Part 2: Mission 1
Rightio: Firstly, I'm going to do this in two parts. I'll do the mission in one post and the reaction in another. I thought the missions would only need half a post, but they're gonna need a bit more. The things I do for you...Choice of god: CHARNEL
Charnel: I am Charnel. God of Strife, God of Slaughter, God of...DEATH. Where there is pain: I am there. Where there is suffering...I flourish. Where there is joy...yes, well one could hardly have joy without another's suffering could they?
One of my followers do you say...strayed from the flock. I need one such as you to "gently" usher him back into the fold
HammerFloyd:We were sent to the Boneyards of Solis: Ancient Dragon Burial Grounds. There we would seek out a Necromancer called "The Ragman"
Mithras: Ahh the Ragman. Before he was displaced by Acharon, the Ragman was known as the "Lord Of Terror". That was many generations ago.
Reminder: Mithras is the ugly bastard in the intro and the person we're telling this story to. He's like Zyzyx and pops in for some side comments.
Sorry, I missed the first bit of info, nothing too important. Just Charnel telling us who the Ragman is and Mithras already told us that.
Now let's have a look to see our new toys we can play with shall we?
Mana is used to cast spells (obviously). However, there are 3 different kind of spells. Construction, Summoning and Buffs. Construction Spells let you build other Manaliths and Altars as well as assigning guards, converting souls and desecrating altars. These all have very important uses in later levels, so I'll deal with them when I need to

Summon spells are used to summon creatures. These are your evil little minions who do your bidding (No, I will NOT minionise you!). These require souls which I'll go into a bit later.
Finally: There's Buffs which are your healing\strengthening spells as well as your offensive fireball-type spells. Without Mana, you cant cast any of these and are pretty much useless. The more Manaliths you have, the faster your Mana regenerates. They also serve as a strategic point so capturing one is very useful.
Anyways, got my 12 souls now. Let's make some up?
Hammer Floyd:I was certain trouble awaited me in the Ethereal Realm. I had earnt the favour of ONE god...but the ire of 4.
Mithras: A frightening Prospect.
Hammer Floyd: I had survived forces more dire than these.
You know I'm hardcore.
Anyways: The next Pre-Mission breifing is a long one. Mithras tells us about a prophecy and the gods all fight each other. It'll take a while to write that one up. I might get it done tonight, but if I dont: I'll do it tomorrow morning. Dont start casting votes for who you want me to serve until I've done the Pre-Mission Breifing, you may change your mind.
...Then again. If you're going to be bastards and make me do all of Charnel's missions I extend to you a very heartfelt "Fuck You" because his missions are definitely the hardest. Also some of his creatures are a bit dull compared to some of the other options. Oh well, It's your choice.
Part 2: The reaction
Hammer Floyd: The gods of course were pre-occupied with other matters. A certain blind seer stood accused of spreading blasphemous rumours.Mithras: I fear it will damn me to speak so dark a prophecy...but I know I cannot keep the truth from you.
The gods of four
Whose works grow cold
As one betrays
Their laws of old
And darker hearts
For lost to all
Are Holy arts.
A vagrant comes amidst the gloom
To seal the gaping maw of doom

Persephone: Charnel! Death is not the answer to everything!
Charnel: Yes...Torture also has its merits.
James: What if he's telling the Truth? None of us would release a "Maw of Doom" right?
Charnel: Except Persephone. What good is a "Holy Warrior" without a "Holy War"?
Persephone: How like you Charnel!
Stratos: Myself, I would sooner suspect Charnel. You do have a certain taste for destruction dont you?
James: And then Pyro's kinda power-hungry come to think of it. He might hatch some half-baked...
Pyro: Oho! The worm speaks! Look here if anybody needs outside help, it's you. You pathetic mass of jiggling goo!
James: Oh really?
Charnel: He has a point.
Hammer Floyd: An old Soothsayers' trick, but well played. Stir up old emnities to shift attention away from yourself. But I too could benefit from this prophecy. I would be the vagrant they are looking for.

Persephone: Whether or not this prophecy is true, a conflict will come of this. We will take steps to strengthen our friendship with Stratos.
Spells: Ethereal Form. Basically you become a ghost and completely immune to attacks. Shortest duration of all level 2 spells.
Units Gained: Scarab. Heals your troops.
James: I dont know about this prophecy. I dont think any of us, not even Charnel would be dim enough to start something like that. But I do have a dragon what's been quite a thorn in my side lately. Now THERE'S a problem a body can fix.
Spells: Skin of Stone. Protects you.
Units Gained: Basilisk. Turns the enemy into stone. From memory, this makes your enemy less susceptible to damage when stoned.
Stratos: As regards to this prophecy, I believe Charnel is the most likely Culprit. Still, I must keep my eye on everyone. I hold many watch-towers in the mountains if you care to occupy one?
Spells: Air shield. Less protection, but longer duration.
Units Gained: Vortick. Blows the enemy into the air letting you get free shots
Pyro: What a crock! That meddler Stratos probably put Mithras up to it to make my victories look bad, but Pyro wont be fooled. I will do just what they expect I wont do. I will INVADE!

Spells: Fireform. Surrounds you in fire, absorbing some damage and dealing some to the attacker.
Units Gained: Tickferno. Shoots a beam of fire which damages both health and mana. Great against wizards, but slow.
Charnel: Let me assure you: I dont want to destroy the world. After all, that's where all the best slaughter takes place. But I do have a little something in mind. It is time I re-opened the Demon Gate of Golgotha
Zyzyx: Is this really such a good idea master?
Spells: Protective Swarm. Similar to Fireform but does more damage and doesn't protect you.
Units Gained: Necryl. Poisons the enemy and slowly drains health and energy. The poison IS contagious to ANYBODY who makes contact with the infected enemy.