
First thread for this LP:
2007 LP thread:
SIREN (or Forbidden Siren, as it's known in Europe) is a 2003 PS2-exclusive horror game made by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan.
I'll let the back of the US case sell you on it:
00:00 Midnight. A siren calls and a sea of red water mysteriously surrounds the mountain village Hanuda.
Slowly, a terrible force transforms the inhabitants into shibito, undead husks of their old selves, fueled
by evil and hate.
Play as ten different characters caught in a living nightmare. You have three days to learn how their paths
intersect as they try to stay alive. Survival depends on your ability to sightjack - or the power to see
through the eyes of friends and foes. There is no one hero. There is little hope.
Will you resist the call of the Siren?
This is one of my favorite games ever and I think it hasn't gotten the attention or praise it deserves, but I hope this LP will go some small way toward rectifying that. There's so much it does right, not least in how it takes advantage of the medium to convey its meaning and to tell its story - something that's still all too rare today.

What makes SIREN stand out?
- Shibito cannot be killed.
- The characters are frequently unarmed or nearly so.
- Most characters die in a single shot. The second is always fatal.
- There are no HUD, health meter or minimap - navigation is done by sightjacking.
- Stages are completely out of chronological order and there are gaps in the timeline, so you'll have to work to piece together the story.
- Things done or not done by one character early in the timeline can affect different characters in later stages.
- Almost all stages have secondary versions that must be unlocked and completed to reach the end.
- At base, Siren is a puzzle game with a 3PS interface, and fighting your way through is not a viable strategy.
What's a "shibito"?
The undead. They move and act just like humans, but a bit... off. Most of them are armed - frequently with guns. Many also carry flashlights to search for you. They can never be killed, merely stunned for anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or two.
What's "sightjacking"?
The unique mechanic of the series, all player characters have the power to see and hear through the eyes and ears of others nearby. This ability is the only way to monitor enemy positions, find clues, and plan an escape.
Didn't you already LP this?
Yes. Back in the carefree days of 2007 when this subforum was still new and quality standards all but didn't exist, my very first LP was of Siren. I still think this game and its direct sequel are the best horror games ever released and easily make my all-time top 10 list in any genre, so I wanted to do it justice with a higher quality presentation than I offered the first time around.
So what's going to be different this time?
Mainly better video quality, better hosting options, and better update management. I'm still doing a 100% run with subtitled commentary and getting all 100 archives, the same as before. I also have quite a bit more bonus material than I did last time that I plan to integrate into the LP.
What about spoilers?
Please don't post plot points or mechanics that haven't been shown off in the LP. This applies to the remake, Siren: Blood Curse as well to the extent that it shares features with this game. I've collected a fair amount of outside materials from around the web that I'll be posting along as well, so if you want to post a link to something game-related I'd appreciate it if you PM'ed me first. I want viewers who haven't played Siren and who didn't watch another LP to get a fresh experience. If you're in that camp, speculation is welcome.
Why are there so many different videos?
Since the timeline is out of order, every stage or cutscene that has a timestamp is getting its own video. That means that a lot of the videos are only a minute or so long, so don't let the volume of them scare you off.
Any audience participation?


Most of these are posted as part of the main updates, but here's a handy collection for review. If the entry mentions an update number then it should be considered a spoiler for anything up to that point in the LP.
SIREN: The Movie (Contains no game spoilers; fansubbed; fucking terrible)
Introduction: Kyoya Suda (From Update 2)
Introduction: Akira Shimura (From Update 6)
Introduction: Naoko Mihama (From Update 11)
Introduction: Harumi Yomoda (From Update 14)
Namiko Yoshikawa's story (From Update 12)
Miyako Kajiro's story (From Update 16)
Reiji Makino's story (From Update 18)
Takafumi Shimura's story (From Update 33)
Takaaki and Katsuaki Yoshimura's story (From Update 41)
Some extra information about the Ubumedori / Harpy mentioned in Update 18: Link
Background on the god Hiruko: Link / Wikipedia
The symbols on the markers from videos 9, 10, 15, 16 and 57 and the beast in Archive 55 are probably an allusion to the Tetramorph: Wikipedia
The legend of Konohana: Wikipedia
More info about skyfish: Link / Link / Wikipedia
The story of the Hollow Ship: Wikipedia
Background on the Tsuyama Massacre: Wikipedia
The Zuiyo-maru carcass: Wikipedia
The Truth Behind the Hanuda Incident (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Bonus Video 1 (SPOILERS! Watch only after Update 29)
Bonus Video 2 (SPOILERS! Watch only after Update 32)
Bonus Video 3 (SPOILERS! Watch only after Update 36)
Bonus Video 4 (SPOILERS! Watch only after Update 43)
Map: Upper Arato
Map: Arato
Map: Karuwari
Map: Tabori
Map: Harayadori
Map: Hirunotsuka
Map: Janokubi Valley
Map: Elementary School
Map: Gojaku Peak
Map: Miyata Clinic - Floor 2 - Basement
FAN ART (Contains spoilers)

As mentioned above, the stages of Siren are presented out of order. To assist those of you who want to get a better idea of the story's organization I'll be posting the update links again in this section in chronological sequence instead of play order.
109 Youtube Datatsushi: 684 A.D. 12:00:00 - Mana Stone (Archives: 1)
024 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: 1976 23:59:58 - Arato / Takeuchi Household (Archives: 2)
014 Youtube Kei Makino: A few days ago 16:45:22 - Karuwari / Church at Irazu Valley (Archives: 3)
001 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Yesterday 09:29:00 - Upper Arato / Mana Stone (Archives: None)
002 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Yesterday 23:11:05 - Upper Arato / Mana Stone (Archives: 4, 5, 6)
003 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Yesterday 23:59:28 - Upper Arato / Banks of the Mana River - Construction Site (Archives: None)
027 Youtube Reiko Takato: Day One 02:18:35 - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus / Library (Archives: 7, 8) Primary Objective
039 Youtube Reiko Takato: Day One 02:18:35 - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus / Library (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
005 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day One 02:18:38 - Harayadori / Yabay Settlement (Archives: 9, 10, 11) Primary Objective
026 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day One 02:18:38 - Harayadori / Yabay Settlement (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
004 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 02:28:17 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 12) Primary Objective
032 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 02:28:17 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 13) Secondary Objective
015 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 03:31:20 - Janokubi Valley / Orifushi Forest (Archives: 14, 15) Primary Objective
033 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 03:31:20 - Janokubi Valley / Orifushi Forest (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
016 Youtube Risa Onda: Day One 04:00:06 - Tabori / Abandoned House (Archives: 16) Primary Objective
049 Youtube Risa Onda: Day One 04:00:06 - Tabori / Abandoned House (Archives: 17) Secondary Objective
007 Youtube Kei Makino: Day One 05:03:10 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 18, 19) Primary Objective
017 Youtube Kei Makino: Day One 05:03:10 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
006 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 07:13:30 - Karuwari / Church at Irazu Valley (Archives: 20)
018 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 07:22:50 - Arato / Near the Bus Stop (Archives: 23) Primary Objective
028 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 07:22:50 - Arato / Near the Bus Stop (Archives: 21, 22) Secondary Objective
011 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day One 07:38:25 - Karuwari / Church at Irazu Valley (Archives: 24)
008 Youtube Miyako Kajiro: Day One 07:38:45 - Karuwari / Cutfell Way (Archives: None)
009 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 08:10:27 - Karuwari / Cutfell Way (Archives: 25) Primary Objective
036 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 08:10:27 - Karuwari / Cutfell Way (Archives: 26) Secondary Objective
010 Youtube Akira Shimura: Day One 08:20:03 - Gojaku Peak / Misumi Trail (Archives: 28) Primary Objective
020 Youtube Akira Shimura: Day One 08:20:03 - Gojaku Peak / Misumi Trail (Archives: 27) Secondary Objective
019 Youtube Risa Onda: Day One 10:39:00 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: 29)
021 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day One 11:02:50 - Gojaku Peak / Jakobey Pass (Archives: 30)
012 Youtube Kei Makino: Day One 11:59:37 - Hirunotsuka / Route 333 (Archives: 31) Primary Objective
055 Youtube Kei Makino: Day One 11:59:37 - Hirunotsuka / Route 333 (Archives: 32) Secondary Objective
013 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day One 12:27:10 - Hirunotsuka / Spring at Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: 33)
042 Youtube Akira Shimura: Day One 16:53:40 - Harayadori / Watchtower (Archives: 34, 35) Primary Objective
043 Youtube Akira Shimura: Day One 16:53:40 - Harayadori / Watchtower (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
044 Youtube Yoriko Anno: Day One 17:54:28 - Hirunotsuka / Route 333 (Archives: 36)
045 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day One 17:54:55 - Hirunotsuka / Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: 37, 38) Primary Objective
046 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day One 17:54:55 - Hirunotsuka / Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
023 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day One 18:03:06 - Tabori / Inside the Abandoned House (Archives: None)
031 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 19:14:33 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: None)
022 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day One 19:27:24 - Gojaku Peak / Jakobey Pass (Archives: 39, 40, 41, 42) Primary Objective
030 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day One 19:27:24 - Gojaku Peak / Jakobey Pass (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
025 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day One 20:41:20 - Hirunotsuka / Spring at Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: 44, 45, 46) Primary Objective
041 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day One 20:41:20 - Hirunotsuka / Spring at Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: 43) Secondary Objective
056 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day One 21:27:15 - Hirunotsuka / Route 333 (Archives: 47)
040 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day One 22:11:11 - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus / Gymnasium (Archives: 48) Primary Objective
067 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day One 22:11:11 - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus / Gymnasium (Archives: 49) Secondary Objective
034 Youtube Risa Onda: Day One 22:53:01 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 2 (Archives: 50) Primary Objective
059 Youtube Risa Onda: Day One 22:53:01 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 2 (Archives: 51) Secondary Objective
035 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day One 23:03:50 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 Hallway (Archives: None)
048 Youtube Reiko Takato: Day One 23:45:20 - Karuwari / Abandoned Storehouse (Archives: 53, 54) Primary Objective
057 Youtube Reiko Takato: Day One 23:45:20 - Karuwari / Abandoned Storehouse (Archives: 55) Secondary Objective
064 Youtube Ayako Kajiro: Day One 23:59:47 - Tabori / Abandoned Cottage (Archives: 52)
053 Youtube Akira Shimura: Day Two 00:11:28 - Hirunotsuka / Route 333 (Archives: None)
047 Youtube Mina Onda: Day Two 00:17:31 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: None)
058 Youtube Miyako Kajiro: Day Two 00:23:38 - Tabori / Inside the Abandoned House (Archives: None)
054 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day Two 00:49:35 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: 56) Primary Objective
070 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day Two 00:49:35 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: 57) Secondary Objective
029 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 01:11:15 - Tabori / Inside the Abandoned House (Archives: 58, 59, 60) Primary Objective
063 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 01:11:15 - Tabori / Inside the Abandoned House (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
060 Youtube Naoko Mihama: Day Two 03:33:33 - Hirunotsuka / Spring at Mizuhiruko Shrine (Archives: 61)
071 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Two 04:44:44 - Miyata Clinic / B1 Laboratory (Archives: 62)
061 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day Two 06:06:06 - Karuwari / Tanada (Archives: 63) Primary Objective
086 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day Two 06:06:06 - Karuwari / Tanada (Archives: 64) Secondary Objective
062 Youtube Tomoko Maeda: Day Two 06:32:58 - Karuwari / Church at Irazu Valley (Archives: None)
075 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day Two 06:44:53 - Harayadori / Yabay Settlement (Archives: 66)
038 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Two 06:44:55 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 65)
076 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 07:03:44 - Janokubi Valley / Orifushi Forest (Archives: 67, 68, 69) Primary Objective
078 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 07:03:44 - Janokubi Valley / Orifushi Forest (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
077 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 09:58:02 - Janokubi Valley / Suspension Bridge (Archives: None)
079 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day Two 10:07:25 - Janokubi Valley / Suspension Bridge (Archives: None)
050 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Two 10:30:00 - Janokubi Valley / The Bridge of Return (Archives: 71) Primary Objective
052 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Two 10:30:00 - Janokubi Valley / The Bridge of Return (Archives: 70) Secondary Objective
051 Youtube Yoriko Anno: Day Two 11:12:11 - Janokubi Valley / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: None)
065 Youtube Harumi Yomoda: Day Two 15:20:02 - Tabori / Living Room - Abandoned House (Archives: 72, 73) Primary Objective
080 Youtube Harumi Yomoda: Day Two 15:20:02 - Tabori / Living Room - Abandoned House (Archives: 74) Secondary Objective
081 Youtube Miyako Kajiro: Day Two 15:33:10 - Mana Stone (Archives: 75)
066 Youtube Shiro Miyata: Day Two 16:03:08 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 1 (Archives: None)
037 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Two 18:37:15 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 2, 1st Floor Entrance (Archives: 76) Primary Objective
074 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Two 18:37:15 - Miyata Clinic / Ward 2, 1st Floor Entrance (Archives: 77) Secondary Objective
068 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day Two 19:02:38 - The Nest / Mirror Pool (Archives: 78)
069 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 20:31:34 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 79) Primary Objective
082 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Two 20:31:34 - Arato / Banks of the Mana River (Archives: 80) Secondary Objective
084 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day Three 00:00:10 - The Nest / Mirror Pool (Archives: None)
083 Youtube Harumi Yomoda: Day Three 00:14:30 - The Nest / Level 1 (Archives: 81, 82, 83) Primary Objective
089 Youtube Harumi Yomoda: Day Three 00:14:30 - The Nest / Level 1 (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
087 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 02:13:20 (Archives: None)
088 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 03:03:20 - The Nest / Near Level 4 (Archives: 84, 86, 87) Primary Objective
095 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 03:03:20 - The Nest / Near Level 4 (Archives: 85) Secondary Objective
090 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 07:42:46 - The Nest / Intersection (Archives: 88)
096 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 09:48:24 - The Nest / Near Level 2 (Archives: None)
072 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 12:21:12 - Harayadori / Yabay Settlement (Archives: 89, 90) Primary Objective
091 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 12:21:12 - Harayadori / Yabay Settlement (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
097 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 16:00:59 - Gojaku Peak / Hanuda Mine (Archives: 91, 92) Primary Objective
101 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 16:00:59 - Gojaku Peak / Hanuda Mine (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
098 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 18:05:32 - Gojaku Peak / Mana River Floodgate (Archives: None)
073 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 18:09:00 - The Nest / Near Level 2 (Archives: None)
108 Youtube Yoriko Anno: Day Three 18:09:01 - The Nest / Near Level 1 (Archives: None)
092 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 18:09:10 - The Nest / Near Level 1 (Archives: None)
102 Youtube Kei Makino: Day Three 18:40:00 - Gojaku Peak / Mana River Floodgate (Archives: 95, 96)
094 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 20:58:00 - The Nest / Mirror Pool (Archives: None)
093 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 22:13:33 - The Nest / Near Level 3 (Archives: 93, 94) Primary Objective
099 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 22:13:33 - The Nest / Near Level 3 (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
103 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 23:03:20 - Inferno (Archives: None) Primary Objective
105 Youtube Kyoya Suda: Day Three 23:03:20 - Inferno (Archives: None) Secondary Objective
104 Youtube Hisako Yao: Day Three 23:30:00 - Inferno (Archives: None)
106 Youtube Harumi Yomoda: Day Three 23:43:23 (Archives: 98)
100 Youtube Tamon Takeuchi: Day Three 23:56:38 - Arato / Takeuchi Household (Archives: 97)
085 Youtube Kyoya Suda: A Few Days Later 00:13:33 (Archives: 99)
107 Youtube Kyoya Suda: A Few Days Later 04:44:44 (Archives: 100)
AMReese was kind enough to put together a chronological playlist on YouTube as well:

Kyoya Suda
Occupation: Student - Nakano Sakaue High School
A young man with a passion for the occult. After seeing a post on an online bulletin board about a series of bizarre murders in a remote mountain village called Hanuda he sets out to visit the place himself. Upon arrival he witnesses a mysterious ceremony being held in the woods at night.

Hisako Yao
Occupation: Priestess
One of the two spiritual guides of the village, Hisako protects Kyoya and teaches him to use his "second sight".

Tamon Takeuchi
Occupation: Folkloristics Professor - Josei University
Tamon and his student, Yoriko, are visiting Hanuda to investigate and record the legends surrounding the village. However, soon after their arrival there is an earthquake and the red rain begins to fall.

Yoriko Anno
Occupation: Graduate Student - Josei University
Yoriko is tagging along with her favorite professor on his research excursion to Hanuda.

Kei Makino
Occupation: Mana Priest
Kei and Hisako were present at the ceremony Kyoya witnessed at the Mana Stone. Separated during the earthquake, he searches Arato for Hisako.

Miyako Kajiro
Occupation: None
Miyako is a daughter of the powerful Kajiro Family. She is blind and uses her dog, Cherub, as a guide thanks to her sightjacking ability. Kyoya first encounters her smashing something with a rock at the Mana Stone, and now she seems to be running away from home.

Akira Shimura
Occupation: Hunter
Akira has lived in Hanuda a long time, alone since the disappearance of his wife and son many years ago.

Tomoko Maeda
Occupation: Student - Hanuda High School
Tomoko has lived in Hanuda all her life. Following a fight with her parents one evening she storms out of the house, only to find herself lost once the red rain begins to fall. Kei Makino has promised to look out for her.

Shiro Miyata
Occupation: Doctor
Shiro works in Hanuda's Miyata Clinic, which he inherited from his father.

Risa Onda
Occupation: None
Risa has been living away in the city and has returned to Hanuda to see her twin sister, Mina. But after her arrival she becomes lost in unfamiliar surroundings and is unable to find her sister.

Naoko Mihama
Occupation: TV Reporter
Naoko was once a popular "idol" in Tokyo, but has found work harder to come by as she gets older. She arrives in Hanuda on assignment as a reporter for a supernatural-themed television series and quickly becomes lost in the fog.

Harumi Yomoda
Occupation: Student - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus
Harumi is one of Reiko Takato's fifth grade students and a member of the school's Star Gazers Circle (aka astronomy club). She and Mrs. Takato were in the middle of a stargazing excursion when the red rain began to fall.

Reiko Takato
Occupation: Teacher - Hanuda Elementary School, Oribe Campus
Mrs. Takato is the instructor for the school's combined fifth and sixth grade class, as well as the supervisor of the Star Gazers Circle.

These are all that we've collected so far in one easy location.
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