Part 33: Bonus Video 5: The Woman
This sidequest opens up in Chapter 9 and can be completed only at night. It's clearly supposed to take place over several days, but there's nothing stopping us from just running through it all at once. There's no commentary on this since there are plenty of cutscenes, it's not part of the main story, and I'm lazy.
All the bounties are done, but we have a few sidequests and kakemawari jobs left in Gion.

What's going on here?

Oh, Master Kiryuu. There's a
yuujo here who just collapsed all of a sudden. She seems really sick.

She's sick? Then why are there so many people here?

It's because she apparently has some unidentified new disease. Dr. Wakamatsu is supposed to be the best in Gion, and that's what he said. He's in there with her right now.


Yeah. We're all trying to listen in. If everyone's real quiet you can hear a little of what they're talking about inside. Try it yourself.

(I'll give it a shot.)
The following comes from offscreen:

Ah... W'ahhhh!

Hey! We've paid you a lot of money! You'd better hurry up and do something about this!

I don't know what to do! I've never seen anything like this before!

If anything happens to her you'll have to answer to me! She's my number one girl!


(Sounds like Wakamatsu's in over his head. I think the patient would be better off with Ken-san. I wonder if he's left Gion yet. Maybe I should check Sushi Gin.)
Off we go.

Have you seen Ken-san around?

He was here just a minute ago. He said he was leaving town today. He just left, so if you run you could probably catch him.

(If he's leaving Gion he should be at the main gates.)


Oh, it's you!

I'm sorry, but there's a very sick girl! We need you to treat her!

I'm a failure as a physician. I can't imagine there's anyone in this town who still trusts me to treat them.

If you don't do it she's going to die. I know you can do it, Ken-san. Please!

Kiryuu-san.... Alright. Lead the way!

This doesn't work either! Nothing is working!

Uhh.... can't.... breathe....

For God's sake, do something!

Excuse us.

Is that you, Master Kiryuu?

Sir, why don't you let this man have a look at her?

That man.... It's that patient-killing doctor, Ken! How could you bring him here?

What were you thinking? I can't trust my number one girl to him!

(Damn... They won't even give him a chance.)

Oyuki! Oyuki!

Ah, Master.

Is my darling Oyuki alright? When I heard she collapsed I came running.

Wait, aren't you...?

Hm? Oh, you're the ones who saved me! What a stroke of luck meeting you here!
This is the guy that Ken saved during that other sidequest when he was lying in front of Suiten Inari.

Small world. Did he just call you 'Master'?

Oh yes. I'm the chairman of the Gion Business Association. I guess I'm kind of famous around here.

You don't say....

Hey Nobu! If you let this doctor treat her I'm sure she'll be fixed up in no time! When I was sick and nearly dying he's the one who saved my life. I'm sure he can do the same for Oyuki.


Don't you trust me?

...fine. I don't think this "Doctor" Wakamatsu can do anything for her. We've nothing to lose at this point.

Eh? But...!

It's up to you, Ken-san.

Here, drink this.
She gulps it down.

Her fever's down. I think she's going to be okay. There's nothing mysterious about her illness. I've seen it many times before.

What are you talking about!?

What a relief! I told you he was a great doctor. We should get the other girls to tell him thanks too.

Thank you, sir.

My apologies, doctor. We are very grateful for your assistance.

No need to thank me.

I was wrong. I'm going to do my best to make sure that everyone in Gion knows you are the greatest physician in town.

Great work! You're clearly the number one doctor in Gion!

Congratulations, Ken-san.

So I suppose you won't be leaving Gion after all.

No. But I still have my work cut out for me regaining people's trust.

I suppose so.

Hey, you assholes!


You think you can get away with showing me up like that? It's your fault my reputation is ruined! And I went to all that trouble setting you up for nothing!

Setting him up? Wait, you didn't....

Damn right I did! You just figured it out? I put poison in Ken's medicine bottle and framed him for that patient's death. As long as he was still around I was always second best.

You monster! And you call yourself a doctor? That was a man's life you took!

Heh. No one's life is worth more than money! You should've left town when you had the chance! Now I'm gonna kill you myself!
I have no idea where Wakamatsu's sword or his two henchmen came from, but he's easy to take down either way.

You saved me. Thank you. This isn't much, but I'd like you to have it as thanks for everything you've done for me.
Received [Fly Anatomy Picture].
Another REVELATION awaits!

I'll take care of Wakamatsu from here. The magistrate will know what to do with him.

I'm glad to know that Gion's true doctor is looking out for all of us again.

Then, until we meet again. Be healthy!
Got 1500 Experience Points
Plenty of dialogue in that one, but it was easy and gave a very nice reward that will be put to use in the upcoming training video.
To begin the next errand we need to interrupt these two men just outside the Gion gate.

Did you hear? There's some fancy-pants customer visiting Gion right now. He's going around to every pleasure house, drinking and singing and just really living it up. Ugh, I'm so jealous!
We'll have to check this guy out.
Someone is waiting just outside the Tatsuya.

Master Kiryuu! Help!

What is it?

All the rooms in my shop are full and this big spender shows up with his entourage wanting a place to party.

I think I heard about this guy. Lucky you. He must be racking up quite a bill over there.

That's the problem! When he got ready to leave and we presented the bill he told us he refused to pay!


If I let him walk away without paying off a tab that big I'll go bankrupt! Please, help me!

If you're hiring me, I'll take the job. Not for free, you understand.

Of course! They're this way.

But sir, you simply must pay for services rendered. Please understand.

You think you can take this great man's money? Ridiculous!

There is no need for him to pay. His honor will be leaving now.

Yes, let us depart.

Wait, sir!

Isn't there some way we can convince you to pay your debt, sir? Please try to see this from our point of view.

What did you say? Behold, his greatness's family crest!
He holds up a kind of badge.

Understand well who you speak to! The man before you is He Who Draws Water From the Well!

That's the Water Drawer!?

Is it really him!?
[ALL]: Amazing!


There are many who would try to extract money from me. But none have succeeded. Now, let us go. Ha ha ha!
[ALL]: Wow!
Once he's gone they all start to stand up.

Wait, who the hell was that?

I haven't a clue. Why did we think he was somebody special?

Damn! We'd better get looking for him!

Ah, Master Kiryuu! C'mon and help us find that guy.

Does that mean you're hiring me?

Absolutely! We'll give you whatever you want!
It says we need to track down the old playboy and collect his debt. The pay is 1
Everybody disperses, and Kiryuu is left on his own.
Possibly what just happened didn't make sense. I think the point is that the old man's "family crest" is actually some kind of hypnotizing bauble and he got all the brothel owners under his spell and thinking that he was some kind of bigshot.
Paracelsus also noted something interesting:
Paracelsus posted:
I think the crest-showing guy is a reference to an old historical drama called Mito Komon, where a high-ranking shogunate official goes around undercover looking for corruption and crime, then has his subordinate whip out the shogunate seal and say "Don't you know who this is?"
Judging by the picture on that wikipedia link there's not much room for doubt.
Anyway, he isn't too far away.
The trio is hanging out right in front of White Snake Udon.

Time to pay back what you owe.

Another commoner come to beg. Do you have any idea who I am?

I don't know and I don't care. Nobody gets to run out on their bills.

Ah, someone needs to be reminded of his place in this world. Take care of him!
They're all unarmed and have pitiful health so it takes literally two strokes to bring them all down.

How can you treat a poor elderly person like me that way?

Please forgive us! The old man tricked us too!

That's right!

You wobbly-kneed traitors! Betray me, will you?

Aw, shut it!

And you hogged all the pretty girls in there too!

Just hurry it up and give me the money.

Wait, how about this instead?

What is it?

Just take a peek. Heh heh. I promise you'll feel much better if you do.
There's no real animation to this, but he's clearly trying to get Kiryuu to look at his hypnotic talisman.

Forget it. Now hand over the money. I'm starting to lose my temper.

Huh? Oh, fine.
Received [Old Man's Payment].
Back in Gion we just have to hand over the take.

I got it.
Handed over [Old Man's Payment].

I knew I could count on the Dragon of Gion. Here's your fee.
Received [1
Got 1500 Experience Points
One more
kakemawari job, and for that we need to revisit the Tatsuya.
This guy is waiting for us right outside.

Master Kiryuu!


My boss has a job for you. Would you mind coming with me to see him?

A job, huh? Alright.

Thank you for coming. Allow me to explain.

There are quite a few shop owners here. This must be quite the job.

You are correct, Master Kiryuu.

Maybe we should just call the whole thing off.

No, we've come this far already.

There has been an unscrupulous recruiter of
yuujo active in the area lately. It seems he has a habit of kidnapping them right from their parents' homes and selling them into service in Gion. Many of the young women working for us have informed us that they too had similar experiences. At first we weren't sure if it was true, but so far all the girls' stories are consistent. All the evidence backs them up.

We pride ourselves on our reputation in this town. If this were to become public knowledge no one would want to visit our shops. Thus, we wish to hire you to track this procurer down and put an end to his practices. We realize that this is not the kind of work a
kakemawari usually takes on, but we have no one else to turn to. Besides, your reputation as the Dragon of Gion suggests that you may be more suited to the job than any mercenary we could hire. We are prepared to pay you 5
ryou if you are successful. What do you say? Will you accept?

....alright. I'll do it.

Don't do it! You'll be killed!

Master Kiryuu has agreed to the terms. The opportunity for objections has passed.

Do you have any leads?

According to our girls, the recruiter plies his trade in the villages around the Rendai Fields.

I see. I'll check it out.

Thank you.
The meeting is dismissed and Kiryuu goes outside.

Master Kiryuu, will you really take on this task?

I said I would.

Please don't go through with it! You're dealing with a kidnapper, not a stingy playboy or an indebted husband. I'm sure he doesn't work alone. You might be killed!

Heh. Don't worry about it. Besides, I've already given my word. I can't go back on it now.
Now we're free to move around and on our own as far as tracking down the procurer. The only area near the Rendai Fields that's open to us is the Country Road, so that seems like the place to start our search.
[Locker Key CHI-4] acquired.
There was one more key I didn't snag in the last update.
Right in the middle of the area is a large man harrassing a very young girl.

Get moving!

Somebody help me!


Hey, stop bothering me, will ya? I'm on a job here.

So am I.

You fuckin' samurai bastard! I'll kill you!
He's just a regular unarmed bandit.


I've got no use for a third-rate thug like you. Where's your boss?

I.... dunno....

Then tell me where your hideout is.

Close to.... Kiyomizudera.... On the Mountain Road.

(I'd better go have a look.)


You should hurry on home. Your parents are probably worried about you.

Yes, sir! Thank you, mister.
Their base is, in fact, the hut where the Mysterious Monk treated Kiryuu's wounds back in Chapter 4.

We've been waiting for you. You're the
kakemawari they sent after us, right?


You're just as stupid as the rest. You might've had a nice long life if you hadn't taken on this job. Well, too late for regrets now, I guess. Later!

(How did they know I was coming?)
Big talk, but they're easy. I didn't even take damage.

I want answers. Who told you I was coming?

It.... It was....
[VOICE OFFSCREEN]: Impressive.... Master Kiryuu.

The Master of the Minoya?
In other words, the same guy who was trying to discourage Kiryuu just after the meeting.

The boss....


You'd hardly think it was the same man seeing you dressed like that, but I'd know the Master of the Tatsuya anywhere.

What's going on?

Exactly what you think. This is my true profession.

Is that why you didn't want me to take on this job? You knew this would come out.

Precisely. Without my methods those other fools wouldn't even have jobs! They don't understand what it takes to run a brothel in Gion!

You bastard....

You don't get it either. Well, no matter. My boys will take care of you!
They're not any harder than the last group.

I don't.... believe it....


It's hard to believe the Minoya's Master was behind it all. But you did what we asked. As promised, here is your payment.
Received [5

What will happen to the girls he kidnapped and sold?

We've sent them back to their villages. It would be hard for them here.

I see.
Got 1500 Experience Points
That's probably the most in-depth
kakemawari job of all, so it's a little surprising that it's not the last. There are three to go in the next chapter, but all considerably more simple than this was.
Anyway, one final sidequest today.
If we visit the Yoshioka Dojo area, just near the exit to the Country Road, we can find an old woman who looks in a bad way.

Are you alright, ma'am?

Uh... I feel awful...

I'll call someone! Hold on!

Don't bother, young man. I know my time is almost here. But, I have one last wish.

What is it?

Before I die, I want to know the taste of an egg.

(An egg, huh? I need to find one for her quickly.)

Please.... Will you get one for me?

I will. Wait just a moment.
Well, we're just a few feet from the Country Road, so let's pop over there.

Excuse me, but could you spare an egg?

Huh? what do you want one for? To eat?

Yes. An old woman on her death bed said she wanted to try one before she passed.

Huh. Well, I suppose I can't refuse a request like that. Here, take it. It's already been boiled and I dare say it's delicious.
Received [Boiled Egg].

Thank you.

Wish that old lady well.
Back we go.

Ma'am? I have an egg for you.

Ah, thank you so much.
She chows down.

Eggs! Oh, the stories were true! It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted! I thought for sure I was nearing the end, but suddenly I feel life returning to these old bones. Thank you, young man.

Got 1000 Experience Points
Was that really only four total sidequests? Whew! But we're not finised yet, because there's another couple of
yuujo 'romances' coming up!
We're back at the Azamiya once again tonight.
Our company for the evening will be Hanamaru. We can get away without drinking, as usual. We wouldn't want another drunken incident to get us kicked out like that one time. A side dish of calamari can give Kiryuu a head start toward her heart.
Her charges aren't very steep at a base of 1500
Anyway, after we're done with the chatting and eating and such, she asks Kiryuu to meet her at Suiten Inari.
Around back, we find her worrying over an apparently ill old man.

This is terrible, Kiryuu-san!

What happened?

My father is very ill!


I wanted to introduce him to you so I brought him here, but suddenly he complained of chest pain and collapsed. Oh, this is all my fault! I shouldn't have made him come!

Is there anything we can do?

He needs medicine. If he had some for his heart I think he'd be alright, but his doctor is away now and we can't get ahold of him. I'm so worried my father might die any moment! Please help him, Kiryuu-san!

Wait right here.
Well, there's only one pharmacy in town so that's where we should try first.
Of course, we don't want the
actual pharmacist. That would be crazy! Instead, we want to hit up this shady-looking "medicine man" who has just appeared in front of the drugstore.

Hey there, welcome! What kind of medicine do you need?

I'm looking for something to stop chest pains and I need it fast.

In a hurry, huh? Well, I've got lots of things that can take care of that, and the more effective they are the more they cost. Which do you want?
He gives us four choices, none of which have prices listed:
-Hellfire Medicine
-Black Medicine
-Golden Medicine
-Foreign Medicine
I'm in the mood for something imported.

The Foreign Medicine.

That one goes for 1
ryou, but frankly speaking I think maybe you should choose something else.


Honestly? I've never met anyone who's actually drunk it. Are you sure this is what you want?

I'm sure.
Received [Foreign Medicine].

Thanks. No refunds.
Now for a quick jog back to Suiten Inari.

I got it! Here, drink this.
Administered the [Foreign Medicine].

How do you feel, father?


Is it working?

.... Yuck! I've never tasted anything so bitter! Ah!

Great, we killed the old guy.

I was too late. I'm sorry.


Huh? The pain.... It's gone!


Not only that, I feel better than I have in years! Ha ha ha! It's like I'm a boy again!

I'm so relieved!

You must be Kiryuu-san. I've heard so much about you from Hanamaru. Please take good care of my daughter. Since I'm feeling so well I think I'll take a little walk and then head home. You two kids go have fun.
And off he goes.

Thank you so much, Kiryuu-san.

It was nothing.

If you hadn't been here I'm sure my father would have died. I'd like to.... thank you somehow.

Don't worry about it.

Just for today, let's be a real couple.
Back inside, she declares her love for Kiryuu....
He gives a noncommittal response as we fade to purple....
And they say their goodbyes in front of the Azamiya.

Thank you for the wonderful memories tonight, Kiryuu-san.


My heart belongs only to you.

Heh. Oh yeah?

Come back and see me again, okay? I love you.
Got 2000 Experience Points
And we get her portrait to remember her by.
Alright. So without so much as a trip home to freshen up, let's mosey right across the street to a rival shop and hit up one of the girls there too.
This is Shirayuki. Nothing about our visits is particularly different from those with Hanamaru except that she's more expensive.
A base price of 4000
After getting her to 20 hearts she suggests meeting at the main gates.
But when Kiryuu shows up the only person he sees is this guy muttering to himself.

Something wrong?

Oh, this is my first time in the big city and I just got here.

I see.

There's supposed to be a girl living here named Omyou. You wouldn't happen to know her, would you?

Omyou? Can't say I do.

That's too bad. Well, thanks anyway.
He strolls away and Shirayuki shows up just after.

Sorry I'm late, Kiryuu-san. I had to help tidy up the shop.

Don't worry about it.

Shall we go have dinner? You've been so good to me, so this time I want to treat you.
She takes Kiryuu to the cozy little restaurant along the western edge of Gion, but just before they can go inside....

Huh? You're the guy I met earlier, aren't you?

Uh, yeah.

I tried to get into one of the pleasure houses after that but they turned me away. I tried to tell them I brought a lot of money, but they didn't seem to want a country boy like me. Ah, I'm so disappointed.
He notices Shirayuki.

Eh? Wait a minute.... You're Omyou-chan, aren't you?


You're definitely Omyou-chan, from the Konamiya! I found you at last! I've been worried about you ever since you left home, but I had no idea you'd become such a beautiful woman.

What.... What are you talking about?

You don't remember me? It's Komeyoshi, from across the street. We were engaged for a short while. You really don't remember?

I don't know who you are!

Don't you miss the old country village? C'mon, why don't you come back with me?

Get away from me! My name is Shirayuki, the
tenjin of the Azamiya!

Huh? Shirayuki?

I have no idea who you are, but I wish you'd just go back to that village you're so in love with and leave me alone.

I.... I see....

Two guys come running up.

Found you! You splashed mud all over my favorite jacket!


What's the problem?

This guy ruined the boss's jacket and tried to get away with it.

All I did was bump into you a little! Your clothes were fine!

Shut up! You have any idea how much this cost? There's a lot of people around, so come back there with us and let's discuss this, huh?

You're not gonna get away with this.
They corral Komeyoshi and Kiryuu is left with Shirayuki.


Kiryuu-san! Please save that man! Everything he said was true. Please, I'm begging you!

Alright. Leave it to me.
The trio are all the way off in the northeast corner of Gion, near Gyoutensai's shop.

What the hell? All he's got is 20

Hey, give me that back!

Fuck you! Poor losers like you got no business in Gion!

Actually, it's con artists like you two who don't belong here.

Huh? You the guy from before?

Give him his money.

Ha! Who's gonna make us?

You're gonna regret picking a fight with us.

Komeyoshi! Are you okay?

Omyou-chan.... I'm going home....


To be honest, I got married to someone else. A young lady from the village. But I'm glad I had the chance to see you one more time. I'm sorry I bothered you before. You and I just live in different worlds now.


But I think you're doing well in this town. And you've got a fine, strong man there.


Goodbye, Omyou-chan. Be well.


Are you alright?

Hmm.... To tell the truth, I wanted so much to go back to my village. When I saw his face again, all the memories of my time there came flooding back. But I decided I was going to live in Gion - to make it in this town. I'm not about to give up now. It's time to say goodbye to my past and look toward the future.

I see.

I really care for you, Kiryuu-san. With you by my side I know I can make it here.


So.... would you mind?

I'm so happy right now.

Me too.

I love you, Kiryuu-san.

I'll never forget what you did for me. Thank you for everything. Because of you, I feel like a new woman.


Come back and see me anytime. I love you.
Got 2000 Experience Points
And a quick peek in our mailbox yields our memento of Shirayuki:
That's all for this time. In the next update we'll be finishing off the Chapter 9 sidequests, and after that we'll have just a handful left to go in the game.