Part 29: Croakette In The Castle

Inside the giant frog statue's mouth is a wonderfully short cave; the Frog Road has like one item in it, worth getting, but it is a pretty awesome one.

The Sonic Shoes give, as you'd expect, a speed bonus. Not just a minor speed bonus either, but a +20 increase. Giving these to a slow character, like Duke, helps them keep up. The only other place I know where you can get these is as a very rare drop in the Tower of Ninetail. If you really wanted another speed increase, though, you can just buy Speed Shoes at WhiteSnow. For less than 1000 inotium. They are really, really cheap for how useful they can be.

At the end of the Frog Road are these two guys. They're blocking the only other exit which you kinda need to go through.
Frog: Your victory over Bubu and Bebe has pleased our king. To show you our gratitude, the King has prepared a feast in your honor. You are the first human ever to have received such an honor.
I guess that... uh, could be a decent reward? Maybe?

King: To your right is my wife. And to your left is my daughter, Caroline. The lives of many Frogpeople were lost to the Bubu and Bebe. But now, we can live without fear. Thank you very much. We have prepared a banquet in your honour... Let the festivities begin! Please enjoy...

King: First off is the soup.The soup is based on a mushroom sauce, sprinkled with fresh mosquitoes. Isn't it tasty? But there aren't many mosquitoes around anymore. Cultivated mosquitoes just don't quite taste as good as the wild ones... Mosquitoes out in nature are the best.

King: This delicacy is called Dancing Flies. The flies flying around in your mouth give it that extra tangy flavor... Yes, just open the lid slowly and catch the flies with your tongue.

King: Huh? Do you like it?

King: Oh, is that so? We have plenty of food to be brought out...

King: Well, that just means more for us...Maybe you'll like our song instead. Prepare the song!

As you may recall, I said that Mountainmen's Song was one of two that I genuinely disliked. This is the other. If you really listen to it, I'm sure you'll understand why. The one good thing about the two, though, is that they are WONDERFULLY short... in game at least. On the soundtrack? Umm, maybe not quite so short.

They will surely think that I am the hardest to please guest ever, but I have my reasons. It might be bad manners to not humour them, sure, but they need to learn that humans don't like the same things as Frogpeople and this is just the easiest way

King: Hmm...Well, there's no accounting for taste. Especially from a human. Cornet, you have a horn. Would you mind playing your horn for us?
You CAN get out of this by saying "No" twice, much like the rendition of Let's Go On in the Wonder Woods way back at the start of the game, but they should hear this anyway. If only because it's miles and away better than their godawful piece of crap they called "music."

King: But, uh... It was kind of difficult to understand.
Caroline: That's because you're old fashioned, father. Your song has touched my heart, Miss Cornet. Hmm...
King: Oh, look at the time! you two must be getting tired... Miss Cornet, Miss Kururu, please have a good night's sleep.

By "rest" she means just run around until you do whatever it is that triggers the next plot event. I think you have to go outside of the castle, maybe even to the world map, and re-enter but I'm not entirely sure. I think there might be something else too.

Minister: Your majesty! We caught this thief breaking into the castle.
King: Hmm? Isn't he the one that was singing earlier? Why him?

Michael: P...Princess!?
Caroline: He's my special friend.
Michael: Caro...Princess Caroline....
King: Is that so... Then why didn't he come through the front door?
Minister: Even if he's a friend of the Princess, he has no right to sneak in! Guards! Take him away!
King: ...How unfortunate.
Caroline: Please wait, father! I'm in love with him! I want to marry him!
King: W...what!? You're already engaged to Portgama! This is unacceptable!
Caroline: I did not choose him, Father! I want to make my own decisions!
King: Are you insane!?
...Why do NONE of these people have portraits? It's bad enough in shorter scenes trying to distinguish who says what, but this is just ridiculous. And it gets even worse!

Caroline: Please, Father! Please let Michael go!
King: No!!
Caroline: Please Father, I beg of you!!
King: NO! Not another word!
Queen: Please, listen to her.
King: You too...!? So... You knew about this!?
Queen: Caroline has her own happiness.
King: Nonsense! What would happen to this Kingdom!? Who would take my place after I'm gone!?
Caroline: Mother, please! Please help Michael!
Queen: Please, dear!

Minister: Your majesty...If I may interject... Why don't we make him go get the EARTHSTONE? If he were brave enough to retrieve it, would that please you?
Caroline: He can't possibly! No one who has gone after the EARTHSTONE has ever returned!! It's suicide!
King: ...That's fine. Do you accept?
Michael: Yes...If it means being with my beloved by doing so...So be it...
King: ...Alright. Then...go get the EARTHSTONE.
Took long enough, but now we have an idea of where the Earthstone is! Shame this guy's gonna go get it before we can. But, hey, if it's suicide then we can just take it from his corpse, right?

Caroline: The centaur won't let you just walk out of there. You'll be killed...
Michael: I would endure a thousand deaths to be with you...
Caroline: Nooo! I won't let you... You won't survive a battle with the Centaur! Cornet... You saw what was going on.

Caroline: Miss Cornet! Will you please go with Michael to retrieve the EARTHSTONE? I know I'm being selfish by asking you this...But since you've defeated Bubu and Bebe, you're the only one strong enough to help him. Please, Miss Cornet! You're my only hope! Michael here... Take this charm with you... It will protect you.... Please come back to me...

Or, I guess this works too. I don't mind protecting a dude so long as I get something out of it as well. Chances are, he'll give us the Earthstone when he's done or something since we know we're not getting out of this without it. It has special plot powers after all.
Next time: The Earthstone. At last!