Part 3
I've decided to grab the Japanese version of Rising Zan to see if there were any differences in gameplay or story (sort of related, I did the same with God Hand, you can check this video if you're curious to see some of the Japanese/English version differences) and it feels like a total different game, they've added a long exposition intro at the beginning of the game, the opening song is a Japanese jazzy saxophone version of the English opening, even the button mashing boss finisher song is different, the game starts off with a tutorial level (whereas in the English version you have to select it via the main menu), there doesn't seem to be any differences gameplay-wise so far except for the second level where they removed some scripted fights, making the level much easier, they've also changed some voice clips and the grading system is in Japanese. Pic related for a weird Engrish grading, bottom is the JP version. I'll cover the Japanese/English differences in the future for completion sake.