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Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 19: Magic Overview #1- The first three magic types, Undine, Gnome, and "Jinn".

So, I've been putting this off for awhile, but now that we've got all the weapons and a few of the magic types, and especially since we just GOT a new magic type, it's time to go over some spells. I'll put up a weapons overview later.

So, without further ado, the Magic of Secret of Mana (So far)


Official Art
Or, in more recent portrayals

In game Sprite

Undine is the water and ice themed spirit, offering in part healing, status cures, and a defense debuff in addition to spells to smack enemies around with a water weakness.

Girl's spells

Remedy: 1 MP to cast, cures all status ailments. Saves out bacon in a big way, especially since I forgot to grab the midge mallet.

Cure Water: 2 MP to cast, and saves our Bacon in the biggest way, since it increases the party's overall durability above and beyond what simple healing items will give us now. The healing only improves with time and the MP NEVER goes up.

Ice Saber: 2 MP, Makes the weapon of whomever you cast it on deal water damage. Most useful for the boy, but until MP reserves start skyrocketing, still a good plan to have on the whole party.

Sprite's Spells

Freeze: 2 MP, the game's first elemental damage spell. Blocks of ice zoom in and lock up an enemy. You saw this used to good effect on the Fire Gigas.

Acid Storm: 3 MP, this deals small damage and inflicts a damage debuff. I've never found it lasts quite long enough, and prefer using the sprite's MP for additional blasting.

Energy Absorb: 2 MP, drain by another name. It's alright, but you probably want to use the sprite's MP for AOE damage and leave the healing to the specialist.


Official Art

In game Sprite

Gnome is an earth spirit, one with an attitude, as he starts out hostile to the party, summoning the fire Gigas on them, but quickly finding rapport with the incorrigible sprite. He has spells to up party speed and defense, lower enemy speed, and whack enemies with earth elemental attacks in various flavors.

Girl's spells

Defender: 2 MP, Raises target's physical defense, and taking less damage when getting hit is good, but not AS good as...

Speed Up: 2 MP, Raises the target's accuracy and evasion, which helps you not take any damage at all, plus you whiff less often. Does not affect movement speed.

Earth Saber: 4 MP, This add earth elemental damage to weapons, and can auto-proc a petrify effect on susceptible enemies. Do not rely on this auto-proc.

Sprite's Spells

Speed Down: 1 MP ,Lowers target's evasion and accuracy, with can help in conjunction with speed up if you have a particularly nasty enemy. Still does not effect movement speed.

Gem Missile: 2 MP Deals earth damage to target. Usually a bit more useful than Earth slide until higher levels.

Earth Slide: 3 MP Deals more earth damage, once you get a few more levels in this and more MP to throw around, this spell really outclasses gem missile. For now though, you want more casts overall, at least in my opinion.

Jinn AKA Sylph

Official Art
, and more recently

In game Sprite

Jinn, called Sylph in the rest of the series, is a pretty chill dude who hung out with the Sprite's grandpa, and now hangs out with you because grandpa told him to. He's where magic starts to get a bit interesting, since he has spells to scan, stop, and silence enemies, in addition to the standard elemental assault all spirits are capable of dishing out.

Girl's spells

Analyzer: 1 MP, Shows the target's Hp, mp, and elemental weakness. Works on chests and gate orbs as well. This is always great at the start of a boss fight.

Balloon: 2 MP ,If you're familiar with DnD terminology, this is out first save or suck spell. If it hits, it traps an enemy in place with a balloon. They cannot attack or use magic while under this effect. It lowers wisdom, making said enemy get hit harder by magic.

Thunder Saber: 3 MP, Enchants target's weapon so that it deals wind damage. Nothing new here.

Sprite's Spells

Silence: 2MP, Prevents target from using magic for a time. Bosses tend not to use spells too much, but when they do, this can be a life saver.

Thunderbolt: 4MP, Deals heavy wind damage to target with a lightning bolt, fairly effective blasting spell, but again, you want spell levels and MP pools before favoring this strongly over the other option

Air Blast: 2MP, Attack target with a pair of cyclones, dealing wind damage, nothing too special.