Part 34: CHAPTER 9: Training
In the first video we complete:
-True Circle
-Fly Swatter
-Raging Bull
1 UNARMED training
-Unarmed Reversal
4 DUMMY training
Single Sword: Punishing Strike
Dual Sword: Combo Extension
Greatsword: HEAT Gauge Boost
Kodachi: Iron Body Discipline
1 WATERFALL training
-Yellow Pride
The second video is the final level of Shibusawa's training, including the 100-man fight and culminating in a duel with Shibusawa himself.
No commentary on this one.
Buckle up, because it's sidequesting time!

Excuse me, you're Kiryuu-san, aren't you? The

That's right.

Could you spare a moment? It won't take long.

I'm listening.

My name is Suisen and I came from a village far outside the city. My parents were poor farmers.

That's a common tale.

I don't hold anything against my father for sending me here. In fact, I worry about my parents. They're getting on in years and their health probably isn't what it used to be. Kiryuu-san, if you don't mind, would you please check in on them for me? If it happens to be on your way?

I suppose I can do that. No need to worry about a fee this time.

Really? Thank you so much. My home is in the farmland just past the Yoshioka Dojo. I really appreciate this, so I'll find some way to reward you.
Let's just teleport over to the Country Road and have a look.
This is weird, because all the farmhouses are quite a long way off in the distance so it's not easy to know where to go. Fortunately, the other farmers can help point Kiryuu in the right direction.
Apparently, Kiryuu walked over and peeked in the window off-screen.

Ho ho! Now that we've sold our daughter to that brothel we're practically swimming in money! She did as a good girl should for her parents. We can give up slaving away in the fields and live off the profit!

Back to Gion.

Oh, Kiryuu-san. How are my parents doing?
We can tell her they're doing well, or we can tell her exactly what we heard.

Uh, yeah.... They're working hard on the farm.

Really? I'm so relieved to hear it.

..... Well, I'm going home now.

Oh, I almost forgot your reward. It isn't much, but here.
Received [1

Are you sure? That's a lot of money.

It's okay. I feel happier than I have in a long time. What you told me is different from what I heard about them from other people. I appreciate it. You're a good man.
Got 1500 Experience Points
There's more we can do on the Country Road.

Did you see those Jizo statues back there? If you offer some [ohagi] to them you'll hear your fortune.
"Ohagi" is a rice and bean paste dessert.

Since I heard what Jizo had to say my life has totally changed for the better. You should give it a try.
We can do that. Luckily, I'm prescient and brought some ohagi here already.
As the old guy said, some statues are lined up just a few meters behind Kiryuu. Once we've placed the treat in front of them, a voice echoes through the air.
[JIZO?]: *Ahem* You have pleased me. I shall tell your fortune. However, first you must close your eyes.
We can refuse, but nothing will happen so let's agree.
[JIZO?]: *nom* *nom* Mmmm! I see it! Your future is.... You will have great trouble very soon! It will take the form of.... No, I cannot see. Deliver more ohagi to me. Then I will have the strength to see the rest of the vision. Farewell.
Kiryuu opens his eyes.

(The voice stopped. I can't believe he left his prediction there.)
We could run back to the Yoshioka Dojo tea house and get more ohagi, but I brought extra. Let's try again.
Once more, we deposit the sweets.
[JIZO?]: *Ahem* You have pleased me. I shall tell your fortune. However, first you must close your eyes.
[JIZO?]: *nom* *nom* Mmmm! I see it! Your future is.... Yes! The danger that awaits.... It is.... No, I cannot see. Deliver more ohagi to me. Then I will have the strength to see the rest of the vision. Farewell.

(Something funny is going on here.)
We're given the option to open our eyes, so of course we do.

(Aha! Someone is setting me up!)
So back we run to the old man.

*nom* Oh! *cough* 'scuse me. I'm not doing anything here. Nope. I just have a bit of trouble breathing at my age. So, have you been to visit Jizo?

Yes. I listened to him, but he kept giving up just as he was getting to the important part.

Oh? I see. That's too bad.

(There's bean paste around his lips!)

Hm? What is it?

Why don't
you tell me the rest of my fortune?

What!? I can't do that! I wasn't eating your ohagi!

Oh? Then why is there fresh bean paste on your face?

Uh, you see.... Aw, I'm sorry. I used to eat ohagi as a boy and I hadn't had it for so long. I just wanted to taste it once more. It's too expensive for me now. Forgive me.
Received [Talisman].

My apologies, sir.
Got 1500 Experience Points
Another farmer is hunkered down not far from the Yoshioka Dojo entrance. You might have noticed we ran past him at the end of the last story update. He seems down.

What happened?

Hm? Oh, hello. I don't know who you are, but would you mind listening to me for a bit?


I was born and raised a farmer in Omi Province. I came here because I thought I could sell my vegetables, but I got lost for a long time in the woods on my way. By the time I got here they were all old and spoiled, and now they're just mush.


Yep. And now I'm penniless. I can't even get back home. What am I going to do?

Excuse me. I'm sorry to impose, but would you have something to eat or drink?

Ha ha. Sorry, but I don't have anything. It's all gone. Look at this slop.

That will be fine.


I don't think I can take another step unless I have some sustenance. Pardon me.
And he gulps down the bucket.



This is.... delicious!

I tried to tell you.... Wait, what?

Somehow, I feel nice and warm inside. What an excellent brew!


You left this sitting out a long time, didn't you? It fermented.

You mean it's not just garbage?

Far from it! You've created quite a delicacy. I'd be happy to introduce you to the owner of a distillery I happen to know. Come with me.

Try this.

Delicious! I'll take everything you have!

Eh? Oh, um, thank you very much.

And whenever you make more be sure and let me know.

Yes, sir!

Ever since I met you my luck has changed for the better. This is for you, as thanks.
Received [2500

Now, I'm off to brew up some more! Thanks again!
Got 1000 Experience Points
At the stables where our bounty's mother was last time there's now an old man waiting to speak to us.

Is something wrong?

Oh, it's terrible! My daughter has disappeared! She must have been abducted by debt collectors! Or maybe she had an accident?


I have no idea what could have happened, but she hasn't been home for two days. All I have to offer are these rice balls, but I'd be so grateful if you could keep an eye out for her. Would you?


You will? Wonderful! Here, I made these myself.
Received [3 Rice Balls].

My daughter's name is Okiku. Thank you.
There's no clue where to go, so you have to just talk to everyone you meet or be very observant and notice when new NPCs appear. Or use a guide.
The daughter is hanging out in the northwest corner of Rakugai.

Hey, where're you from?

Oh, you know... around here.

C'mon! Okiku? That's a farmgirl name if I ever heard one.

That's not true!

Yeah, you're a redneck for sure!

(Okiku.... That must be that man's daughter.)
Time for Kiryuu to intervene.

Hey, did you say "Okiku"?

Huh? You got some business with her?

If you're Okiku, maybe you're the one....


Was he stalking us?

What are you doing in a place like this? Get back home immediately!

Whoa ho ho! That's quite an accent you got there, pops!

What a fuckin' rube!


Aw man, we knew you were a loser, Okiku!

Get outta here and go back to the farm!

Um.... I need to go. Excuse me....

Aw, c'mon! Stick around and show us a good time!

Get away from me!


Huh? Whaddya want, buddy?

Come back home, Okiku-san.

Get a load of this! Better stay outta our way, big guy. Now we're gonna teach you a lesson!
They go down in seconds.

Shit! Let's get outta here!

Okiku, I've been so worried about you.

I got so tired of slaving away in the mud every single day of my life. I hated getting up and putting on those ugly work clothes every morning. Most of all, I couldn't stand that even after all my sweat and tears we were still in debt. I hate being a farmer!

Here. Eat this.

A rice ball....

It's delicious.

Once, when you were still a little girl, we came very close to selling our land. But, walking through the fields, you turned to me and said "These rice balls are so yummy, daddy!" When we heard those words your mother and I decided to keep going. Whatever it took.

Father.... I'll come home. I want to keep making those rice balls.

I'm glad.
She turns to Kiryuu.

I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. Here. Those men gave these to me, but I don't have any use for them.
Received [Goddess Hairpin] and [Gold Comb].

Thank you for finding my daughter, sir. Goodbye.
Got 1500 Experience Points
We also get to keep the three rice balls.
Back in the Yoshioka Dojo area, near the Country Road.
Nope, that gleaming thing on the ground isn't a key.

I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

Having some trouble?

Oh, I seem to have dropped my lucky crystal. It should be nearby.

(Hm? There's something sparkling on the ground.)

Is this it?

Yes, that's it! Thank you. I'd like to show my appreciation. Would you like to come inside for a cup of sake?


Please come inside.

That crystal is very important to me. I can't believe I almost lost it. My eyes just aren't what they used to be. I'm glad you came along. Please, eat all you like.

It looks delicious.

This shrimp is all the way from Ise. It's quite the delicacy. Please, help yourself.

Thank you.
Time passes.

(Should I leave now?)
We have a choice, but it looks like the party's just getting started.

How do you like the sake? It's usually hard to get hold of, but it's certainly worth the effort.

You've gone to too much trouble.

No, no, I want you to enjoy yourself. Have all you want. Cheers!
Time passes.

(Should I leave now?)
Not until we've had dessert, Kiryuu.

You must have had a long day. The bath is already drawn so please enjoy a relaxing dip.

No, that's really okay.

Ho ho! Such a polite young man! But please, don't let the hot water go to waste. Go ahead.

Well.... if you insist.
Time passes. Kiryuu returns to the table.

(Should I leave now?)
He's probably going to give us a jeweled sword next or something.

Oh, Chiyo! Come here for a moment.

Allow me to introduce my lovely daughter. Let her keep you company tonight.


I have an idea. Why don't the two of you get married? Then you can stay here together forever.

What are you talking about? I'm not marrying anyone!

What? Why not? That way you can spend a happy and quiet life here and enjoy all that we have: the fine food, expensive sake, comfortable home.... And you and Chiyo can give me big, strong grandchildren. It sounds like a perfect arrangement! You must see that, don't you?

No thanks.

No!? I provide a lavish meal, I offer my daughter to you, and you refuse! I won't be taken for a fool! You're marrying Chiyo and that's final!

No, I'm not.


Look, you made her cry! I won't let you get away with that!

Don't cry, my dear. I'll teach him a lesson.
You can see one of the reversals learned in the update video here.

Why did you do that?

A young fellow like you wouldn't understand.

Please stop this, father.

Chiyo? But I'm doing this for you.

But I don't like him. I could never marry this man!


I see now! You were crying because he isn't good enough for you! I'm sorry, Chiyo. I promise I'll find a man to your taste and bring him home right away.


Hey, you! You can go on home.


What, disappointed? Too bad! Here, buy yourself some better clothes or something.
Received [1

Go on, we're done here. Get out.

Got 1500 Experience Points
Alright, well, moving on....
Back in Kawaramachi, just across from the path to Kouetsu's, there's a man with a dog.


What is it?

I'm in a bind. A thief broke into my place a few days ago.

That's too bad.

Yeah. My dog is supposed to warn me if someone comes sneaking around and chase him off. But while the thief was busy robbing me blind he was sound asleep.

*sad eyes*

I've had him for over 20 years now, and I can see he's getting old. Can't stop the march of time, I suppose.
That's all he has to say for now. But if we leave and come back....
This time the man is gone and a boy has taken his place.

Welcome, sir. The master is out right now. He said he had some trouble at home and left, but he should have returned by now.

What's that boy!? Timmy fell down the well!?

Hey, it's Sanjirou! He seems pretty worked up.

Woof! Woof!

Calm down, Sanjirou. What do you want?


Hold on. I think he wants me to follow.
So we shall.
Which instantly transports us to the Country Road.

Oh my! Someone help me!


Stop right there!

Get that one too, boys!
You'll want to watch this since I demonstrate two more of the unarmed HEAT actions we learned from Komaki this update.

Are you alright?

Yes.... Yes, I'm fine. Thank you. But how did you know I was in trouble?

He brought me.

Woof! Woof!

Sanjirou? You did that?


Well I'll be. Thank you. You saved my life. Please, take this token of my appreciation.
Received [Tiger Skin Belt].
This is a defense accessory. Interestingly, it looks from the icon that it's the same sash Kiryuu wears when he's in Gion.

You should really be thanking Sanjirou. Without him I'd never have made it here.

You're right. Thanks for looking out for me, boy. I don't know what I'd do without you.

*wags tail*

C'mon, let's go home.
Got 1500 Experience Points
It's time to return to Gion for awhile.