Part 10: CHAPTER 5: The One Ryou Request - [Part II]

This time we take a brief tour of Rakugai and make our way to Kouetsu's estate.
Some historical notes:
Kawaramachi is, as noted in the video, a real place situated more or less in the same location relative to Gion that it is in the game. The waterway crossed by the bridge on Shijou Avenue is the Kamo River, the main river for the city of Kyoto.
Here's a picture of the bridge today, facing west down Shijou Avenue, away from Yasaka Shrine.

The arrow indicates where Kouetsu's manor would be located based on the game, although the exact real-life location is unknown.
The real-life Honami Kouetsu was a wealthy patron of the fine arts and an accomplished artist himself in many disciplines. He is most famous for his skills in calligraphy and pottery, with some of his work on display at various national or prefectural museums in Japan. One of his lesser-known abilities was "sword polishing" - finishing swords that had been forged by master blacksmiths. By some accounts this was his family's traditional business, and the Sengoku Era had made it quite wealthy. It would also explain his relatively high standing with the samurai class, despite not being samurai himself. In later years, Kouetsu established one of the first artists' colonies in Japan with the tacit approval of the Tokugawa government.
Even today his name is still at least familiar to many average Japanese people, and obviously revered among artists and craftsmen. His grave still stands in Kyoto, and those wishing to visit will probably find no crowds to contend with.
Gameplay Notes
Sidequests are a major part of every Yakuza game, and Kenzan is no exception. In total there are 100 standard sidequests and 20 kakemawari jobs available over the course of each playthrough. They generally have a much lighter and sillier tone than the main storyline, sometimes to the point of breaking character, in my opinion, and have no impact on the game's main plot, but they do yield cash and experience, unlock opportunities for weapons training and crafting, and completing every single one unlocks a secret boss in the final chapter.
More than any other entry in the series, Kenzan makes it very difficult on the player to actually complete all of these quests as they become available - not because the quests themselves are difficult, but because it can be hard to find them all. New sidequests open up each chapter as you might expect, but they also open up after almost every story event, major or minor, and many can only be completed during one or two of the three times of day featured in the game (daylight, twilight, and night). They're not missable per se, but not every chapter will have an instance of all three time periods, not every chapter allows you complete freedom to travel to whatever area of the game world you desire, and almost all sidequests have prerequisite sidequests that bear no logical connection to the ones they unlock. The same applies to Revelations and technique training, and I think Kenzan was one of the last holdouts in the old era of JRPG design where the keys to starting sub missions and gaining unlockables were purposely designed to be as obtuse as possible to facilitate sales of official strategy guides. There are many times where the momentum of the narrative is such that you really just want to continue on with the main game, but if you don't backtrack and talk to every single townsperson between each and every story event you'll at best lose out on some techniques or heat actions that you would've really liked to have for that big battle or boss, and at worst permanently miss a sidquest and screw yourself out of 100% completion.
For those who haven't played any Yakuza games, don't let this deter you from trying them out. The newer games have largely done away with this onerous system and made it so sidequests are more or less completely unmissable and can be done at your convenience, while the older ones at least didn't have the time of day system like Kenzan so you could always put them off for just one more story event and come right back to them instead of having to wait three more chapters for another twilight instance to roll around.
My solution to this issue for the LP is to do almost all of the sidequests that aren't 90% combat in screenshot format alongside each video update. These are the sidequests that are available at the point the video takes place, and none of them have voice acting or full-motion cutscenes. Revelations, weapon training and the whole two or three sub missions that do actually have unique, voice-acted, full-motion cutscenes will still be in the main videos.
The sidequest section of the update assumes that you've watched the video before reading the screenshot portion.

In these sections my comments will be in standard text. At this point I don't plan to add any original character dialogue, but if I change my mind in the future that will be in italics. So without further ado, here are the sidequests for Chapter 5-B:

Last time we had an unfinished contract in Gion. Something to do with a cynophobe. So let's head back to party town and make sure he hasn't been turned into kibble while we were away.

But en route we're accosted by yet another

Fetch quest ahoy! Despite the vague reward though, this is one of the most important and simultaneously easiest contracts to complete.

It's just a quick jog over to Suiten Inari...

It's hard to see in the picture, but there's a shiny just over Kiryuu's head.

[Locker Key I-2] acquired.
[These locker keys have been in every game since the original. Kenzan is the first one to put them in out of reach places like on rooftops and over fences, but the last not to have the first person view mode from Yakuza 3 and 4. That means finding keys and other goodies is just a matter of getting close enough to the item and hitting X when the prompt appears, whether you can actually see the sparkle or not.
Also, if you didn't see the key up there, there's a guy standing right nearby who points it out to you.

Kiryuu does his best John Travolta impression in celebration of his victory over the nefarious feline.

Once he's gotten himself back under control, we head straight back to the lockers and deliver our find. Hooray for static camera angles!

Handed over [Locker Key I-2].

Received [Locker Key I-2].

Got 1000 Experience Points

What incredible goodies await us inside?

[Offering Book of the Water God] acquired.
Why it's something that's absolutely useless to us at the moment!
Actually, at base it's a book of weapon crafting recipes. If we have access to a blacksmith (we don't), the right ingredients and enough money, the following 3 weapons can be made now that we have this:
Offering Book of the Water God posted:
The tachi [Bidoromaru] can be made from a [Chrome Katana], using 1 [Tengu Stone] and 1 [Gold Tortoiseshell].
The [Water God Tachi] can be made from the [Bidoromaru], using 1 [Water God Stone] and 1 [Dragon Whiskers].
The [Holy Fountain Kodachi] can be made from a [Chrome Kodachi], using 1 [Tengu Stone] and 1 [Essence of the Lustful Waterfall].
Who the hell uses a sword made of chrome? Whatever, that's 2 lockers down and 48 to go. What makes this quest so important is that the collectible locker keys won't appear in the game until you've completed it. Now that we have, the other 48 will be in fixed locations all over the game world, sometimes very far away from Gion. It'll be quite a while before we can get them all, but a good half of them or so are in Gion, Rakugai and Kawaramachi. I'll be collecting those that are in my way in the videos and then just sweeping through off-screen later to get the rest.

Off to put out the next fire. The letter said our dog-hating client was hanging out near the Gambling Hall. That's in an easily missable clearing accessible through a small break in the line of torii gates in the southeastern part of town.

Luckily I stopped by the Arigataya Market and picked up some snacks earlier.

Do doggies like manjuu, I wonder?

Question asked, question answered.

Why give him another one just like the first of course! I'm sure he was just being polite. After all, they say it's customary in Japan to refuse an offering of food twice before accepting.

Well, crap!
[VOICE OFFSCREEN]: Hey! Pochitaro!

Got [5000 mon].
Got 1500 Experience Points

That's one of the lower paying jobs. These kakemawari contracts average around 1 ryou.
In case you were wondering, it doesn't matter what food you give the dog as long as you make two attempts.

We're done playing handyman for now, so it's time to buckle on our swords and pay a visit to Rakugai for some less formal (read: unpaid) sidequests.

Down at the west end of Shijou Avenue, where the entrance to Kawaramachi is, there are a few merchant stalls that are mostly there for background.

This guy, however...

Whew! So after we've heard his totally legitimate and not at all shady spiel, what are we gonna do?

[Magic Wallet] acquired.
[Sparkling Dust Cloth] acquired.

We should probably step away before Tanaka convinces Kiryuu to pay 1000 mon for his [Enchanted Ballscratcher].

Of course!
Put some money in and peeked inside....
There appear to be ten times the coins there were before!
....but the wallet is lined with a reflective material, giving the illusion of a fuller pouch.

Got 1200 Experience Points
Well, chalk that one up to being cooped up in Gion for about four years. Kiryuu's just not used to dealing with the hucksters and shysters on this side of the tracks. Let's head down to the other end of Shijou Avenue and see if better fortunes await us there.

There appears to be a strange hunchbacked dwarf with a terrible sunburn on the left up ahead. The poor thing! Surely there must be something we can do to ease his suffering.

Scratch that. It's a small child who apparently got lost on her way to the 4th grade class play. This year's theme: The Food Pyramid.

Kiryuu is understandably hesitant.

Gotta hand it to the little lady for pulling off her pitch despite the bleary eyes and runny nose. Note she doesn't quote us a price, but it's not more than 100 mon or so.

[Chili Peppers] acquired.

However, just as we step away, a pair of Ravenous Douchebags draws near!

Batman away!

There was technically a choice whether to help, but WWKD? (What Would Kiryuu Do?)

Beat the everliving shit out of them, of course!

Have a few highlights:

They're punks who go down in a matter of seconds, as is par for the course on sidequests.

That's pretty much the classic Yakuza sidequest. Punks push somebody around, Kiryuu gets in their face, Kiryuu punches their face, punks run away.

Got 1500 Experience Points

Right. Heading south and then west on the southernmost road we find a little boy studying outside.

He actually attends a terakoya, which was a school for younger children based in a Buddhist temple and taught by monks. Education wasn't mandatory in the Edo Period, but it was available through shrines and temples for those who had the time and lived close enough but weren't able to afford private tutors like the nobles had.

Again we can choose whether or not to help him, but we didn't come over here to turn him down.

I have no idea if the name "Mametarou" is a reference to something, but it literally means "Bean Boy". "-tarou" was and is a common suffix for male names, but I don't think "mame" ("beans") is usually used for humans. Maybe it's because he looks kind of like a bean? Actually, the dog at the orphanage in Yakuza 3 was called Mame in the Japanese language version of the game, but he was renamed Rex or something for the English language edition.

The answer is in spoiler tags in case you know some Japanese and want to play along. The game gives you three options.

1. hito
2. inu
3. neko

1. katsuo
2. same
3. iwashi

1. yutanpo
2. kotatsu
3. anka

Yeah, I didn't know that one before playing this game and would never have gotten it cold without having three to choose from.

Everything he needs to know he learned in kindergarten: how to knock people down and kick them in the face. And apparently some basic reading too.

Got 1000 Experience Points

Heading back east along the road there's a dispirited old man standing in front of his home.

They're actually shouji, the sliding paper doors for which Japan is famous.

Kiryuu takes up position across the street and waits for the dastardly hole-poker to show himself.

Which he does, in short order.

I think we may have history's first griefer on our hands. If this guy were alive today he'd probably be living in his parents' basement, team-killing in Call of Duty and jumping off buildings in Left 4 Dead.

The suspect barely gets around the corner before he's out of breath. We're obviously dealing with a real live ninja.

He's an even bigger pussy than the two guys harrassing the chili girl. Also note that you can stab and slash guys in sidequests and random battles all you want but they're just fine and dandy after it's all over. In story missions though Kiryuu kills just about everyone, even when he's using hand-to-hand.

In other words, go find that heartless gossip and smash his face in!
We already know he's at the big gate so it's just a matter of jogging over there.


Don't ask me how he knows this guy from the half-dozen others milling around the area, but I guess Kiryuu just has a kind of sixth sense for knowing whose balls to break.

Always trust Face-Punch Sense TM

Received [Chrysanthemum Pattern Incense Burner].
I'm pretty sure the only use for this is as a gift to any of the yuujo you may want to romance, but like all Yakuza games gift-giving is by far the least cost-effective way of winning them over. We can also sell it for 7000 mon, which is probably the more sensible choice.

Got 1500 Experience Points
With that clear we have just one more stop to make: Higashiyama Street, where the vendors hawk their wares.

At the entrance to the street, Kiryuu can hear a small child whining about candy. This of course calls for a samurai's assistance.

What, the kid doesn't like chili peppers or dust cloths? Because those we have.

There are a few choices, but the kid will only be happy with the most expensive one, [Gold-colored Candy].

Got 1500 Experience Points

Kiryuu jogs off in search of more greedy children to feed, but....

Seriously, what is it about Mr. Always-scowl-never-smile-200-pounds-of-muscle Kiryuu that makes people think Whoa, there's a sucker if I ever saw one!?

For that matter, what makes people think this same man is going to be such a pushover in a fight? Oh well, time to smash the candy man like a pinata.

Received [1 ryou].

Got 1000 Experience Points
A fitting reward for knocking out all a man's teeth in front of his son, I'd say.
And that brings us to the end for this section, but by no means to the end of the sidequests available in Chapter 5. In fact, just by speaking to Kouetsu we've unlocked a good number more, as well as a few more Revelations, all of which we'll be collecting next time.
Kakemawari Jobs: