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The Let's Play Archive

Robinson's Requiem

by Cyberdud

Part 6

Addendum part 1:

Due to popular demand:

Social Animal posted:

Anyways I can't wait to see you slay this Kagoo and bone some bald amazon womens.

Zenaida posted:

I vote you take out Mr. Kagoo with your sweet bowhunting skills and start boning down with hot amazons immediately.

Go fight the kagoo, go fight the kagoo, well Trepliev1 went, waited until dark and fought the kagoo, all we could find of him was his sesame computer

Trepliev1's sesame computer

Rest in pieces you crazy bastard

Addendum part 2:

With some more arrows and my bow, I think I can actually kill that "Kagoo" and show up Epicurus92 who's the real man.

Its night time in the swamp, the mosquitoes are becoming more annoying.

A huge roar is heard in the distance. Oh shit, that's definitely the Kagoo. I ready my bow and an arrow

I see movement in the distance, and a roar that is much closer. I fire off an arrow.

Holy shit he's HUGE. I fire off another arrow, and another, and another…He's too close!

I have no time to fire off another arrow, and it's too fast so I can't run. I take out my knife and stab it in the chest as fast as I can, why won't it die? It's talons are ripping into me, I can't dodge it's giant maw, it's too qui-

Sesame under watch…..cause of death…….Violent Traumatism…..

As you can see, you can't kill something as big as the kagoo with only a bow and arrows. I tried the best I could and I can't kill it. There must be another way. If you listened to the Sesame recording earlier, the kagoo makes quite a sound, it scared me shitless when I was little and now it still makes me a bit nervous. We will be going back to the regular program as soon as possible

Thank you all for the gold rating, you guys rock.

Another update coming soon