Part 4: Mission 3
Once again: A hearty "Fuck You" to you bastards who made me do the hard mission! That said: This was quite a battle and good fun. Apologies for mediocre coverage of this mission, but I was busy all the time and rarely had time to take screenshots and Alt-Tab into Paint.Before I start this one off: I should go into a bit of detail about how combat works. It's your standard Rock-Paper-Scissors affair. Melee' units decimate Ranged units. Ranged units demolish Aerial units and Aerial units demolish Melee' units. Melee' units actually cant attack Aerial units so it's a big advantage there. I tell you this now, because this has quite a impact in this battle (and future battles)
Hammer Floyd: Providing a small "diplomatic" escort, Charnel sent us to Parley, with Pyroboreas own Ambassador Buta.
Ladies and Gentlemen? You've seen Desert, you've seen pretty Grasslands. I now welcome you to Hell.
Hammer Floyd: BUTA
Ambassador Buta: That's AMBASSADOR Buta to you!
I got my ass handed to me and barely got out alive. I retreated to my Manalith capturing quite a few souls along the way. I waited until the souls were converted and replenished my numbers. Meanwhile: Buta delievered a good beating to Abraxis and Shakti.
Abraxis' minions completely dominated mine. I was left with no minions.
I had to abandon two souls to escape. RIP Little guys!
So I retreated and rebuild my forces with a bigger focus on Locusts. I didn't get screenies of these because they wouldn't really show anything exciting. I launched another attack while Buta provided a useful distraction.

To be a complete and utter fucking asshole: I built a Manalith where that one was. This effectively seperated Abraxis and Shakti. For either of them to re-spawn, they'd have to go to their seperate Altars. I left Buta once again to deal with Shakti.

Gonna write up Part 2 of Mission 3 now. However: Here's a hint as to what the reaction is.

Here's the little bonus. After Buta proudly exclaims that he's always "been good with da ladies" you get two options: 1) Insult him as I did or 2) Agree with him. Agreeing with him isn't as fun, but here's what happens.So repeating:
There ya go. As I said: Not as fun, but it's something.
Anyways: Here's the reaction.
It seems we've trodden on some toes. Let's see what they're bitchfighting about this time.
Mithras: There have been other wars amongst the Gods. Some potracted and dreadful, yet one truth remained constant. It was mortals who bore the suffering.
The Gods were bound through ancient ties and none of them. Not Persephone or even Charnel...ever sought the others destruction.
James: I know everybody's busy getting ready for the big war, but has anybody else noticed what Jadugarr's doing? I seen him all around the Glebe rallying folks with talk of the Prophecy of Mithras and some fellow Ashur who'll save 'em all.
Pyro: Enough of your womanish whining!
Persephone: What?!
Pyro: You will not distract PYRO with these ridiculous tales! Why dont you give up already?
Charnel: Pyro is right. If you cannot keep your follower's faith, that is your problem James.
That was a quick fight. Although they're not getting any friendlier.

Persephone: We have no use for a black-hearted fiend such as you!
Well that's a bit rough isn't it? All we did your enemy and destroy a tribe of Trolls. Oh well.
James: Whatever Jadugarr is up to, the best way to combat heretics is a right godly display of power. I have been too passive recently; That doesn't inspire people. It's time to take back what's mine.
Charnel: DONT take another step! Do you REALLY mean to turn your back on the God of Slaughter?
Pyro: This is your last chance to drop the zeroes and get with the Pyro.
Units Offered: Boulderdash. Sniper unit who fires 3 massive rocks causing a good amount of damage. Good support unit which is good because he's slow.
Spells Offered: Erupt. Ground lifts up (literally) causing a bulge and then smashes down, knocking people over and stunning them. Very cool.
Stratos: I think we both know you'd rather serve somebody else.
Yeah whatever asshole. Dont fall on a pin now and pop your balloon head a'ight?
Pyro: It does not matter if what the worm says is true. No "Ashur" can threaten Pyro once the Pyrodraulic Dynamo is completed! To activate it, I need some slaves. Heh, but I think James just volunteered...
Units Offered: Pyromaniac. Cyborg Gnomes who set creatures on fire with their long-range cannons. Awesome.
Spells Offered: Dragonfire. A fireball shaped like a dragon flies out and attacks multiple units. Good damage.
Charnel: The INDIGNITY! James actually suggested that this upstart "Ashur" could be a greater threat than the God of Slaughter! Perhaps it will be necessary to subjugate this cult and restore everybody's faith in us...No?
Units Offered: Netherfiend. Brawler who causes a fair bit of damage but is a tad slow. Consumes blue souls to be more powerful, but I'd rather just use it to summon another creatures.
Spells Offered: Animate Dead. Raises a dead creature to life with full health
Now then: If you want us to start working for the good team: Vote for James, otherwise we'll might never be able to work for Persephone, Stratos or James ever again.
Thanks for waiting guys. Vote away but I wont be able to do an update until after work tomorrow afternoon.