Part 13: PSX Interlude 3
3Unlike the past two chapters, this one has some actual differences that are exclusive to this part of the game. Amazing, I know.

Since this guy was removed from the DS version, because, it's obviously a given that he's gonna crop up frequently at this point but let's go look at that bulletin anyway.

This part exists in the DS version. Everything AFTERWARDS was removed.

In case you've forgotten, Kururu is the one who addresses him by his title during the relavent scene and here she's surprised to learn who he is. There's convenient amnesia and there's this.

Or, not. That ends the scene. There's no other real major changes but there's a few differences anyway.

The enemies don't change much here but what does change is that it actually matters what door you go through. In the PSX version, you fight slightly different enemies. Here, the hardest route contains mini-dragons.

The fight with Burg et al. is much, much easier here. Burg himself has 100 HP, so he lasts next to no time at all. This fight also demonstrates one other flaw with the battle system (other than becoming ungodly tedious and a spam of circle) it is VERY what you see is what you get. Like, everything you see here is part of the fight. I don't mind obstacles in SRPGs since you normally get to move around them. Here, if strategy mattered, like you'd move around the table to flank Burg and smack him around from all sides. Can you actually do that? Nope. The tiles were you'd get to move around the table are just off-screen so that means they don't exist. No camera panning or turning or anything like that in this game, no sir. Not like it's needed since combat is a joke, but it's still annoying.

Minor difference; presumably due to DS sprite limitations the 9 competitors here aren't shown on screen. Despite this being all 9 people in the actual competition the PSX version still calls Etoile and Cornet as being numbers 22 and 23.

Olivia is still a joke. As for Etoile?

She got hit with the nerf bat here. Big time. That IS Etoile's damage (Momie and Hammer don't even break 50) believe it or not.

She's still totally invincible though. Even if you max your stats, you will never ever hurt her. You might be lucky enough to actually hit her... but it'll still do 0. Just don't even try.
Oh, and unlike in the DS version you can't skip the songs. I tried for the entire four and a half minutes. It's not possible. You can skip the one in the forest because it's optional but not the rest. Kinda sucks for multiple playthroughs.

That portrait is goddamn horrifying. Also a puppet (presumably) in the bottom right corner that I never noticed until now.