Part 35

Our route to Fireshear is through Neverwinter, where the game has previously suggested that there are docks. While these existed in theory in the first game, you couldn't really get to them.

That picture is a lie. The enemy here is a great orc and some ice hounds, which are like hell hounds except ice themed. They even breathe ice at you when they attack, for 2-7 damage. It's a save attack for half, so you're always going to take some damage from them.

So, this is our first glimpse at the monsters that wrecked this once thriving city. They come in three varieties, and take extra damage from fire. This doesn't do us much good here, but it'll be useful in the future. In addition, they can grab on to your characters and keep them from moving. This attack does additional damage each round, but it's not the worst thing about them I'll cover that in a minute.

I've always liked Remorhaz as a monster, since they're just such a weird construct. They're giant centipedes that have an internal furnace and will eat polar bears and that can melt weapons that strike them. The last doesn't really come up in the game, thankfully, and they're basically big meat shields. Oh, and there's also one in front of us. This is basically an ambush.

Pictured right here is the thing that makes these some of the most annoying encounters in the game. What we're actually dealing with here is a two phase set-piece battle, where some reason the yeti have a fear aura. Their fear aura is stronger than a dragon's, and you can pretty much assume that the first two rounds of a battle are going to be your characters running around in terror and scattering to the four winds. To make things worse, you're close enough to the edge of the map that your characters will attempt to flee and will actually leave the battlefield.

This is an extended image to show the extent of the fight. Most of it is actually chopping through piles of ice hounds after the yeti have been wiped out.

This shot was taken after several rounds of everybody running around like idiots. I think that's Alaric after he decided to try a panic run that allowed every single yeti to attack him a couple of times. The Grand Yeti is exactly what you'd expect: a bigger, meaner version of his troops. Also, he has 50% magic resistance for some reason.

Whatever else you can say about umber hulks, they're definitely umber. Or not, since umber is a brown or reddish brown color and these look distinctly purple. They can theoretically cause confusion with a sonic attack, but I've never seen them actually do it successfully.

I'll come right out and say it: that's one of the least intimidating Beholder sprites I've ever seen. He looks worried and upset, like he's thinking about doing his taxes. Despite that, he's extremely dangerous. Every round he's going to launch a Flesh to Stone Ray at you and a Slay Living attack, and it's pretty much impossible to get through this fight without having at least one person fail their save. His Achilles Heel is being extremely slow and having a somewhat limited range. One of the best methods you can use to deal with it is to keep your characters back and pepper him with arrows, then make a final rush and attack with swords when he comes around a corner.

Character Snapshot

Some of our characters have taken a dive in their HP total as a result of constitution loss during the battle with the beholder. Nothing much to do about it, I'm afraid, as this game doesn't give you options for recovery spells that don't have that effect. Stone to Flesh also takes its toll, and you're not going to get out of that one easily. Vermunt is wielding our reward from the Shearmaster, which actually now that I look at it isn't as good as the previous weapon he had. I also went ahead and identified Kriiador's equipment I just wish I could pry it out of his hands.
Next Update: The Journey to Ice Peak: Part 1.