Part 5
Sorry, for the delay. Here we go again!NEW WINNER : ' h '
It has long been said that ' h ' is notkitten, but today. TODAY IS THE DAY WE WILL FIND OUT. Wait, wrong game. I set off again. Being a robot, no emotions entered my solid steel brain, but if they had, I'm sure they would be of doubt and trepidation... why could I not find kitten, with all my abilities? But, since those thoughts never occurred, I progressed with renewed energy. Midway on my kitten journey, I found myself
In dark woods, the right road lost. - Where am I, and where is kitten? Inexplicably lost, I started to head towards the south...
Part 2: Finding ' h ' Continued...
I finally drew near to what it was that I sought with the entirety of my being. "This appears to be a rather large stack of trashy romance novels."
... This was not what I sought.
Seriously this time, where is kitten? I'm gonna go with ' > ' since many of you are bandwagoning it, so coming right up!
You need to hurry up...
It's Zen man, it can't be hurried. And people seem to be enjoying themselves...