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The Let's Play Archive

Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 6: More Issues than X-men

In Today's episode we get a new playable character, and that means we get a new character introduction!

The Sprite, AKA: Popoi- this young forest child- referred to as a he several points in the dub, but of deliberately vague gender in the original- is the game's Black mage. Possessing almost all of the game's offensive magic and the magical stats to back it up, the sprite unfortunately has the physical stats to back it up, and so he will fall over in a stiff breeze if you don't him well away from the fight and an eye on his HP. He can trivialize boss fights if you have the MP and let him go wild.
The sprite, when you meet it, has lost its memory after being literally washed from its former home during a flood, and is acting as a con-man with the dwarf elder in their village. After you catch the duo talking about their scheme,, the sprite joins your party in the hopes of regaining its lost memories and finding its way home.

All that to say, it's time for another episode, folks. And I've finally gotten our audio issues more or less fixed. Or at least I've learned to check my volume levels before we sit down and record.

Episode 07- More Issues than X-men