Part 24: Get Off Your High Horse Lady

By using the code from last time at the suspension bridge, and using the bottom left exit that is now available we have access to a town in the middle of a desert apparently. It's not that large a place, though.

No idea what this guy's deal is, since that is literally all he says.

The store has no really interesting items but it does have the best HP and SP restoring items; the Elixer variant of each. They're surprisingly cheap too.

Old Lady: But she insisted and went ahead anyway. She even locked the door behind her so that nobody would come after her. That's why I sent my grandson to report this to Sir Rosenqueen.
What you're supposed to do next, to get into said mine, is not readily apparent for a change. You clearly have to go to Mothergreen but it's not obvious what to do there. It's not talking to the owner of the Rosenqueen store, because he only appears in cutscenes. No, what you have to do is far more obtuse.

Man: I overheard them talking about taking him back to Burg's Restaurant.
Talk to an NPC who's standing at the fountain to find out that someone's been kidnapped by a bunch of... cats. Okay, sure. Why not? Anywho, back to Burg's. Again.

Nice to see that these NPCs have gained an iota of common sense, though it did require repeatedly thrashing them in combat beforehand.

Man from Oasis: But, I'm so worried about Lady Etoile; she said that she was going to find the people who disappeared but no one has seen her for quite some time now... Please go find Lady Etoile, but please be careful. I don't think I could live with myself if you disappeared too. Here's the key to the Inotium Mine. Good luck.
Awesome, so now we can go to the dungeon. Back to the Oasis we go!

We're not actually at the mine yet; no, there's a minor dungeon to traverse first. This is what we needed the key to access.

It's also a horrid green colour. And it's really, really easy to potentially get lost here.

Just, not at the moment since once you walk a few screens away from where you start a cutsene is triggered.

Note that NO ONE in town mentions a monster in the underground. At all.

And then before you can blink the screen flickers black for a second and Cornet and Kururu have completely vanished!

Mayor: I'm the mayor of this town... The Town of Wiggle. Welcome.
Man: A girl 'bout your age dropped in too, just a few days ago.
Etoile went missing and a girl the same age as Cornet turned up in this train too? Well, let's go to the last carriage to see.

And, suddenly, motivational song out of nowhere! It wouldn't be much of a musical if it didn't have singing for the sake of singing, now, would it?

Gotta admit, I prefer the English version here. It manages to be the right kind of cheesy so as to be somewhat decent, hummable and it sticks in your head for ages. And, it makes this duet between Cornet and Kururu an actual duet for more than the last few lines; I swear in the Japanese version, Cornet sings most - if not all - of Kururu's lines (the obvious exception being when they do it simultaneously). Or maybe that's just me; either way, it's by far the best musical number of this chapter... though that's not hard and it also makes the most sense. Oh, right, the last 2 stones have random songs for the sake of it too.

Eh, I'm sure it can wait for now.
Next time: ...Are you SURE we're inside a giant worm?