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The Let's Play Archive

Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 52: Secret of Mana Weapons Roster Part 6- Dark Temple, Light Tower, and catchup

Secret of Mana Weapons Roster Part 6- Dark Temple, Light Tower, and catchup

These first two I picked up offscreen, so don't worry if you missed them.


ATK 27: This is in a chest in Norhtown ruins. We skipped the room it's in the first time through. Effective vs Evil and Undead.


ATK 35: This we're supposed to get later from the King of Tasnica, but due to the way Mana works, I also got it in the chest in Northtown ruins. Extra chance of critical hits

Hyper Fist

ATK 30: From a chest in the Temple of Darkness. Effective vs slimes and lizards.

Oceanid Spear

ATK 38: From a chest in Gold Tower. Puts enemies to sleep. This can make some enemies hard to hit, but makes others sitting ducks.

Were Buster

ATK 38: From a chest in gold tower. Effective verse animals, birds, and beasts.

Cobra Shuttle

ATK 30: Defeat Blue Spike in gold tower. Poisons enemies. Yes, the official art and the sprite are NOTHING like, I have no idea why.

Imp's Fork

ATK 30: Defeat the Lime Slime. It randomly Baloons enemies, leaving them helpless and unable to act.

Elfin Bow

ATK 35: Defeat Gorgon Bull in gold tower. +1 Int and Wis. Like all higher bows, no art seems to exist for it.