Part 47: SECRET BOSS: Amon Jounoshin

(I said in the video that I'd have some shots and videos of some of the other weapons in this update, but I'm saving that for next time instead.)
Fans of the series will have an idea what to expect here. Every Yakuza game has a secret boss with a lot of loops to jump through to access him. In this case we needed to:
-complete all sidequests
-complete all kakemawari jobs
-complete all bounties
-complete all training, including learning all HEAT actions
-romance all yuujo
-defeat all 50 opponents at the Houzouin
-be in Chapter 12 at night
There's no question that this is the hardest fight in the game. I wanted to turn in a good performance against him so I avoided some of his attacks completely, but the video below shows those off. Watch it only after the main update.
There's also a pretty good video on YouTube and NicoNico of a guy beating the boss without taking any damage. He's playing on Normal, but it's still pretty damn impressive: