Part 15: More sidequests
On the little side street just north of the Tatsuya we encounter this balding shill.

Hey you! Yes, you! Where are you headed? Are you looking for a good time? If so, you oughtta visit my shop. I've got the the cutest young things you've ever seen, all waiting and ready for you!

Sorry. I've already got a place I like.

Hey, hey, now just hear me out. It's nice to have a regular joint, so I hear you. But doesn't it get old always hitting the same place, seeing the same girls, you know? Variety is the spice of life, man! You gotta hit the town, try new things! Let yourself go someplace you never been, meet some people you never met. Who knows what could happen? The possibilities are endless!

Okay, okay! You've got a point. You're pretty good at this.

Heh heh. Thanks! I just opened up my own place, so I don't have a lot of customers yet. But I promise you won't be disappointed! I have nothing but young, luscious, fair-skinned beauties at my shop. You won't believe your eyes!

Luscious, you say?

That's right! Voluptuous, tender, and oh so sweet! Whaddya say? Interested?
How can we say no to such a plucky entrepreneur.... after meeting him in an empty back alley of the red light district?

Alright, I'll give your place a try.

Great! I'll show you the way. Follow me!

Here we are. Just step inside.

Is this really a pleasure house?

Sure is! I didn't wanna waste all my money on the outside so I could fix up the inside real nice. C'mon in!

The inside's run-down too. Did you really spend money on this place?

Ha! Dontcha know man? This is the fashion now! Now lemme tell you about your options. I've got three types, so just make your choice.
1. Traditional beauty
2. Voluptuous and captivating
3. Passive and fair-skinned
It makes no difference at all which we choose, so let's go with....

Number 2.

Yes sir! An excellent selection! And what a chest!

Chest, eh...?
Kiryuu is a boob man.

Absolutely huge! All the customers are fans! Now just have a seat over there and relax a moment. I'll be right back.

Sorry to keep you.

Here's what you've been waiting for! One of my brightest stars: Osaki-chan!

Yo! I'm Osaki!

What the hell is this?

What? You got a complaint? I never said they were
girls ya know! Besides, Osaki's got everything I told ya about : smooth skin, curves....

And look at that chest! It's huge, right?

Not as big as his gut.

Hey, I never promised you slender. Ha ha!

....I'm leaving.

Like hell ya are! Not until you hand over the money!

How much?

Hmm. I guess 2
ryou oughtta cover it.
As usual, there's a choice. As usual, we won't pay.

I'm not paying you anything!

Oh yeah? Then I'll hafta take it from you! Get in here, guys!

Fuck this guy up!

You got it!
So at first it's pretty much just a montage of me getting my ass handed to me.
But then things start to turn around:
This is actually one of the tougher sidequest fights on this difficulty because sumo type enemies have a bullshit move where they charge-grapple-toss-stun you that has a wonky hit-box and can't be blocked. The extra aggression on Expert means they basically spam this attack, and with three wrestlers in close quarters it's pretty hard to break out. Fortunately they have crap health, so a
kiseru (pipe) or umbrella puts them down fast. Going hand-to-hand can be really tough, though, because you can't throw them. Ever - no matter how much training you get from Komaki.

You're too tough...

So are you going to give up this scam or not?

S-Sorry! From now on I'm gonna try and run a legitimate business. Get the right kind of customers, you know?

! ! You mean you're not shutting down?

No way! You may not be into it, but there's a pretty serious demand for this kinda thing. When business is slow I trick guys like you comin' in off the street, but most days we advertise as the "Sumo Lovers Brothel". We got a ton of regulars too. There's a lotta guys out there who want a night with a "fair-skinned wrestler". I get lotsa requests for big strong guys like you, too....


Uh, anyway... sorry about today! To make it up to you, hows 'bout a free one?

Yes! We are very sorry! No charge today! Let us keep you warm tonight!

No, uh... your apology is enough.

Oh. I see. But I need to give ya somethin' for my conscience, you know? So here, take this.
Received [Tengu Stone].
Great, another copy of a crafting item we can get cheap at the weapon shop.

Sorry about this! We hope you'll visit us again sometime.

Hurry back!
Got 1000 Experience Points
Kiryuu innocently (from a certain point of view) blundering in to fetish clubs seems to be a running theme with this series.
We'll take a little detour to Sushi Gin to try some magical health-restoring tuna, and....
[Locker Key RI-5] acquired.
...pick up another locker key.
One of the keys we've picked up so far has this [Rebirth Jewel] in it, so we'll put that on too. It gives +5 to our BLADE defense.
Just one street north from the lockers we can see a familiar face chatting up a

I'm sorry you have to go. I'll always be waiting for you, so hurry back!

If only I could stay with you every day!
Hey! It's our old friend who saved his neck by nearly breaking ours at the beginning of the update!

When you say such sweet things I feel my heart fluttering!

But now I have the money to buy your freedom. I'm going to talk to the master about your contract.

My contract? Can it be true? Thank you so much!

It's true! Let me just go back home and get the money, then I'll come straight back here and pay off your debt.

(That man looks familiar. He's talking to that
yuujo though. Should I get his attention?)
We can ignore him if we want, but let's give him a shout.

Hey you! You're looking pretty flashy. Where did you get the money to buy a
yuujo's contract?

Heh, you jealous? I did a good job and got a big golden payout. Well, there were a few snags along the way....

What kind of job was it? You didn't steal that gold, did you?

W-What are you talking about!? Gold belongs to no man! It wants to be free.

Anyway, who the hell are you? You don't even know who I am! Don't just come up to me on the street.

(He told me his name when I met him before. What was it...?)
We're given a few choices, but it's always the fourth on the list:

You're Asakusa Rokuzaemon!

Ah! H-How do you know my name? Wait, you're the guy I fell on when I dropped off the roof, aren't you? Wow, that was a really botched job and I wasn't paying enough attention. Damn! I knew I should've disguised myself better. Look, I'm just having a good time in Gion right now, to reward myself for a successful job, okay? Oh, right! Here's a little reward for you too.
Received [1
Man, this guy just keeps on giving, doesn't he?

If you need some more spending money come find me around. I'll buy you a drink sometime. Now I've got some business to look in on, so see you later!

Hey! Wait! Damn, he's gone.
He wanders off, and we're left alone with the
yuujo he was after. It's easy to miss, but we have to talk with her before we leave in order to continue this sidequest.

That man said he was going to buy my contract out. Oh, it's like a dream come true! He told me that since he just arrived from Edo he's living in a guest house on Nagaya Street in Rakugai for now. I always heard everyone in that area was so poor... Could he really have enough money for my freedom? This whole thing makes me a little nervous.
Now that we've gotten our lead, the
yuujo vanishes into the ether, and Kiryuu makes straight for Nagaya Street.
[Locker Key RI-4] acquired.
On the way we spot another key on a bench.
There's no way of knowing exactly which house, except that once we've spoken to the
yuujo Kiryuu will automatically stop at this one. It's on the very eastern end of the road. The man's voice echoes from inside.

I'll make that
yuujo my wife, and we'll set up a beautiful, luxurious home somewhere. I can't wait! We'll spend tonight packing, gather up all the money, and take a romantic honeymoon together right away.

Whoa! You scared the hell out of me! Wait, it's you again. What do you want?
We can tell him we're here to send him off on his honeymoon, or we can make the choice that "completes" the quest:

Just what do you plan to do with the gold you stole from those men earlier?

Shut up! I can use it however I want!
Again, we can give up or push the issue.

Didn't you say you were giving all the money to the poor? You never gave any of it away, did you?

I changed my mind! I'm going to build a nice life for myself, and I'm not going to let you get in my way.

I thought you were going to change the world, like Ishikawa Goemon tried to do. He would be ashamed of you. You've forgotten your honor. Now I'm going to have to remind you.
I don't know, Kiryuu. Seems to me like buying a woman's freedom from sexual slavery is probably one of the more noble things you could do with that money.

I don't want to fight you, but I won't let you stop me from living my life. Get ready!
He's not much of a fighter.

I give up! I surrender! I'll give the rest of the money to the poor people of Rakugai, just like I said.

Do I have your word?

Definitely! I swear on my life! Thanks to you, I feel like I'm back to my old self, ready to fight for the poor and needy again.
See? Violence solves

That was the first job I ever pulled with such a big payout and I guess I had a moment of weakness when I saw all that gold. Now I know how wrong I was. I wanted to treat myself to a good time in Gion just once, and when I met that
yuujo she really stole my heart. She was like the most perfect woman I could have imagined. I felt like I would have done anything for her I was so head over heels, so I told her I'd buy her contract.

I guess a woman's curves clouded my eyes and your steely fist cleared them up again.
How poetic.

So you're giving her up then?

What? She's the woman of my dreams! I could never give up on her like that. My love for her is pure and true, and one day I'll be able to buy her freedom. And it won't be with any stolen money. I'm going to work hard and save every
mon for her. That's the only way we can truly have a happy life together, I think. That means... I have to give up my life as a bandit and get to work.

I see. In that case, good luck.
Then technically, shouldn't Kiryuu also give back that 3
ryou the guy gave him?

I'm going to go out in just a bit and spread around some of that gold. But before I go, I want to give you something. Don't worry, I didn't steal it. This one I actually worked for.
Received [Gold
This is a unique pipe, but the heat action is the same as for any other

Now I have to get to Gion and tell that
yuujo that I can't buy her contract yet. See you!
Technically, this sidequest hasn't ended yet because we didn't get any experience points.
For that, we need to return to Gion and visit the same place we saw the couple first.

I'm sorry I got your hopes up. But I wasn't lying about how I felt for you. Please believe me. No matter how long it takes, I swear I'll get the money I need for your freedom. So please, hold on until then.

You're the only visitor I've ever had who even suggested doing such a thing for me. You already have my love for that alone. Of course I believe you. And I will wait for you.

I'm so happy to hear that! No matter what kind of work I have to do, with you waiting for me I know I'll have the money in no time.

Just as long as you come for me before I'm an old lady. Goodbye for now, my sweet.
Got 1500 Experience Points
I was going to say that it's unlikely a poor townsman would have enough gross income in his entire lifetime to buy a
yuujo's contract, but the name the woman is given for her dialogue box is "Unpopular Yuujo", so maybe she wouldn't be so expensive as usual.
Now during the video we received a letter and a contract for another
kakemawari job at the Ebisuya in Gion, so that's where we'll head next.

Oh, the Dragon of Gion is here! I've been waiting.

Your letter said something about trouble with a customer. What's going on?

Yes, he's a samurai who about six months ago sold his sword to me after a big gambling loss. Apparently it was a family heirloom of his patron, so it cost me an arm and a leg to take it off his hands, but I managed.

I see.

He was so grateful, going on about how I'd saved his life and all that. Walked out of here with a smile on his face. Then he comes in here the other day, half a year after he sold me the thing, wanting to get it back. For free!

I've never heard of such a thing! Of course, I refused.

Of course.

See, you understand. But when I told him he got so upset. He even broke down and cried, saying "You don't even care if I die?" or something like that. Then he starts running around the shop, yelling and screaming and driving all my customers out.

Sounds like it was pretty bad.

But that's not all! He's been coming back every day since, making a scene and hurting my business. That's why I called you.

I understand. So when that samurai comes back you want me to chase him out.

Yes. I want you to make sure he never comes back here again. Please keep watch outside for me.
Alright, so we strut off to play bouncer.
And the man in question instantly appears!

That's him! Please take care of this, Kiryuu-san!

I want to talk to the Ebisuya clerk! He has to give me back my sword. If he doesn't, I'll tear this place down!

He's here! Go get him!

I heard you. Keep your voice down! It's no wonder all the customers ran off.

Who're you? My business is with the shop, not you, so step aside!

They hired me to keep you out of there, and you're not taking another step inside.

Back off! I may not have my sword, but I've got the strength of a thousand men! Let's go!
Seriously, the fight is over so fast there wasn't much else to show.
W'ahhhh! W'ahhhh! If I don't have my sword, all that's left for me to do is die! I can't go home like this!

Shit, now he's getting even louder.
W'ahhhh! All I want is my sword back!

Goddamn! You pawned it because you didn't need it anymore, right?

My patron suddenly told me he wanted to see it, and I didn't have it anymore. I have to bring it back to him. I sold it to cover my gambling losses, and if he finds out I'll have to commit
For the two or three of you who don't already know,
seppuku is the ritual self-disembowelment samurai were known to commit for various reasons ranging from disgrace to political protest.

My life is in your hands!

How much money do you have on you now?

ryou 3528
mon. But it's not enough.

Damn right it's not! There's no way I can let it go for that little. Any ideas, Kiryuu-san?
We're given three choices:
1. I'll buy it
2. Let him just borrow it for a bit
3. Give up and kill yourself
Much as I'd love to go for option #3 right now, the "complete" choice is #1.

I guess there's no other way. I'll buy the sword for you.

Are you sure? The going price is 50
ryou. Do you really plan to pay that?

W'ahhhh! I can't believe there's somebody out there kind enough to do this for me! Knowing that, I really regret what I've done. You're a wonderful man, and you've shown me the right path to take. I'm going to commit
seppuku right here and now. Sir, will you please lend me that sword one final time?

Whoa, hold up there! If you kill yourself right in front of my shop no one's ever going to want to deal here again! Look, I have an idea. You give me all the money you've saved up to buy this sword back, and I'll let you borrow it when, and only when, your patron comes to visit.
W'ahhhh! W'ahhhh! I'm so grateful to you! I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live!

Whew! (But even if he wanted to kill himself he doesn't have a sword to do it with.)

Well, here's the payment for the Tatsuya then. I too was moved by your compassion for this poor man you don't even know. So I've decided to pay you 2
ryou instead.
Received [2
Got 1500 Experience Points

(This guy sure was a pain in the ass...)
Alright, a little detour before we get to work on more contracts. Back in the Tengu Pharmacy (which we haven't visited since the Prologue) there's another locker key to be found.
[Locker Key NU-4] acquired.
Then just north of there we can stumble across two toughs harrassing an old man.

Hey! What's going on?

Wait, aren't you the Master of the Tatsuya? Don't worry, we're just getting a little light exercise.

Yeah, our job is to help... loosen up misbehaving customers. Heh heh.

Ahh! I'll pay you, I swear! As soon as I have the money! Just give me a little more time! Please!

Nah, nah, too late! You're in the wrong town if you're looking for a break, pops.

Please believe me! I'll get it for you.
We're given the choice whether to help him or to walk away.

Stop it. Hurting this old man won't get you your money.

Doesn't matter. Who's gonna respect us if we let him get away without a scratch?

Right. Course, you could get the money from him yourself. How about that solution, eh?

Hey, there's an idea! I know the Dragon of Gion can get some real results.

Of course, if you can't get it you'll have to pay.

Yeah. If we go back empty-handed we'll get in trouble. The boss will think we can't handle our jobs.

That means you have to be liable for the debt. It's 5
ryou. So we have a deal?
Kiryuu has one last chance to back out, but the answer to these questions is never to give up.

Fine by me.

That's very noble of you. Gion thrives on compassion, you know.

We'll be back later. Have the money ready when we get here.
They saunter away, leaving the old man to Kiryuu.

Whew. Well, we'd better get started. Show me to your house.

Y-Yes, sir! Thank you!

(I don't think everything this guy owns combined would be worth 5

Thank you so, so much! If you hadn't come along I'm sure they would have drowned me in the Kamo River by now.

Maybe so...

You saved my life! This isn't much, but please take it as thanks.

What is it?

I'm a calligrapher. Of all the works I have penned, this is my greatest achievement. I always thought I could never let it go. But now I feel it is only right that you take it. Please, accept my gift to you.
Received [Indecipherable Scroll].

(A calligrapher, huh? This looks like a kid's drawing. So much for making my money back...)

Thank you again!

(They said to meet them in the same place. I guess I'd better head over there.)

Hey there! You brought the money, right?

Ha! I knew that old guy had it all along. You didn't have to work him over, did you?

Heh heh. I can tell everything that happened just from your face. You didn't get a single
mon, did you?

Look now, a promise is a promise.

....take your money.
Handed over [5

We got it! See ya!

(Whew. Well, I may as well see what I can get for the old guy's scribbling. A little money's better than none.)
Because Kiryuu prizes all his gifts, he heads straight to the pawn shop to offload this junk.

Eh? Hey, let me see that scroll!

Huh? Yeah, sure....

I knew it! It's the real thing! I never thought I'd see this with my own eyes!

What are you talking about?

Kiryuu-san, don't you know? This has been missing for over ten years. It's the work of Arashiyama Naihei, the famous artist! He really made this! You wouldn't sell it to me, would you? I'll give you seven... No, wait, 10
We can refuse if we want and still finish the quest, but there's no other use for the artwork in the game.


Wonderful! This will be my most prized possession.
Sold the [Indecipherable Scroll] for [10
Got 1000 Experience Points
A 5
ryou profit, and we didn't even need to punch any faces. To tell the truth, I feel ripped off.