck trying to find a dress, Cornet.

: Ho ho ho ho ho ho!

: I'm gonna teach that stuck up snob that there are more important things than money!

: So, what should we do? You can't participate in the contest without a dress.

: Hold on, give me a second to think...

: How about wearing your underwear on the outside of your clothes? I've seen it done before!

: Arrgh!!! Why do I even bother!?

: If you can't buy a dress, we have to come up with a better idea. Standing around won't do us any good. Let's go scope out what the store next door has.
Let's just assume for a minute here that spoiled little rich girl wasn't lying and did in fact buy everything here. Considering she wasted far more money than you'll ever even need one one dress, it's not that big a stretch of the imagination plus it'd probably be an easy task for her to manage anyway. If this was, indeed, the case, then this is just going to be a waste of time and we'll be told information we already know.
Shopkeeper: I'm sorry, but Miss Etoile bought everything available. You can try going to the Wonder Woods to find a dress. I heard that there was a theater there. You might be able to find some leftover dresses there.
Oh, gee, Etoile acted like Etoile. I never would've seen that coming. At least we have a lead on where to go, though it doesn't seem that helpful.
Next time: Wonder Woods. For the third time.