Part 14: CHAPTER 6: The Yoshioka Dojo - [Part I]
This update is massive because of the sheer number of sidequests available. Part 1 already ran over the character limit so it's getting posted in several sections. Expect most updates through Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 to continue in that vein, so they may take more time than usual.
Some historical notes:
The Yoshioka style and the school of swordsmanship where it was taught were established in the 16th century in the area around Kyoto. Yoshioka Kenpou was the supposed founder and an instructor to the Ashikaga shoguns (the rulers before the Tokugawa). As Itou says, wool dying was supposedly an important family business, the specific type named after the founder. Not much is known about his life or the school other than some records of duels and challenges held there and the fact that by the time Kenpou's grandchildren had reached adulthood the school was no more. Yoshikawa's novel and most historical fiction dealing with Miyamoto Musashi puts the fault for this on events surrounding the titular character, but the more likely reasons are the cyclical nature of business and the changing face of Japan. As martial skill became less important and young samurai were more interested in and more adept at bureaucracy and clerical work, the need for schools of swordsmanship declined. Those that continued to exist did so because they offered something other than the opportunity to win tournaments, such as connections and more practical skills. In all likelihood, the administrators of the dojo, faced with declining enrollment and loss of status during the Edo Period, simply moved on to other pursuits rather than fight against the tide.
Chapter 6 and 7 probably have the most new sidequests of any chapters in Kenzan, so this will be a long update. Once we've collected the 2 ryou and met up with Itou nighttime will end, so if we want to keep on schedule we'll need to get most of these done. I think this is set up this way so you have a lot of ways to get the cash you need to contiue the story.
We start our patrol in Kawaramachi, on the far western end, where Kiryuu notices a man dressed all in black desperately trying to keep his balance on the rooftop.

Oh man! This bag is too heavy! I think I'm gonna fall! And after I got past the owners and everything...

I can't give up now! C'mon, keep it together! Whoa! Just drop down... It'll be fine... Y'AHHHHH!
The screen fades to black and the man comes crashing down on Kiryuu's head.

Oof! What the hell? You just fell out of the sky!

Yow! Hey, I did it! Sorry there, big guy. But thanks to you I didn't get a scratch! You're not hurt, are you?
We can tell him we're fine or say we're injured. Counterintuitively, you need to complain that he injured you if you want any kind of reward, though either choice will "complete" the quest and unlock the next part of the chain.

I think I hurt something when you landed on me, but I suppose it's no big deal.

I'm so sorry! You never know how serious it is, so lemme give you this for the doctor.
Received [1

Think it's enough? You know, I'm kinda in a hurry, so see you later, huh?

Hold it! What on earth were you doing up on the roof anyway?

Look, I'd love to stay and chat, but I kinda made a lot of noise falling down here and I think I woke the shopkeeper.

This is my first job in Kyoto and it's not going too good so far, so I'd better get outta here before it gets worse. Later!
The screen fades out again and when it comes back...
...we're surrounded.

Hey! You! There's nowhere left to run! Give back the money you took from us!

I was just walking down the street when a man fell from the rooftops and landed on my head. If somebody stole your money it was probably him.

So where's this guy now? You're the only one I can see around here.

He already ran away, and I haven't stolen anything. Now get out of my way.

You didn't steal anything huh? Then why is our cash box lying right next to you? That belongs to us and it's all the proof we need! Now shut up and hand it over!

This is a cash box? Take it if you want. This all has nothing to do with me.

There were two of them! Where's the other one?

Like I said, that guy who fell on me and ran off must have dropped it. He did have a large package strapped to his back.

This man's a friend of yours, eh? In that case tell us where he is and we'll let you go. C'mon, spit it out!

This is really starting to annoy me. I've got nothing against you, but if you won't step aside willingly I'll have to make you.

Ow! He's too strong! Let's get out of here!

You're a tough one! Sorry I got you in trouble. But thanks to you I managed to get both boxes. Here, this is for helping me out like that.
Received [1

I'm gonna be a famous master thief, just like Ishikawa Goemon! Even though they caught him and he got boiled alive around ten years back. They call me Asakusa Rokuzaemon.
Ishikawa Goemon is a famous and possibly mythical thief and assassin from the late Sengoku Era (late 16th century) who was supposedly boiled alive after trying to assassinate the lord of his region.
Something like that. He also appeared in a series of video games from the original NES all the way through the PS2.

The series was called Legend of the Mystical Ninja when it was localized.

The guys in this place are real bad. They're always causing trouble for the people around here. That's why I stole their cash box! I rob from the rich and corrupt and give to the poor and downtrodden. Now I'm gonna go spread the wealth around. Thanks again!
Got 1500 Experience Points
I'm sure we'll run into Robin Hood there again somewhere down the line.
Just behind where he was standing we can find a locker key.
Locker key [TO - 1] acquired.
And up the street a few steps there's another lying in the road.
Locker key [CHI - 2] acquired.
Now we head back to Rakugai for more sidequesting.
Near the entrance to Gion, a trio of women can be overheard gossipping.

You're so lucky, Tsubaki-chan. It's a Yamanoe tea bowl, just like you wanted.

These are so popular now, so I had a hard time getting a hold of one. But now that I have I'm ever so happy!

You know, Genjirou-san across the road from you has one too.

Actually, I heard that Genjirou-san passed away quite suddenly the other day.

Really? There have been a lot of unfortunate incidents like that lately. The lady who lives behind me, Okiku-san? She was cut down by a samurai who just didn't like the look of her.

Okiku-san had one of those tea bowls too, didn't she? They must be cursed!

No, it couldn't be.... Don't tell such disturbing tales.

You're right. It's probably a coincidence. You shouldn't let it concern you.
That doesn't sound suspicious at all.

Those Yamanoe tea bowls are so popular right now! I'd sure love to have one. But there are rumors going around that they might be cursed. Honestly, it seems like everyone who has one meets some kind of unusual death....

Forget it. It's probably just a silly rumor.
Hmm. Well that's obviously nothing Kiryuu should worry about. He's more of a sake man anyway. Let's head back to Kawaramachi and try not to think about curses while we take in the cool night air on the bridge.
But a depressed-looking citizen is already occupying Kiryuu's favorite pondering spot.

I heard you sighing. What's wrong?

You wouldn't happen to have heard of Yamanoe tea bowls, would you?
Why yes, yes we have. In a shocking coincidence, we overheard some ladies discussing this very subject not twenty seconds ago.

I have.

Is that so? I'm the craftsman who makes them. If I may say so, I'm very pleased that they have become so popular. In fact, I can't even keep up with all the orders I'm receiving. However...

What is it?

Right. Well, lately there has been a rumor making the rounds that whoever has one of my tea bowls will meet an untimely death.


It's true that my customers seem to have been dying off one by one under mysterious circumstances. Drownings, beheadings, falls from high places.... They all look like accidents, but I can't help but think there must be somebody behind all this.

At other times I think my work really must be cursed and that maybe I should just give up my craft.

Could you live with that? Don't you think it would be better to investigate whether or not these deaths really were all accidents?

Perhaps you're right.

Today a woman named Tsubaki bought one of my tea bowls. I was thinking of keeping an eye on her for awhile, just to see whether she really is in trouble. You look strong. If it turns out she is in danger, could you please help her? I'm not confident I can do it alone.
As usual, there's a choice. We're not going to refuse of course.


Thank you so much. Then let's hurry to Tsubaki-san's home. It's this way.
The pair utilize their pocket-sized high-powered matter transporters and arrive in front of the lady's house just in the nick of time.

That's her!

Hey, you got one 'a those Yamanoe bowls!

Yes, well...

Get over here!

Oh! Someone help me!

Hey! What do you think you're doing?

Who the hell are you? What a minute... You're the bowl-maker!

Hey, this is perfect! Now I can kill you all at once!


Why were you following Tsubaki-san?

Ugh. Because she has a Yamanoe tea bowl.

So you're the one who's been stalking all my customers!

Yeah. These days all anyone ever asks for is Yamanoe tea bowls. It's gotten so bad I can't sell any of my own. So I figured if I could make it look like they were cursed, my own business might pick up again.

There's nothing wrong with competition. But you should compete with your products.

Please stop doing things like this.

Will you be satisfied if he gives this up?

Yes. As long as the rumors are at an end.

I'm sorry.

Thank you so much for saving me.

It looks like my tea bowl is not cursed after all. Please take good care of it and use it with pride.

I will.

It's a lucky thing I ran into you, Kiryuu-san. Now I have the confidence to return to my craft. Here, this is for you as thanks for your help. It's a new design I was planning to debut soon.
Received [Yamanoe Teacup].

Thank you again.
Got 1500 Experience Points
Really? I mean, that's it? So when a guy steals from the Tsuruya it's all "off to the authorities with you!" but a triple homicide just warrants a finger-wagging? Get your priorities straight, Kiryuu.
If we head down the westernmost road near the sideshow, we'll automatically trigger another sidequest.
This drunk guy is waving his sword around and frightening his neighbors.

(Huh? What's going on?)

Please stop!

Asshole! If you don't get outta my way I'm gonna slice you up with this magic sword I got!
Magic sword? Kiryuu is all ears now.

Please don't keep doing this. How many fights have you gotten into today?

Tch. It's you. Shit, I need another drink. Lucky for you, buddy. Ha ha ha!
Kiryuu is left understandably perplexed.

What happened? Was that man with the sword your husband? He looked pretty drunk.

Yes. He never used to drink, but ever since he got that enchanted sword...

Did you say enchanted?

That's right. It's called
Suiken, and he picked it up someplace recently. It definitely has some magic to it, because it seems like the more my husband has to drink the stronger the sword becomes.

Drinking makes it more powerful. Are you sure?

Yes. He never used to even know how to hold a sword, but now it's like he can't lose a fight. The thing is, now he's turned into a big bully and won't stop picking fights with other people.

I see.

I'm sure he went back to the sake shop. Would you mind coming there with me?

(An Enchanted Sword that becomes stronger the more the wielder drinks...)
No reason we can't oblige the little lady.
Kiryuu arrives just in time to see the aftermath of another drunken melee.

Ha ha ha! That all you assholes got? Losers! As long as I got this sword and some booze I can't lose! Hey, old man! Gimme another bottle!

What? I'll drink as much as I want! Shut yer hole!

Watch your mouth. I'm not as weak as these other guys here.

Ooh, you're a toughguy, huh? Hold up, I need a drink first. Wait there just a second.

Huh? Yeah... okay.

C'mon old man, get me another drink!

Yes, sir.

Wait right there. *glug, glug, glug*


Whew! Alright, let's go!

Finally! Bring it!
The screen fades to black and suddenly the customer is on the ground.

Wha-? How did you...?

Ha ha! *hic* Had enough yet? *hic*

Shit... How'd a drunk like you beat me?

That's enough! You have to stop this, dear!

Huh? Why? *hic* Now that I got this sword I'm super-powered! *hic*

I'm begging you, sir. Please stop him! I promise there will be a reward.

Whazzat? You wanna be next? *hic* No problem! No one's gonna beat me and my magic sword! *hic*

Hmph. Are you ready then?

Whoa! You look a lot tougher than that last guy.

Well? C'mon!

Could ya hold up just a sec?


Hey, old man! Gimme another drink!

Uh, again? Y-Yes, sir.

*glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug* Whew!

Now I'm gonna be stronger than ever! *hic* Alright, let's go!
This guy has a decent health meter for a sidequest opponent, but he doesn't have any better moves than random bandits. As such, he goes down in about 20 seconds.

Ah! I feel awful...

What the hell's with this guy?

Thank you so much. This is for you.
Received [2

Please take this as well.
Received [Enchanted Sword -

You really don't mind?

He doesn't need it anymore. Once this sword is gone he should become the kind husband I used to know again. I truly am in your debt. Thank you.

I need another drink...
So now her husband's a pussy, and he's still a drunk. Slam dunk for her, I guess.


Ugh! What am I going to do with you?
We've netted the first of the Enchanted Swords we need for that sidequest we started last time. We can head straight back to the blacksmith's and hand it over if we want, but there won't be any reward until we've collected all five so there's no real advantage. In the meantime, we can use it in combat if we want. It has nearly zero ATTACK and POWER by default, but if Kiryuu's drunk it becomes pretty strong for this point in the game. The only disadvantage is it has a SPEED stat of
slow, so it won't replace the
Water God Tachi. If you use it the only visual effect is that purple smokey swirl that you could see on the guy we got it from during the fight, which is the same effect as all Enchanted Swords.
Got 1500 Experience Points
We continue east down Shijou Avenue, then hang a right down Hanami Alley.
Right across from the blacksmith there's a suspicious-looking man hanging out.

Hey there! I've got some real good info, and you can have it for just 1
ryou? What do you say?
No pain, no gain. We have to buy the information if we want to begin this sidequest.

Alright. Here.

Hey, thanks. Alright, listen to this. The sake shop in Rakugai, Ikkonya? There's this real pretty-boy there called Sasemon. He's been going around telling people he uses the [Dual Sword Style].
I just like this reaction shot of Kiryuu.

The Dual Sword Style?

You look pretty tough, but be careful around that guy, okay?
Well Kiryuu has to go check this guy out. I mean, he could be the fake Miyamoto Musashi we've been searching for? Or he could even be Sasaki Kojirou trying to lure him out!
The sake shop is the only one in Rakugai, not far from Yasaka Shrine.
Ha ha ha! You're so cute, Okame.

This is so much fun Sasemon!

(That's Sasemon!?)
Well that's definitely not Kojirou.

Hey, are you Sasemon?

Hm? Yes, that's right. Why?

I'd like to speak with you a minute.

..... Wait for me outside, Okame.


So what did you want?

Have you... ever heard of the [Dual Sword Style]?

! ! ! Where did you hear about that?

Is it true?

Ha ha ha! Is that a joke? I'm a total ladies' man! The [Dual Sword Style] isn't my thing.


Whew! I think I've had too much to drink. Okame! Let's head somewhere else!
Kiryuu throws his most concerned look after the young man, but in vain.
Outside the shop, the owner catches up to us.

Hold on! The guy you were just talking to asked me to give you this.
Received [Letter].
All it says is: "
Waiting at the Rakugai Shrine"
Hmm. Well, that shrine is in the center of Rakugai, just north of the weapon shop. So let's head directly there.
That looks like Sasemon. But where's Okame?

You came. Heh heh. So you follow the Dual Sword Style as well, eh?


Hmm. There aren't too many like us around. How fortunate that we were able to meet.


Well then... How does 2
ryou for the night sound to you?

For the night? What are you talking about?

You're quite the bargainer. Fine, 3
ryou then.

I really have no idea what's going on.
Our new friend then begins his "erotic" dance routine for us.

You came because you like me, didn't you? I've been with so many women, but men are much more to my taste. And you're just my type...

Whoa! I'm not into that kind of thing!

What did you say? You think you can come this far and then just reject me!?
And suddenly we're forced to beat Sasemon half to death.
He's a decent blocker, but doesn't have any new moves or much health.

That's enough! I don't want to bruise my beautiful face...


You've had your chance with me, so don't come crying to me later! Ta-ta!
[Yamato Spirit Jewel] acquired.
Got 1500 Experience
Ah, good old homophobic
Yakuza. This isn't the last time we'll encounter a gay joke in this game. In fact, it's not even the last time in this update.
There's also another key on the shrine behind our dancing friend.
[Locker Key CHI-1] acquired.
We're pretty much done in Rakugai for the time being, so let's head back to Gion and see what's up there.