Part 21: Bonus Video 3: How to Make Sweets

Not a full update, but it won't affect the one planned for Tuesday. This is a sidequest that can be initiated in the last part of Chapter 6 but you have to do most of it during the nighttime. It has several unique cutscenes, hence the video format.

This seems as good a place as any to put the next yuujo encounter. This time we'll be visiting the other shop, the Yumejiya. Since I already showed off the entire system in the Hinakiku bonus video, for this encounter I'm only going to show a small sampling of the dialogue, with mixed good and bad results, followed by the sidequest at the end. I'll also have a couple of short videos of the parlor games because the Yumejiya's are different from the Azamiya's.

The Yumejiya is just across the street from the Azamiya and it works the same way. There are four girls here, although the last is only available once all the other six have been "completed". We'll select Kinuya this time, since she's the cheapest at about 2500 mon per visit.

She's not nearly as childlike or goofy as Hinakiku.

Like most girls, Kinuya encourages us to drink because alcohol costs more, but she's neutral on us ordering tea. Which we'll do because you may remember that getting drunk can get you kicked out and I tend to lose these parlor games often. You can order a kind of seafood stew (200 mon) that will give you +1 heart every time.

1. To see a pretty and smiling girl
2. To be around a good listener
3. To take off her clothes
It's a little early in the evening to be that creepy.

A few more Q&A sessions, and we're ready for the first parlor game.
Some people may find this easy. I do not. It's worse than karuta (the card game at the Azamiya) because I have a terrible sense of rhythm. The idea is that you take turns touching the table in time to the music. If the disc is on the table you need to use an open hand (TRIANGLE), or else pick it up (CIRCLE). If the disc is up (because your opponent has taken it) you need to knock your knuckles on the empty table (SQUARE). A player can only pick up the disc for a maximum of 3 turns, but 1 or 2 is also acceptable. It's single elimination, and after 10 successful cycles you start again with a faster tempo. Kinuya is the weakest player, and even she almost always gets to the second round at least. I often lose on the very first button press. What makes it so hard (for me) is you can't switch your selection. So if you press SQUARE while Kiryuu's arm is up but then press TRIANGLE even well before his hand reaches the table you're still locked into the SQUARE action. Ugh.
Click the picture to see the video.

That is, without exaggeration, the best performance I have ever had on that minigame. Once we're finished losing, it's back to Q&A:

1. You don't have to drink
2. You're a drunk
3. Show me

She calls to the staff outside.

Reverse psychology, Kiryuu?

After awhile it's time for a date.

I chose a sit-down restaurant on the west side of Gion that we haven't visited in the videos. This is where we'll go for most dates since nobody hates it. Kinuya likes only the cheapest thing on the menu and actually gets so turned off if we order something moderately expensive she won't invite Kiryuu back to the Yumejiya directly afterward. That means you'll have to pay again to go see her.
Anyway, when the date's done, it's time for more Q&A:

1. Have them pay up front
2. You have to demand payment
3. Use your imagination

Eventually we get her to 15 hearts and try another parlor game - perhaps the most anachronistic thing in Kenzan. Click the picture to check it out.

This is one I can win because the mechanics are the same as in the other games (although the physics on the pins are a lot wonkier than in Yakuza 3 or 4). Now it's just a matter of getting her to 20 hearts and activating the sidequest.

1. Neat girls
2. Modest girls
3. Perverted girls

Cue dark cloud of anger over her head (and -1 heart).

Oops! Well, let's try one more:

1. Forget about him
2. How can you still trust him?
3. You just had bad luck

As usual, she dances for us.

And after a back rub the side quest begins. She tells Kiryuu to meet her at Gion Inari Shrine.

So let's jog over to the gate.

This must be the guy she's talking about.

He says "storyteller" but it's clear that he's an analog to a modern comedian - the kind that appear in multiple Yakuza sidequests. That means some of what he says may be puns that I don't get or that I just can't be bothered to find a good English equivalent for.

Seems legit.

Kiryuu steps up.

The two disappear, so the only thing we can do is go back to the shrine and report.

So you're given no real direction on where to go. All you can do is wander the back alleys of Gion until you trigger an event. However, if you've played the game before (or looked at a guide) you'll know to find Tsurumaru on a little street parallel to the main drag where we met the old calligrapher in an earlier sidequest.

She stalks away.

Back to see Kinuya at the shrine.

Easy, right?

Kiryuu is a narcissist.

Got 2000 Experience Points
As mentioned, you can revisit any of the girls you've already "completed" at any time. But the Q&A is taken from the same pool of questions as before and the parlor games remain the same. If you're going for 100% on the minigames though you'll probably have to do this since you need to beat all of the girls at all of the games to achieve it.

And that's another one under our belt. Now we just have to go and tell all of the things she told us in confidence to the sleazy guy who's writing a book about the girls of Gion. Which I apparently forgot to capture. He just wants to know stuff about her having an ex-husband and other things you'd pick up from conversations with her, and he gives us another 1 ryou as a reward.
Back at home in the Tatsuya, we also get our final letter from Kinuya, attached to which we find her picture:

That's two down and five to go.