Part 40: CHAPTER 10: The Old Fox - [Part III]

Time for a showdown at Kiyomizudera.
By now we're almost max level anyway and after that last round of weapon crafting we're dead broke, so from this point on we're back to the New Game+ character. Four things are retained across playthroughs: Kiryuu's level, inventory, HEAT action completion list, and weapon crafting completion list. The latter two are impossible to finish in one round, and I'll go over the rewards they give us in the next update. As for inventory, there are a few weapons that I didn't craft in this run that aren't spectacular but do have some interesting visual effects, so I'll be using those for the last handful of sidequests later. There will possibly also be a short bonus video showing some of them off if there aren't enough non-plot fights left.
Some historical notes:
I covered all the Kiyomizudera trivia I could think of in the video, but here are some pictures for comparison.
Pretty much the same shot as when Kiryuu first arrived.
Imagine some big stones blocking the path on the right and it's a dead ringer.
The platform from the tourist entrance side, opposite of the way Kiryuu came. The stage itself is 12 meters off the ground and is supported by pillars constructed entirely without nails.
The waterfall. There are more outbuildings crowding it now, but they may well not have been there 400 years ago.
The view of the platform from above the waterfall. This is the same way Kiryuu approached.

Nagoshi Toshihiro, Chief Creative Officer of Sega and producer of every game in the Yakuza series, on an exploratory visit to Kiyomizudera.

This seems like a good place to finally finish off the yuujo quests.

Following in Yakuza tradition, the last girl, Asagiri, only appears at the Yumejiya once all 6 of the others have been successfully romanced.

There's nothing particularly unusual about her, except that she charges 1 ryou per visit. That's about 20 times what Hinakiku charged.

So Kiryuu listens to her boring stories....

Takes a few hits to smooth the ride....

Loses her stupid rhythm game....

Gets hammered....

Bowls a perfect game, despite double vision and a throbbing headache....

Eats sushi....

And then shows up at Gion Inari for the final date.

But the Master of the Yumejiya comes running.

This handsome devil should be familiar to anyone who played Yakuza 2. It's Sengoku! In that game he forced Kiryuu to battle his way through a bunch of samurai and gangsters, followed by a pair of tigers. His name here, Toramaro, means "Little Tiger" in reference to that scene. He also wore a gold suit and gold glasses just like here.

And that's exacly what she does. We're on our own to collect the total. Fortunately, this is New Game+ so we're toting around over 200 ryou already.
Again if you played Yakuza 2, the final cabaret girl pulls some serious bullshit like this. Only instead of 50 ryou (aka 500,000 yen) it's 10,000,000 yen! Even if you did all the sidequests, pinched every penny and sold off some of your gear you'd only barely have enough. And you don't get it back. Kenzan isn't quite so unforgiving.

Handed over the money to the Madam.

For this fight I used the [Tengu Staff]. It's an "other" category of weapon, which means it's usable in Gion, but you craft it at the blacksmith from a greatsword base. Or you can pick one up for free after the point of no return, but the beauty of New Game+ is I already have it. It has its own HEAT action, so if you want to see it check out the video.

Received [50 ryou].
Oh thank God!

Got 10000 Experience Points

Something to remember her by.

And we're done! That's every yuujo's quest completed. Returning to the Tatsuya, we also find a letter from the Madam of the Yumejiya thanking Kiryuu for his help and attaching a gift.

It's a special "10,000-year" turtle. Whereas the turtles you pick up on the ground and keep in the Tatsuya run away if you don't keep feeding them, supposedly this one won't. That's either not true or it doesn't apply to New Game+ because all the ones I got from previous playthroughs certainly have.
With that done we can finally finish up that sidequest with the guy who's writing a book about yuujo.

Got 15000 Experience Points
That's the end of that task, but if we run over near the pawn shop....

...we can see the same guy standing outside a pleasure house and muttering to himself.


Received [Revival Talisman].
You can equip these and once your health runs out it'll refill. One use only, but there are several available in the game and you can earn more by high-scoring the dummy training courses.

Got 1000 Experience Points
And that's it for all things yuujo-related. See you next time.