Part 31
For our final free lucky paper mission we return to Yartar, where all of our adventures started. Like the rest of the lucky paper missions we could have come back here at any time, but that's not the way our adventure took us
even though we've walked past it about 3-4 times.
"None of that sounds good."
"Yeah, it looks like we were a bit late. We probably should have sent a message or something."
"It's not a big issue
knowing the Krakens, he's tied up somewhere with all of his weapons and armor under a light guard. We can just start searching for clues and track him down."

.we'd better hurry up and find the Waterbaron."
"Sadly, we'll only be delaying the inevitable decline of this city by a couple of decades that way."

"Wait, we stumbled on a bunch of conspirators together in a small room and they're actually NOT Krakens for once?"
"Gentlemen, let's not do something you'll regret."

"Trust us, it's the Krakens."
"Definitely the Krakens."

"I think you missed the part where you almost ended up suicidally attacking us and want to try it again, but
eh, whatever. Do what you want."

"There we go, this is a lot more what we were expecting."

"That has to be one of the most hideous buildings I've ever seen."
"Trust us, it doesn't look any better up close."

"Hmm, given the number of creatures here it seems as though they had much larger plans than just letting the two cities wipe each others armies out."
That's a lot of cockatrices and a lot of mages. They're in two discrete bunches, however, so it's fairly easy to clear the front rows our and take out the mages. All that said, I can't help but think that a lot of these battles would be much more difficult if we didn't have two mages instead of one.
"We should probably save those in case we need to stop a border skirmish from breaking out."
"Doesn't look like they have anything like a big x marked where he is
maybe he's not in Yartar?"

"It's so cute when they think that we're actually going to obey these signs. Knock knock!"

"After watching that display I am at a complete loss as to how the Waterbaron could ever have been kidnapped in his own city."
"I know what you mean, but
what's this?"

"Maybe we underestimated the guards, since they appear to have spies searching in Triboar."
"I guess that we're done in Yartar
but somehow I think we shouldn't say anything about what we've found until we're ready to show everything."
"That almost sounds like subterfuge. I'm so proud of you!"
Triboar was quite literally not here in the previous game, which is kind of funny considering how close it is. One could argue that it just wasn't important, and it makes sense that there'd be a few more towns scattered about. This one is actually pretty well positioned with three roads leading into it.
"Yartar? Us? Oh no, definitely not."

"It's not even really deceitful to say so, since none of us are originally from Yartar
just recently."

"Not happening. Any place that wants more from me than my money isn't worth the trouble."

"Knock knock knock
northwaters. And if you don't want me to keep talking about why we know that, you'd better open this door up quickly."

"Sounds great
hey, did you guys know you have a secret door in the back here?"

"Well, isn't this interesting
so you only knew he was somewhere in Triboar, you said?"
"You may wish to be a bit more
about such things in the future, or else find a new line of work."
"We'll go and investigate the northwest part of town. Don't follow us."

"Well, unless Triboar also has a habitual Kraken problem then I think we're in the right place."

"If it weren't for the Krakens, we would know by the otyughs. I'm beginning to think they breed them for stench and keep them for pets."

"The ogres are a nice touch, though. It looks like they might be branching out a bit."
That's a lot of ogre mages, although we have found bigger groups just wandering about in the hills north of here. It's not such a stretch to figure out where they got them.
"And Harpies, too
wait, why did they have a pair of boots?"
"I'm just grateful that none of you idiots started going on about finding the source of the beautiful singing again."

"Exactly as predicted. All of you who bet that they'd have taken his equipment owe me 5 platinum."
"Maybe they only take the equipment of attractive women?"
"Somebody's about to get stabbed in the kidney."
They've pulled out the driders again for this fight, and split the enemy up into two groups, along with actually screening their magic users behind a line of fighters. This was actually probably meant to be one of the earlier missions we'd take, so we're seeing enemies from near the beginning of the game.
"It's up to you, as long as you realize that he's probably going to be pissed off at you and blame you for the entire thing."
"Either this smooths things over or we fight our way out. I don't see how we lose either way."

"Does that "Hon." stand for honorable, or honorary? Because if it's the second one this guy's going to be pretty much useless to us."

"I think this is the honorary Lord Protector, who is about to introduce us to the honorable Lord Protector."

"We've already cleaned up most of the Krakens in both cities, but if it makes you feel better to clean up after us knock yourselves out."

"Please try not to get kidnapped on the way back."

"We'll be leaving now."
"You know, more Krakens to kill and such
not that there's anything against your city."
A short trip later...
"That is one explanation, I believe."

"That shield has a squid painted on it. I love it, I'm sure it'll piss the Krakens off to no end."

"I guess you can't make all of the people happy all of the time. So..."

"It looks like we're headed back to Luskan now that we've foiled the rest of their schemes to finish off the meat of their plans."
Character Snapshot

The harpies' treasure included a set of Boots of Speed, which went to Galen since he's got our best enchanted weapon. This also has the side effect of boosting his armor class up to the max. Kedzie also gets a boost with her new shield, and we've dug up some of our spare equipment to help make Siulajia a bit more useful. With all the +3 plate armor we've got lying around, that's probably the best use for the +2 dragon scale armor we have.
Next update: Ruathym, in all of its glory.