Part 15: Such A Marjoly Pain Evermore
I will never apologise for these. Never.

: It was wonderful to perform on such a beautiful stage. I'm going to become a bear and live happily ever after...

: Hey, wait up!

: Don't worry, I'll leave my puppet with you! Please take good care of it.
No, really, you can keep it. It's fine; I sure as hell don't want or need it.

: So, I guess he finally made his dream come true.

: When puppets realise their dreams, they go to heaven... and are brought back as something else. I'll eventually...
Well, the soul does anyway. At the end of each of these quests, the puppet's soul/spirit/whatever goes on to greener pastures while the puppet's body remains in the party. This is kinda justifiable in that you'd screw yourself over by doing too many of them and running out of party members but it goes against what Kururu just said. Still, the remaining 9 of these are optional - L's is the only one that's mandatory. Even then, some of them are triggered just by using the relevant puppet(s) in combat enough. A few have actual quests involved though.

: Speaking of which, it's great that your dream came true, Cornet.

: To be honest, I didn't think you'd even meet the Prince. But you never gave up on making your dream come true. I'm so proud of you, Cornet.

: Yeah, but... The only reason I got this far is because you were with me.

: Cornet, don't you think that the Prince is interested in you?

: Nah...

: Hmm... Isn't this a great night?
This time, he actively sought out Cornet and Kururu. Not because he's a creepy bastard... well, not just
because he's a creepy bastard.

: What is it now?!

: ...This is bad.

: I've finally found you! You're all under arrest for trying to assassinate me!! I'm not going to let you get away with this!!

: What are you talking about!?

: Are you saying that you don't remember!?

: Yes. Yes, we are.

: Do you really not remember attacking me?!

: Yes.

: Fine, I see that you want to do this the hard way! You will pay with your lives!
And as he is want to do, Golonzo releases more monsters for us to take down. His personal arsenal hasn't changed much since we last fought them two chapters ago...
...Even then, it's not much of a change swapping one Bone Boy for a Beast. This lasts the better part of 5 seconds or so. There's nothing special about these guys in the slightest.

: Using your puppets to do your dirty work, I see!

: Hey, old man! We aren't assassins!

: Huh? A puppet!?
...It's a late 90s JRPG. Post-Final Fantasy VII at that. Some vague mystical "Ancient" race/group of humans/whatever was pretty much a given from the off-set.

: Prince Ferdinand!

: My Prince!

: How dare you attack this girl! And letting these beasts in the castle... This will not be tolerated!!
Finding enough beauties willing to be entrapped with them and then fall in love with one does seem like it might get a tad expensive. ...Cloning isn't cheap.

: Oh, no... There's a reason for-

: No more excuses! You are hereby relieved of duty!

: So, this is how it's going to be...

: Y-yes!

: Tee-hee...

: ...

: I'm sorry. That's the third time you've said that to me.

: Not that I mind though...

: Ha ha ha. You're right!

: (I must sound like a total nerd! I've been saying the same thing to her ever since we met...)

: (Time to make myself scarce.)

: (Uh...Hey, where are you going, Kururu!?)

: (Come on, Cornet! You can do it!)

: (What should I do!? I'm alone with the Prince! I gotta say something!)

: (Why can't I calm down? I'm never like this when I'm around other girls. I always get this weird feeling when I'm with her.)
Meanwhile, some undisclosed distance away...

: (What's taking so long! Just pucker up and lean forward!)

: (...What are you doing?)

: (N...nothing!)

: (Nothing...huh? You... You like this stuff too?)

: (I just happened to be passing by! That's all!)

: (Passing by? Right...)

: It's...quiet, isn't it?

: Yes! It certainly is quiet!
Back on the dragon, on the other hand...

: Wow, I love the wind blowing through my hair!!

: Myao, we're going too fast! My hair is getting tangled and frizzy!!!
Crow: Caw! Caw! Too fast evermore! Caw! Tangled evermore! Caw! Frizzy evermore! Caw! Caw! Bad driver evermore!
I guess crows are the antithesis of ravens? Though that doesn't make sense; most people can't differentiate between the two at a glance, apparently, so the idea is that they're similar but intrinsically different? It's just a weird vocal tick anyway, and I get that it's to poke fun at The Raven, but that just... I should probably stop trying to rationalise everything. It seems to cause less headaches that way.

: Shut your trap, you stupid crow! Before i shut it for you!

: Ha ha ha ha ha! That crow is pretty smart! Cuz, you know what? You are a bad driver!

: At least I know how to drive, you muscle-bound freak!

: What!? Why you little pip-squeak!!

: What!? You want some of this!? Bring it on, dog-girl!

: You do know that we have to make a good impression? And we're not going to do it by the way you're acting! For once in your miserable little lives, try not to mess up, please!?

: Yes, Mistress Marjoly!!
Next time: Confrontation.